
With an earth-shattering bang, a large explosion occurred at Buou’s location.

Suddenly, Buu’s house shattered into pieces.

“Hahaha, deserve! Let’s die together!” Big back laughed happily.

After the laughter, Buu’s face was filled with anger.

Also, the white gas that bubbles up from the pores.

Buou was furious.

He just promised Satan not to kill.

How do you make me good?

If I had put it in normal times, I would have destroyed both of them a long time ago.

But now… What a tangled.

Am I going to kill them?

But if I kill them, Mr. Satan will be unhappy.

What to do?

“Young master, Buou is not dead yet, he stands up again.” The middle-aged uncle’s face changed color.

“What? How can it be? Didn’t hit him? The big back head was also stunned.

“He moved! He’s alive. The middle-aged uncle lost his voice.

“Damn, another shot!” This time we must destroy him! The big back went to get the missile launcher again.


At this critical moment, Satan finally rushed up and kicked the middle-aged uncle off the cliff.

“What?” The big back was shocked and angry.

“I can’t spare you!” You bastard! Satan was furious.

“Bang bang bang!”

Satan punched and kicked the big man in the back.

“You give me to die!” Satan flew up and kicked his big back off the cliff.


Satan was also tired enough to choke, taking a big breath and breathing heavily.

“Yuck! You piece of garbage! Satan spat out a mouthful.

When he had finished speaking, Satan walked in the direction of the puppy.

“That’s cruel, these two bastards!” Satan gritted his teeth and walked over to the puppy.

Satan looked down and his heart was cold.

The puppy is completely out of breath.

“Abominable!” Satan gritted his teeth.

“What happened to it?” Buu Ou saw that Satan had solved the two people, and his mood was much better, so he walked up and asked.

“Already… Dead…” Satan wiped a handful of tears.

Buu clenched his fists tightly, and the white gas on his head came out again.


Dandy pulled Bik to the edge of the temple.

“Uncle Bick, you see.” Dandy pointed to Satan and Buu below and told Bik all that had just happened.

“What? Is there such a thing? Bick was astonished.

“But alas… Things seem irretrievable. Dandy said in a deep voice, “The death of the puppy makes Buu very angry…”

“Buu’s breath is rising!” Bic teeth.

“What to do? It’s not a good thing. A cold sweat appeared on Dandy’s face, “What happened to the fusion of the two of them?” Still unable to defeat the demon Buou? ”

“It’s hard to say!” Bick shook his head, also bottomless.

“What did you just say?”

At this time, Saro came over and asked.

“This…” Bick didn’t know how to answer for a moment.

“That puppy with Buu is dead?” Saro asked again.

“Do you know about puppies?” Bick asked rhetorically.

“I just ask you, is he dead?” Saro asked again.

“Yes, those two stupid Earthlings have done a bad thing!” Bick gritted his teeth.

Saro: “…”

He’s dead?

The puppy actually died?

It’s not quite the same history I know.

Let’s go to the scene and see it.


Saro turned into a brilliant flame and disappeared in an instant.

The speed was so fast that neither Bik nor Dandy reacted.

What speed is this?

How can it be so fast?

What did we just see?

“Damn! These two scum! Satan is still spitting.

Didn’t you see that Mr. Buu was already furious to the extreme?

If it weren’t for them, Mr. Buu might have become a good man.

Now I don’t know how to comfort him.

“Mr. Buou… Are you okay? Satan asked.

Buu’s face was unusually ugly, his body was shaking violently, and a wisp of white gas was still coming out of the air holes.

Satan was also frightened and pale.

“He’s not dead yet.”

Just then, a voice rang out from Satan’s ear.

Satan was stunned and turned his head to look behind him.

“Yes… Saro? Satan was stunned.


When did he appear?

“Is that you?” Buu knew Saro and was on his guard at the time.

“The puppy is still alive.” Saro smiled and pointed with his hand to the puppy lying on the ground.


The puppy’s hind legs moved.

“Buu! He’s really still alive! Satan said hurriedly.

“What?” Buou’s eyes widened immediately, and the white gas on his body disappeared, and he rushed away.

“It could have been that we were too sad just now, so … Thought he was dead. Satan scratched his head and quickly asked, “How?” Can it be cured? ”

“As long as you don’t die, you can be cured.” Buu Ou hurriedly bloomed a healing flame in his hand and covered the puppy’s body.

Suddenly, the puppy’s injuries were completely healed and he stood up from the ground.

The puppy looked confused.

Immediately afterward, the puppy glanced in Saro’s direction.

At this glance, the puppy was so frightened that he caught his tail and his whole body was trembling.

Who is this person?

The puppy was really freaked out.

Because, the soul of the puppy had already appeared in the Difu and was ranking in the Difu.

As a result, the puppy found that he was pulled into reality by this person.

This is not a person!

This is God, right?

“Great! He lived! Satan laughed happily.

The puppy reacted violently, looked at Satan, and then looked at the demon Buu.

The puppy immediately followed with a wagging tail and a howl.

However, after the puppy glanced at Saro, he immediately ran behind Buu in fright.

“Hey, you’re scaring my puppy.” Buu glared at Saro.

“Dogs are smarter than you.” Saro smiled.

“What do you mean?” Buu didn’t understand.

Satan was speechless.

Are you insulting Buu?

Be careful to provoke him to kill you.

Can’t say, don’t say.

Saro had also seen the puppy’s fear of himself.

The puppy can actually guess that I am God.

Your dog has become a sperm, right?

However, it is also normal for the puppy who went to the mansion to be rescued and become smarter.

The reason why Saro ran over and saved the dog was also hoping that the script would not go astray.

If the puppy died, Satan would be killed later.

Satan is dead, can I save it?

If I don’t save, he’s my future father-in-law anyway… Well, one of them, it’s not good to see death and not to save.

If I were saved, someone would say I am the Virgin!

I can sense it!

So, I’ll save a dog.

I saved the puppy, and no one will say that I am a virgin, right?

Well, no, no, no.

Actually, I was originally a good person.


As he said this, the big back pulled out a pistol and shot Satan in the face.

The bullet penetrated Satan’s chest from Satan’s back.

Satan almost didn’t react at all, and he fell to the ground, his whole body convulsing.

“Satan!” Buu was stunned.

“Hahaha, don’t think I’m going to stop here, it’s revenge on you!” You deserve it! “After the big back head finished speaking, he threw up his legs and ran.

“Hmm… Well…… Well! Buu Ou was angry again, and a wisp of white gas came out of his body.

Immediately afterward, Buu put his hand on Satan’s body and healed him.

Satan’s eyes widened and he immediately recovered.

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