Not long after Saro’s return, Biddy Li also flew back from outside.

“Huh? Saro, why did you come back before me? Biddy asked.

“Because I fly fast.” Saro smiled.

Biddy: “…”

Well, that’s good enough.

“By the way, how is my dad?” Biddy asked.

“Well, I’m already with the demon Buu.” Salo replied.

Biddy’s face turned white in an instant.

“You, you, you… Didn’t you bring him here? Biddy Li lost her voice.

“Why bring it here?” Saro smiled.

Biddy: “…”

Bidiri had thought that Saro was alone with his father in order to bring him to the temple.

However, Bidili did not expect that it would be such a result.

It’s over!

My dad would be turned into chocolate and eaten.

“I said, your dad is a world hero, rest assured, he will do it.” Saro said comfortingly.

“This… Does it work? Biddy was about to cry.

“Bidili, when did I lie to you?” Saro asked.

Biddy thought about it carefully.

Oh, yes!

It was as if Saro hadn’t lied to me.

Now, I seem to be unable to do anything but pray that my father is safe.



Wu Tianx turned into a golden glow and circled the earth rapidly.


Gotenks landed on the ground and stopped peacefully.

Twenty-five or six minutes passed before Bick came after him from behind.

“Uncle Bick, you’re slow enough, I’ve circled the globe several times and taken a nap, why are you here now?” Gotenks asked with a smile.

“You’re flying around, let me find one.” Bick breathlessly replied.

“Hum, now you know how agile my speed is, right?” My power is also unparalleled! This concludes the exam, and I’m going to pack up that abominable demon Buu now. Wu Tianx looked at Bik with a smile, and after saying this, there was no unnecessary nonsense, and it turned into a golden glow at that time and quickly disappeared.

“It’s so disgraceful! This guy is so blind every time he fits! It’s just like that guy in Vegeta! Bicker was so angry that his whole body was trembling.

Wu Tianx turned into a golden flame and flew quickly in the direction where the demon Buu was located.

Gotenks was talking to himself as he flew.

“Demon Buu, this time I will not lose to you again, I will make you regret seeing me!”

“Demon Man Buou, this time I must beat you to the ground and let you know how strong I am!”

“Demon Buu, I’m coming right away!” You’re ready to die! ”

Wu Tianx’s speed was getting faster and faster, and he could already see the home of the demon Buu from a distance.


Gotenks stood on a high ground and shouted at the position of the demon Buu’s house, “Hey! Demon Buu! Get Me Out! ”


As soon as the words fell, Wu Tianx split in two, turning into two people, Sun Wutian and Tranx.

The two quickly glanced at each other.

Both little ones were slipping down with cold sweat on their faces.

Immediately afterward, without the slightest hesitation, the two little guys quickly turned into two flames of different colors and disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, I saw the demon Buu coming out of the room.

The demon Buu Ou looked east and west, looking for the person who had just spoken.

“Hahaha, how is that possible?” You must have heard it wrong! Who would dare to yell at your doorstep? Satan laughed dryly.

“Huh? I see them! The demon Buu looked in the direction where Sun Wutian and Tranx disappeared in the distance.


The demon Buu soared into the sky and quickly chased after the two men.

Above the sky.

“Go-ten, how can I feel bad?” Tranx had a cold sweat on his face.

“I feel the same way…” Sun Wutian wiped his sweat.

At this moment, the two suddenly felt that the breath of the demon Buu quickly caught up.

“Oops! He’s catching up! Tranx blushed in fright.

It’s over!

How could he catch up?

When did he discover us?

“Damn! What to do? I don’t want to die yet. Tranx gritted his teeth.

“Tranx, you close your eyes.” Sun Wutian glanced up at the sun in the sky.

“What? Do? Goku Ten. Tranx looked questioning.

“Look at me!” Sun Wutian said, putting his hands next to his cheeks.

“Sun Fist!”

Suddenly, an extremely dazzling light burst out from Sun Wutian’s face.

Bu Ou, the demon who was chasing Sun Wutian and Tranx, was unfortunately hit at that time, and his pupils turned white.

“Tranx, quick, over there!” Sun Wutian pointed to a mountain on the ground below.

Immediately afterward, Sun Wutian and Tranx quickly fell and hid.

“Gokuten, shouldn’t we hurry up and flee back to the temple at this time?” Why hide here? Tranx asked.

“I think if I flee back to the temple, I may still be caught up by him.” Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“So hide here?” After a while he has an energy attack, and the two of us will definitely be blown up. Tranx skimmed his lips.

“Hey, I’m going to scare and scare him so he doesn’t want to target the two of us again.” Sun Wutian thought for a moment and said to Tranks.

“How are you going to scare him?” Tranx asked.


Sun Wutian felt a small bottle from his pocket.

“What?” Tranx asked.

“Hair coloring, I got it from my mother.” Sun Wutian grinned.

“Hair coloring? What do you mean? Tranx looked puzzled.

“Helped me dye my hair!” Hurry up, Tranx. Sun Wutian said, took out the hair coloring cream and applied it to the hair.

Suddenly, part of Sun Wutian’s hair turned red.

Tranx: “…”

“Does this work?” Tranx was speechless.

“I don’t know…” Sun Wutian replied.

Tranx stopped talking.

You don’t know, I don’t know how to pick it up.

But now, Tranx had to apply the hair dye cream evenly to Sun Wutian’s hair.

Soon, Sun Wutian’s hair turned red.

Except for the fact that there was no flame blooming on his body, the color of his hair was now almost the same as the color of the Super Saiyan God.

People who don’t know can really be deceived by him.

If you know, you can clearly see that there is no divine smell on his body.

Not because there is no burning flame.

After becoming a Super Saiyan god, there are times when there is no need to burn flames during the battle.

“Tranx, shall we go scare him?” Sun Wutian chuckled.

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