“What’s wrong? Teacher Wu Tian. Kling asked.

“Nothing? It just felt as if the atmosphere was different from the time of the world’s first martial arts conference. “Turtle fairy humane.”

“It’s all red hair, what’s different?” Klinge laughed.

“Saro, Goku has changed again!” Bidelli also said it to Saro.

“That’s not a transformation, that’s just dyed hair.” Saro smiled.

“Huh? Dye your hair? Biddy Li was stunned.

“Hee-hee, Mom’s hair coloring cream is so good.” Sun Wutian giggled and took out the hair coloring cream.

Bik and the others present fell to the ground one by one after a brief period of sluggishness.

Hair coloring?


You’re also too talented.

However, when they learned of the dangerous situation just now, Bik and the others were also frightened.

Fortunately, Sun Wutian showed enough wit to get away with it.

Of course, the main thing is that Buu is too stupid.

But any opponent who is a normal point will not be easily deceived.

“All in all! This time you two taught me a good lesson! Bick said angrily, “I don’t want to have another time!” ”

“Hee-hee…” Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“Haha, this…” Tranx also scratched his head and smirked.

“It’s you!” Tranx! Bicker shouted at Tranx.

Tranx: “…”

Why me?

Tranx skimmed his lips.

Does it have anything to do with me?

The guy after the fusion wasn’t under my control.

“Don’t think I don’t know, the person after the fusion is the one who dominates the ideological position you have.” Bick said without anger.

Tranx: “…”

Tranx was about to cry.

Tranx thought about it carefully, as if he really was in a dominant position.

But the problem is that the person after the fusion seems to have a dual personality.

It’s not that I’m the one after the fusion.

Tranx didn’t know how to refute it.

“Hey, Bick, what do you mean?” Bulma walked up with a black face and glared at Bik.

Bic cold sweat slipped off.

This woman, not to mess with.

“Do you know that if you talk to a little child like this, it will make him have a psychological shadow?” Bulma said angrily.

“I’m just reminding him not to be so reckless and mean nothing else.” Bic Road.

“Who was reckless? How can it be reckless? Do you say my son is reckless? Haven’t you seen the Tranx of the future? Bulma sighed heavily.

Bick: “…”

How did you still get the future Tranx involved?

Are the two of them counted as one?

Forget it, they all say that women are unreasonable.

When I saw it today, I was a long sight.

Fortunately, we have no male or female nemesis.

I still don’t speak.


Satan also hated Buu after sending away the demon Buou.

“No, I’m going to blow him up!” Satan clenched his fists tightly, “Although Saro said that his IQ was less than 6 years old, but I have tried my best, I told him so many touching stories, I was not moved, but I still wanted to kill.” And let me be his servant! ”

Satan finally took out the powerful bomb.

“With these bombs, I can blow the demon Buu to pieces, it has the destructive power to destroy the chariot, I can save the world with just one press of the remote control.” Satan laughed.

Wouldn’t it be better for me to kill the demon Buu directly?

Why teach him to be a good person?

Well, just put it here!

Satan glanced at it and put the bomb in the toilet.

The thought of the demon Buu being blown up when he went to the toilet…

Sprinkle some happy things are almost gone.

“Hey hey, I’m a world hero!” Satan smiled brightly.

If not, make him a final supper.

It was so enjoyable.

Satan immediately fried an egg for Buu.

Just then, Satan glanced at it and saw Buu flying back from outside.

How did it come back so quickly?

This guy doesn’t usually get that fast.

Satan jumped out and bowed down, “I’m sorry, but the meal hasn’t been cooked yet.” ”

After saying this, Satan found that Buu did not react at all.

Satan looked up.

Only to see the demon Buu Ou with a black face, sullen and unhappy.

However, in Buu’s hands, there is a puppy.

“This… Isn’t this a puppy? What’s going on? Satan asked.

“It’s not afraid of me at all! Don’t run away when you see me, and you can’t understand what I’m saying! Buu said coldly.

“I couldn’t understand what it was saying, and it looked like it had injured its legs, so it didn’t run away.” Satan pointed to the puppy’s leg.

“Huh? Injured? Buu was stunned for a moment, and put his hand on the puppy’s body, “I’ll treat you, and when your injuries are healed, run away, I’ll kill you.” ”


The healing flame flickered, and the puppy was immediately recovered from the wound on the leg.

The puppy was stunned.

Buu put the puppy on the ground and was ready to kill it.

“Run!” Buu smiled.

However, the puppy did not mean to escape, but rubbed his head against Buu’s calf and wagged his tail happily.

“What’s going on here?” Buu was stunned, “I’ve already healed its wounds, why doesn’t it run?” ”

“It’s because you’re grateful to you, because you saved it.” Satan explains, “He has already liked you. ”

Buu: “…”

This thing is done!

I wanted to kill him, but you liked me.

Buu looked at the puppy silently.

The puppy also raised his head and looked at Buu with a look of joy.

“Whoops!” The puppy barks and the tail wags constantly.

Buu ran up.

The puppy barked and chased after it.

Buu stopped.

The puppy pounced on Buu’s leg and rubbed his own head on his leg.

“Does it really like me?” Buu turned his head and asked Satan.

“Yes, like you.” Satan nodded, “It’s wagging its tail at you, which means it likes you.” ”

“Well, just like you.” Buu nodded.

Satan: “…”


Are you treating me like a dog?

I’ll blow you bastard in a minute.”

“Hey, I’m happy.” Buu felt like he had found a good friend.

One man and one dog.

This combination seems to be very good.

“Hey, chocolate for you.” Buu took out the chocolate and handed it to the puppy.

The puppy sniffed and shook his head in confusion.

“Cough cough… It doesn’t eat chocolate, it eats dog food. Satan replied.

“Dog food? What’s that? I don’t understand this. Buu was puzzled.

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