Fat Buou immediately turned into a piece of humanoid chocolate after a scream.

The thin man took a humanoid chocolate and shoved it into his mouth.


Skinny Buu’s body spewed out pink gases.

At the same time, Slender Buu’s body also changed rapidly.

Dabuo, born.


Bick: “…”

Dandy: “…”

This is bad!

“Uncle Bick…” Dandy’s face turned pale, and his whole body was shaking violently.

“Damn! This guy’s breath has become too strong. Bicker said in a deep voice.

“What to do? Are we running out of hope? Dandy smiled bitterly.

“At this point, I don’t know what to do.” Bick shook his head, cold sweat on his face.

“Hey, Bik, what’s going on, how do I feel that the Demon Buo’s breath is gradually improving?” Klin came over and asked.

“You still don’t know anything… Knowing it will make you feel desperate. Bick sighed and shook his head slightly.

Kling: “…”

What do you mean?

Don’t let me know what?


While talking, Saro flew back from outside.

“Saro, where have you been?” Bick asked subconsciously.

“Get ready, the new Buu has been born, and he’ll be here right away.” Saro Road.

“What do you say?” Bick’s eyes widened.

“Well, it’s dangerous to stay here, so I went out of my way to help my brother.” Saro smiled.

As soon as Saro’s voice fell, he saw a spaceship landing on the ground of the temple.

Bik and the others present were all stunned.


How did you get here?


The spaceship door opens and Galactic Patrol member Iliku walks out of it.

“Hello, Mr. Salro, as instructed by Team Myers, please get on the spaceship.” Iriku said hurriedly.

“I’m not going, please send my girlfriend to a safe place.” Saro said a kind word to Iriku.

“Girlfriend? Okay, of course no problem, I sent her to Galaxy Patrol headquarters. Iriku nodded, not objecting.

“Biddyri, go up.” Saro beckoned to Biddyri.

“Huh? What the? “Biddy is still sluggish.

“The demon Buu has mutated, and the earth is in danger immediately, so you must leave the earth immediately and go to the Galactic Patrol headquarters to take shelter.” Saro said to Biddyri.

“What about you? Saro. Biddy asked.

“I stay, I want to suffer with the earth.” The righteousness of Saro’s words is awe-inspiring.

“Why don’t we leave together?” Bidelli whispered, “Is it because now that you’re gone, will they be upset?” ”

“Okay, you go quickly, don’t ask so many questions.” Saro smiled and dragged Biddy Li onto the spaceship.

“Iliku? What happened, how did you come? Bulma recognized Iliku at a glance, and this guy had coffee in his house.

“You… You’re Miss Bulma. Iliku scratched his head and waved in a hurry.

I knew her, she was a friend of Gack’s, and I had coffee at her house.

“I came to pick up Brother Myers’ girlfriend and take refuge… I didn’t expect you to be here. Irikuhaha smiled, “The spaceship can sit with one more person, and you can leave the earth together, it is said that the earth will be in danger immediately.” ”

“Me? I won’t leave! Bulma shook her head and refused at the time.

Bulma would never leave Earth.

Because, there is still her son Tranx on Earth.

I’m leaving!

What about Tranx?

Also, what about my partners?

“I… Can I leave? Kling pointed to his face and couldn’t help asking.

Iriku looked at Saro.

“Number 18, come out.” Saro didn’t pick up Licklin and greeted the back of a house.

Number 18 froze for a moment and came out from behind the house.

Number 18 has been above the temple for some time.

It’s just that no one here knows.

No. 18’s body did not fluctuate with breath, so it was difficult for others to detect her presence.

After a major change on Earth, Number 18 appeared above the temple.

Number 18 felt that the place should be relatively safe.

However, what No. 18 did not expect was that he was actually discovered by Saro.

“You go up there too, this spaceship can only sit two people, and you two hurry up and leave the earth.” Saro faces Route 18.

“You mean… Let me leave the earth? Number 18 asked.

“Yeah, hurry up, the demon Buu should be coming soon.” Saro faces Route 18.

Number 18 was silent for a moment, then nodded softly and agreed.

It was clear on the 18th that the Earth was indeed extremely dangerous.

If you can leave the earth, why not leave?

Number 18 no longer hesitated and stepped onto the spacecraft.

“Is that you?” Biddy Li was in the spaceship, and when she saw Number 18, she couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Hmm.” Number 18 snorted and didn’t bother with Biddyri.

“Ahem!” Biddy also snorted.

Neither woman spoke.

“You’re in trouble, Iliku.” Saro faced Irikudo.

“Haha, no trouble, no trouble.” Ilikuhaha smiled and quickly lowered his voice and asked, “Saro, are these two girls your girlfriends?” ”

Saro glared at Iriku.

What the big truth?

One of them has not yet confirmed the relationship.

The other one, the relationship is almost confirmed.

“That said… What do they do? And you? Iliku hurriedly changed the subject, and asked with some headache, “I knew that you still had so many people here, so I should have driven a larger spaceship and pulled them all away.” ”

“The rest of these people coexist and die with the earth, you don’t have to care.” Salo replied.

“Well, now that you’ve decided, I’ll go.” Iriku nodded solemnly, “I can sense a huge sense of crisis approaching this side, so I can’t stay here.” ”

After saying this, Iliku said hello to Bulma again and immediately stepped onto the spaceship.


The spaceship broke through the void, quickly entered the space, and disappeared in a flash.

Looking at the spaceship flying away from Earth, for a moment Bik and Dandy were speechless, not knowing what to say.

Is the Earth really in danger?

“Those two little guys are a little tired and are resting now, shall we wake them up?” Dandy asked.

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