“Don’t worry, things haven’t gotten to the worst yet, have they?” Bick groaned, “We’re safer here, he can’t find us.” ”

“That’s true, too.” Dandy nodded.

After saying this, the two men looked down.

Observe and observe the situation first.


Satan was so frightened that he hid behind a wall and shivered.

Sure enough, as Saro said, the evil Buu was born.

The evil Buu was born when he was born, but he also ate the fat Bu Ou.

This is so scary.

What to do? Will he kill me?

Buu glanced at the place where Satan was hiding, with endless smiles on his face.

Immediately after, Buu yawned.


The next moment, Buu’s body suddenly burst out an extremely powerful aura.

The vast energy then rolled up Satan and threw him heavily on the ground.

After sensing this powerful breath, both Bik and Dandy on the temple looked extremely ugly.

“What? What a joke, this breath… How is it so powerful? Klin was startled and had a cold sweat on his face.

“The worst thing that happened was that the capital blamed the two stupid earthlings.” Bick’s whole body was trembling, “Now Buu has become a pure evil person, and its breath is much stronger than before. ”

“What? It shouldn’t matter, isn’t there still Gotena and Tranx? Goku says that their fusion will definitely defeat the demon Buu. Klin said hurriedly.

Dandy glanced back at Kling, speechless.

Bik is also not very optimistic about Gotenks.

“I hope so.” Bik said in a deep voice, “However, if Goku can still change into that form of burning flames, we may still have a glimmer of hope.” ”

“This and this…” Kling wiped his sweat, also realizing that the situation was very bad.

“Saro, can Goku change again?” Bick had to ask Saro.

“Not yet, but when he dies and is born later, it will change again.” Saro smiled, “But this kind of thing is not accurate, it is possible to put it to death and really die.” ”

Bik didn’t say a word.

Kling: “…”

I knew that the earth was so dangerous, and I should have found a way to get out of here.

“Bulma, don’t you have a spaceship at home?” Kling hurriedly asked Bulma.

“I have it at home.” Bulma nodded.

“Let’s get off the planet in a spaceship, I also feel that the earth is a little unsafe.” Kling said.

“You’re still dead in this heart.” Bulma smiled, “Our family and Sidu were destroyed by the demon Buou together, so our spaceship is gone.” ”

“Huh? Didn’t you carry the spaceship with you? Kling asked with a wry smile.

“Why do you want to carry it on your body?” Bulma asked rhetorically.

Kling: “…”

I still won’t say it.

It is said that women are unreasonable, and it is true.


Realm King Divine Realm.

Sun Wukong suddenly looked at the sky in the distance.

“That’s the breath of the demon Buu, right?” How could his breath rise so high? Sun Wukong’s look became heavy.

“What happened?” The King of the Realm God also had a somewhat ugly face.

Why did the Demon Man Buou’s breath suddenly have a huge improvement?

Sun Wulian also felt that something was not quite right.

“Please help me increase my energy as soon as possible, I must save the earth.” Sun Wulian said hurriedly.

“Don’t worry, I’m doing my best.” While reading the comic, the Old Realm King God said a word to Sun Wuyi.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

This old guy is not reliable at all.

Can my energy really be lifted?

“The feeling in my heart is getting worse and worse.” Sun Wulian sighed.



Buou turned his head and looked at the middle-aged uncle in the distance.

The middle-aged uncle has not died after being kicked off the cliff by Satan.

The middle-aged uncle seemed to have seen the demon Buu looking at himself, and his face appeared with endless fear.

The middle-aged uncle saw the young master of his own family with his own eyes, and he was slapped into the meat paste by Bu Ou.

The middle-aged uncle was so frightened that he rushed to the top of the mountain with great speed, and picked up a machine gun and fired at the demon Buou.

The bullet penetrated Buu’s body directly.

Looking at Buu again, he is like a person who has nothing to do.


Buu’s body turned into a streamline and quickly drilled into the mouth of the middle-aged uncle.

The middle-aged uncle’s body swelled rapidly, and his eyeballs bulged outwards, emitting a terrible cry.


The middle-aged uncle was blown up at that time.


After the explosion, the Buou fragments quickly condensed together in the air.


Buu’s body regained its original shape again.

Immediately afterward, Buu glanced at Mr. Satan hiding behind a stone in the distance.

Satan looked at Buu in horror and hurriedly retracted his head.


Buu sped toward Satan’s side and was about to slap Satan to death.

It’s like shooting the person who just happened.

Satan was also discouraged and hugged the puppy tightly in his hand.

I’m going to die!”

It’s over!

After flying in front of Satan, Buu saw Satan and the puppy at a glance.

Buu’s pupils shrank and he stopped attacking.

Immediately afterward, Buu levitated high in the air, silently looking at Satan and the puppy below.

Satan: “…”


What about people?

Why not?

He must have been scared away by my Satan’s domineering, right?


I Satan is indeed invincible in the world.

Satan smiled and looked up to find Buu suspended in the sky.

Satan’s expression froze at that moment.

You special!

Why did you run into the air and you didn’t say a word to me?

“Satan!” Buu gritted his teeth, said a word in his mouth, and turned away from the scene.

Satan breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

“Buu… Remember us. Satan sighed.

Buu Ou flew fast in the air, faster and faster.

Just a moment later, Buu entered the Garin Holy Land.


Buu turned into a golden light and rushed quickly upwards.

“What?” Bick was stunned.

Dandy was even more frightened.

Kling also suddenly sensed that Buu’s breath was approaching.

“Not bad! Now Buu can sense our breath. Bik shouted.

As he said this, Bik took a deep look at Saro.

Saro had just said that Buu would appear on the temple.

As a result, it really happened!

Did Saro have the power of an uncertain prophet?

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