“I can’t believe it… I’m still alive! Satan was astonished, “Thank you, Buu! ”

Bu Ou showed a pained expression, his whole body was violently shivering, and more white gas was coming out of his pores.

“What’s wrong with you?” Satan asked.

Buu didn’t speak.

“Saro… What’s wrong with him? Satan asked Saro again.

“It’s not good, he may be in trouble.” Saro groaned.

“What do you mean?” Satan suddenly had a bad feeling.

“Let me put it this way, he was a very evil guy, but it turned out that he was changed because of your influence, making him a good person.” Salo explains, “It’s just that sometimes fate is like this, when he has just become a good man and promises you never to kill again, but suddenly two scum appear and provoke the anger in his heart.” ”

Satan: “…”

You said let me change him.

I did what you said.

“That… What’s next? Satan sighed and asked.

“Next, he will most likely release all the evil aura in his body.” Saro replied, “Then he will become a good man once and for all, and he will never hurt you again because of his anger.” ”

“Huh? Isn’t that a good thing? Satan asked in surprise.

What a good thing it is to release all the evil breath and become a good person.

If I had such a bodyguard in the future, who would I be afraid of?

“It’s not as simple as you think.” Salo continued.

“Huh? What to say? Satan asked again.

“He unleashes all the evil breath, and this evil breath may also turn into a new demon Buu.” Saro Road.

“What?” Satan’s eyes widened.

“Well, that’s the way it should be.” Saro nodded.

“That… Now what? Satan asked hurriedly.

“Run, there’s no way out of that.” Saro said, already flying into the sky.

Satan was stunned at that time, and his eyes did not blink as he looked at Saro who flew up into the sky.

Don’t go!

You’re going to fly away and take me with you.”

“Don’t die, if you do, I won’t be able to answer to Biddyri.” Saro waved at Satan in the air.

Satan: “…”

You took me away.

I don’t want to die.


After Saro finished speaking, his body shook and immediately disappeared.

Satan’s tears were shed.

Saro, are you really my daughter’s boyfriend?

Don’t bring such a pit, okay?

You left me behind, and you flew yourself.

“Hey, Buu! Are you okay? Satan looked at Buu again in horror.

Saro wouldn’t be kidding, would he?

It should be!

No evil Buu will be born!

Right! Definitely not!

Now Buu has become better, and there is no evil to say.

However, after Satan saw Buu’o’s state, his heart sank, and he felt more and more bad.

“Run away with the dog… The farther the better… Otherwise you’ll all die!” Buu gritted his teeth, his body shaking even more.

At the same time, the white gas on Buou’s head is also constantly bubbling outward.

Satan: “…”

What a pit!

In the end, let me escape.

That said, Saro is all right.

Run away?

Where can I escape?

Satan was completely dumbfounded, and for a moment he didn’t know what to do.

I want to run, but where can I run?

No matter where I run, you can fly and catch up with me all at once.

“Still not running?” Buu couldn’t hold on, gritting his teeth and looking at Satan, his body shaking violently.

Satan wanted to cry.

“Whoa, whoa!”

Just then, wisps of pink gas erupted from Buu’s pores.

The pink gas instantly formed a large cloud of powder at a position of about three meters above the ground.


After releasing these pink gases, Buou also took a big gulp of breath, obviously consuming a lot of energy.

Immediately afterward, Buu seemed to realize something and looked up at the sky.

Satan followed suit.

Saro said that Buu would condense an evil him.

Could it be that pink cloud?

No kidding, can this kind of thing turn into an evil Buou?

I don’t believe, I just don’t believe.

Impossible things!

As soon as Satan thought about it, he noticed that the pink clouds in the sky were squirming and constantly changing.

Soon, the pink clouds had condensed into the shape of a person.

Satan’s smile froze.

Did you really let Saro say it?

Is this boy really God?

Is it really amazing that my daughter is going to be in a fight with a god?

Hey? No wonder a fortune teller once said to me that my daughter’s future achievements are unlimited.


Now is not the time to discuss this.

I had to run away.

The big back head was also stunned.

What’s the change?

For a moment, the big back forgot to escape.


Above the space, the pink clouds finally condensed into shape and became a thin person.

This man looks very similar to Buou, but his body is skinny, which is in stark contrast to him.

Skinny Buou was just suspended in the air, looking at the fat Buou below.

Fat Buu Ou also raised his head and stared at the thin man above.

“Ahem!” The thin man sneered, and his body turned into a golden glow, and quickly appeared in front of the big back.

The big back was frightened at the time, screamed loudly, and picked up a machine gun and fired at the thin man.


The thin man slapped his face and directly slapped the big back into a meat cake.


Immediately afterward, a large qigong wave of the thin man rushed over and fried the meat cake into slag.

The earth set off a powerful impact, and from a distance, a corner of the earth seemed to have been flattened.


The thin man ran over to Fat Buou, and his face was very close to Fat Buu’o.

Fat Buu gritted his teeth and punched into a punch.


The speed of the thin man was fast, just one kick out, and kicked the fat Buou to the ground.

Immediately after, the thin man punched and kicked at Fat Buu.

“Damn, I’m going to turn you into chocolate.” Fat Buu said, the tentacles above his head shot out a pink flame and went straight to the direction of the thin man.


The thin man puffed up his cheeks and blew hard.

Suddenly, the magic flame bounced back.


The magic flame hit Fat Buu’s body.

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