“You have to take the initiative to go out… And then scare him? Tranx asked stunned.

“What else to do?” Sun Wutian asked rhetorically.

“Just go out like this… Could it be too obvious? Tranx asked.

“Try it… You can’t hide here all the time, can you? Sun Wutian replied.

“Okay, spelled!” Tranx gritted his teeth.

At this time, after the magic man Buou’s vision was restored, he was circling in the sky, looking around for the figures of Sun Wutian and Tranx.

The demon Buu felt that these two guys must not have run far.

Should be nearby.

“Give me out! If I don’t come out again, I raze the area to the ground. Buu said, a huge energy bomb had been condensed in his hand.

“Don’t fight, we’re out!” Tranx’s voice came out.


Immediately afterward, Sun Wutian and Tranx quickly appeared directly opposite the demon Buou.

“Gokuten, teach him a good lesson!” Tranx said to Sun Wutian.

“Okay, Tranx.” Sun Wutian nodded solemnly, “This time I will destroy you no matter what.” ”

The demon Buu was sluggish at that time.

Especially after seeing Sun Wutian’s red hair, he was also scared out of a cold sweat.

Red hair!

Didn’t that bastard say that? His red hair could only change once, how could it be changed now?

This is bad!

“Demon Buu, come and take the trick!” Sun Wutian looked relatively calm, but there was cold sweat on his face.

Buu was terrified and his face changed color.

“Am I going to go over, or are you coming?” Sun Wutian asked calmly.

Don’t come here!

I’ll show you when you come over.

The demon Buu Ou did not say a word, silently looking at Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian and Tranx were both terrified.

Can’t see it, right?

“Oops… What’s wrong with my stomach? Sun Wutian suddenly covered his stomach and shouted.

The demon Buu was slightly stunned.

“What’s wrong? Did you just come out and eat something that you didn’t eat? Tranx asked cooperatively.

“Yeah… I feel like I’m going to have diarrhea…” Sun Wutian covered his stomach.

“No kidding, are you going to have diarrhea now?” Tranx hurriedly said, “You’re about to fight.” ”

“No, or I’ll pull it on my pants.” Sun Wu Tiandao.

“No, you can’t! Do not pull on pants! The demon Buu spoke, “It’s a very impolite act to pull on your pants.” ”

“What then?” Sun Wutian asked rhetorically.

“This…” the demon Buu pondered silently.

“How about putting aside the battle between the two of you first?” Tranx proposed.

The demon Buu nodded vigorously and looked at Tranx with gratitude.

You kid really understands.

I don’t know how to leave.

You said everything I wanted to say.

“Well, let it go… I’ll go back to the toilet, and you’ll wait for me here, and I’ll come back to you when I’m done going to the toilet. Sun Wutian said to the demon Buou.

The demon Buu nodded slightly.


Who will wait for you?

By the time you finish going to the bathroom, I’ll be out of here a long time ago.

And, when you finish going to the toilet, will you still be in this state?

Do you dare to come back?

Buu thought a lot, and he felt that his brain had become very smart at this time.

“Wait for me here, I’ll go to the bathroom soon.” Sun Wutian waved his hand.

Demon Buu nodded.

The next moment, both sides fled from here in tacit understanding, each going back to their respective homes and looking for their mothers.

No, Buu is not going to find his mother, but to go back to Satan.

After Buu went home, he held his home and quickly flew away from the scene.

Satan in the house was terrified.

Fortunately, Buu Ou flew for a long time, and he put his home down.

“Mr. Buou, what’s wrong?” Satan asked with trepidation.

“It’s okay, change the environment of the home, be happy.” Buu grinned.

Now, that redhead can’t find me, right?

But even if I don’t move, I don’t have to be afraid of him.

His red hair shouldn’t last long!

Otherwise he would have come to challenge me!

Not the arrogant little ghost with an accented voice.

So, why should I move?

So Buu moved his home back to his original place.

I said it as if I was afraid of him.

If that redhead comes back, I’ll definitely squash him.

Satan’s face was confused.

Is it interesting that you move your home around?

Didn’t you just say that you still need to change the environment?

How did it come back?

“I want to hear the story.” Buu said to Satan.

“Okay.” Satan immediately picked up a storybook and began to tell Buu a story.

Buu was very happy to hear.

“In this way, Sharu died, and people all over the world cheered with great joy when they learned of this incident!” Satan said, “And our heroes disappeared forever in this battle… Woohoo…”

Satan wiped tears as he spoke.

“Hahaha, have fun.” The demon Buohaha laughed.

After listening to the story, the memory of Sun Wutian in the mind of the demon Buou was also a bit forgotten.

The demon Buu jumped out.

“I’m going to kill someone.” Buou Dao.

“Huh?” Satan was stunned.

“Are you going to go with you too?” Buu asked.

“No… No! Satan hurriedly waved his hand, “I’m here to cook for you, waiting for you to come back.” ”

“Well, I’m waiting for the sumptuous meal you made.” Buu nodded slightly.

“No problem, my dish is delicious!” Satan laughed.

“I’m gone.” Buu flew into the sky.

“Come on, do a good job!” Satan gritted his teeth.



When he saw Sun Wutian come back with red hair, everyone except Saro was surprised and happy.

Isn’t that the form of the burning flame?

This form can defeat the demon Buu.

Everyone present had also heard that Sun Wutian’s state was very powerful.

Unfortunately, the time to hold out is too short.

Bick was even more shocked.

“Gokuten, am I not mistaken, is it really you?” Bicker was pleasantly surprised, and felt his heartbeat speed up a lot.

Is our savior finally born?

That way we don’t seem to have to let the two of them fuse.

That’s great!

The guy named Gotenks was just too arrogant.

Bick was eager to punch him to death.

Now, since Goku had become in this form, what else would he want to do with that fusion?

You know, this form can beat the demon Buu to blood.

“Is this the form of the burning flame you’re talking about?” Klin sighed, “It’s very similar to the one he looked like at the First Martial Arts Conference under the heavens.” ”

“It always feels like something is wrong.” The Turtle Immortal looked at Sun Wutian silently and thoughtfully.

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