“It’s okay, I’ll go buy some and come back.” Satan was looking for an opportunity to leave, and this was the best time.

Immediately, Satan took out the capsule and threw it out.

This is a hovering electric motorcycle.

“Please wait here for a moment, I’ll come when I go.” Satan said hurriedly.

“Go for it.” Buu nodded.

Satan rode his motorcycle so fast that he ran thousands of meters away with just a puff of smoke.

My chance has come and I want to save the world.

Satan took out the remote control.

Just press the button!

Demon Buu, you will definitely be killed by me.

Then I will become a world hero.

Satan picked up the telescope and looked in the direction of Buu.

Buu is playing with the puppy.

And after seeing Buu’s innocent face, Satan didn’t know why he was a little hesitant again.

Maybe Saro is right, he is just a child with an IQ of less than 6 years old, as long as he is well guided, maybe he can really become a good person.

Damn it!

I’m Mr. Satan!

If I kill him now, I will become a true world hero.


Wait a minute!

I just don’t want to bother that puppy.

At this time, in a small town not far from Satan.

An old man and an old lady hurried with suitcases.

“Wife, hurry up and hurry, we must leave this village and hide in the mountains, otherwise we will be killed by the demon Buou.” The old man said.


Just then, the gun rang out.

One shot headshot.

The old lady was killed on the spot.

“Wife! Wife! The old man exclaimed, “What’s wrong with you?” ”

Not far away.

A man with a large golden back holds a sniper rifle.

It was this man who shot the old lady in the head.

“Great, the actual combat exercises have finally begun.” Big back laughed, “I used to play a gunfight game, and now I can play the live-action version, which is really exciting.” ”

“Young master, isn’t that okay?” A middle-aged uncle next to the big back head had a cold sweat on his face.

“It doesn’t matter, people all over the world are being killed by the demon Buou, and no one knows it will be us.” The big back head smiled and said, “I have long wanted to use living people as targets, and now my wish has come true.” Just then, the old man handed it over to you, and this is the order. ”

“Huh? Be! The middle-aged uncle hesitated, but finally picked up the gun and shot the old man’s head.

“Good job.” Big back head admired.

“This… Haha, addictive and addictive. The middle-aged uncle laughed.

“Let’s change places, there are more people in the city.” The big back head finished talking and got into the car.

The two men entered the city and fired machine guns at the residents.

“Young master, I heard that the demon Buu lives near here, what if he comes?” The middle-aged uncle asked.

“Idiot, what if he comes?” Big Back laughed, “Don’t we have anti-tank rockets?” ”

“That’s true, too.” The middle-aged uncle nodded.

After going around, Satan finally went to the supermarket and bought dog food.

When he returned, Satan put the dog food on a plate.

The puppy wags its tail as it eats.

“Look, how happy it is.” Satan smiled.

“It’s not delicious, it’s too bad.” Buu took a bite and threw up.

“Mr. Buu, I have a question for you, I don’t know if you have time now?” Satan asked cautiously.

“What?” Buu replied.

“Why are you killing people and destroying cities?” Satan asked with a smirk.

“I’m happy.” Buu answered.

“What? Is it just for this? Satan asked rhetorically.

“I was playing games, and Bibidi and Buffy taught me to do that.” Buu replied.

“Who are they?” Satan asked again.

“The guys who made me nasty are dead.” Buu explains, “Especially that Buffydi, he hated people and always scolded me, so I was angry and killed him.” ”

“Well… Can you not listen to those guys? You can’t just kill people and destroy cities. Satan asked hurriedly.

Buu looked at Satan silently.

“Huh? It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re happy. Satan was frightened and waved his hand vigorously.

“Do you think that’s wrong?” Buu asked.

“Yes… Oh, yes. Satan nodded vigorously.

“Then I’ll stop doing it.” Buu Ou cheerfully replied.

“Huh?” Satan was stunned.

Really fake?

The promise is too crisp.

Wouldn’t that be a lie?

How come I don’t believe you anymore?

“Aren’t you really going to kill anymore?” Satan asked again.

“Mm-hmm.” Buu nodded vigorously.

“Won’t it destroy the city anymore?” Satan asked again.

“Mm-hmm.” Buu nodded again.

Satan was stunned again, and without blinking, he looked at Buu, at this cute fat man.

Great, sure enough, as Salo said, as long as you guide him well, he will become a good person.

So, am I now a world hero?

I’m amazing.


A hovering sedan slowly drove toward this side.

“Young master, the demon Buu is here, we have to be careful.” The middle-aged uncle said with some vigilance.

“What are you afraid of?” I said it would be all right, didn’t we have anti-tank missiles? The big back head smiled lightly, “It’s getting more and more interesting, I’m trying to find him, killing him we are heroes who save the world, don’t you say?” ”

“But… We killed a lot of people. The middle-aged uncle wiped his sweat.

Killed so many people, or a world hero?

“Idiots, heroes can rewrite history.” The big back smiled, “Besides, who knows the people we killed?” ”

“The young master is right.” The middle-aged uncle nodded vigorously.

“Go, ambush well, I’m going to snipe the demon Buu myself.” The big back said and got out of the car, found a place to hide, and set up the sniper rifle.


The big back aimed at the puppy and fired a shot.

The puppy flipped over a few heels in the air and fell to the ground, jerking all over his body.

Satan was horrified.

Buu was also immediately stunned.

“Hahaha, I killed that dog.” Big back head laughed.

“Young master, isn’t that guy Mr. Satan?” How did he get together with the demon Buu? The middle-aged uncle took out his telescope and looked into the distance, and couldn’t help but mutter.

“How do I know about this kind of thing?” No matter, even kill him together. The big back snorted and turned to pick up the anti-tank missile.

At this time, Satan also saw the two people on the mountain in the distance.


Missiles with big backs roared in.

Satan was so frightened that he fled quickly into the distance.

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