
Just as Bik’s voice had just fallen, he saw Buu suddenly fly up from below and fall to the white earth of the temple.

“Hey, can’t you think of it?” Buu hey hey, sneer.

Bick’s whole body was trembling with fear, and the cold sweat on his face couldn’t stop falling down.

“Come out!” Buu shouted loudly.

The loud noise, the vibration of the temple buildings are constantly shaking.

“Hey, what the hell are you talking about?” I don’t understand…… Can you make the famous words clearer? Bic said calmly to Buu.

“The guy who dueled with me should come out, didn’t we make an appointment?” I wanted to kill him sooner. Buu replied expressionlessly, “I know that there is a huge amount of energy here, and there is no other place except here.” ”

At this time, Bulma and the others also heard the movement and hurried out of the room.

After seeing Buou’s figure, Bulma and the others were also shocked.


How did he get to the scene?

It really got Saro’s right!

Buu soon notices Saro by Bik’s side.

“Is it you who fights me?” Buu asked.

“Not me.” Saro shook his head.

“Who?” Buu sighed.

Saro pointed to Bik.

Bick: “…”

Not me!

What do you mean me to do?

It’s outrageous!

“Is that you?” Buu looked at Bik suspiciously.

This guy’s breath looks very average.

How could it be him?

“We have the final say here.” Saro said to Buu.

Bick: “…”

What makes me decide?

What a pit!

Saro, are you trying to pit me to death?

“Not me! It’s someone else! Bick hastened to explain.

“I don’t care who it is, I say it again! Come out! Buu shouted.

“The man you’re talking about is here, but he’s asleep and can only fight with you after recuperating.” Bik replied.

“Wake him up.” Buu said.

“Let him sleep for a while, if he can’t wake up, he won’t have the energy to fight.” Bik proposed, “His strength has not yet been fully restored, and you are not willing to fight a weak warrior, right?” ”

Buu: “…”

After a brief silence.

“I hate waiting, I refuse!” Buu shook his head.

“Just wait a little longer, didn’t you mean to kill all the Earthlings?” Bik shouted, “There are still many living humans on the earth, after you kill them, will you fight again?” ”

Buu smiled.

Immediately afterward, Buu circled the edge of the temple.

“What does he want to do?” Bick had a bad premonition.

“He circled the temple to see where the human beings on Earth were.” Saro explains, “Bick, you killed all the Earthlings indirectly. ”

“What do you say? That’s impossible! Bik shouted, “How could he see the Earthlings below!” Only God can see it! ”

“Take a good look.” Saro sighed.

Soon, Buu had finished a circle around the edge of the temple.

Buu appeared in front of Bik.


Buu suddenly raised his left hand.

Bick was startled and ready for battle.


The next moment, I saw a cloud of pink energy erupt from Buu’s hand.

The pink energy bloomed in the air like fireworks.


The pink energy turned into thin lines in the air and quickly flew towards the earth of the earth.

“Poof! Poof! ”

The thin pink thread seemed to have a spiritual nature, and quickly penetrated the hearts of many earthlings.

In the blink of an eye, almost all the earthlings were wiped out.

“What?” Bik exclaimed.

Dandy let out an even more exclamation.

Are those earthlings my people, so they were killed?

“Hey, all the Earthlings have been killed by me, so now it’s time to fight, right?” Buu sneered.

Bik clenched his fists, his whole body shivering.

Now it can only fight.

“Yes, I promise you, but at least give us a little time to prepare.” Bick groaned, “Two hours, no, an hour is enough.” ”

“An hour? How long was that? Buu asked.


An hourglass came out of Bick’s hand.

Bick lowered the hourglass to the ground and explained, “It’s an hour that all the sand in the hourglass falls.” ”

Buu took a look.

This sand drain is so slow.

“There’s no way, even if you call them out now, they’re not your opponents.” Bik said in a deep voice, “You don’t want to fight with someone who is very poor, do you?” ”

Buu: “…”

What you say seems to make some sense.

“Okay, then I’ll wait.” Buu nodded.

Bik breathed a sigh of relief and immediately instructed Klin next to him, “Go ahead and wake up Goku and Tranx and take them into the room of spirit and time.” Although it is only 1 hour, it can be practiced for another 15 days. ”

“Can’t they fight yet?” Klin asked.

“Don’t you understand? The strength of the two of them is still far behind, and now even fusion cannot defeat Buou. Bi Kebai glanced at Kling, “I can’t let the two of them die in vain, we must work hard to cultivate.” Even if you die after cultivation, there is no way to do it. At least, after they die, all of us will be buried with the two of them. ”

That being said, Bik glanced at Saro from a distance.

Saro, will he also follow the funeral?

This person is becoming more and more mysterious.

Mysterious enough, I don’t know his true identity yet.

Forget it, I don’t care what his identity is now, I can defeat Buou and talk about it.

Kling rushed over, woke up the two little ones, and brought them into the room of spirit and time.

But Bik walked silently to Saro’s side.

“Something?” Saro looked at Bik and asked.

“Saro, is there something I don’t know if I should ask?” Bick asked.

“You mean to ask me, if I get serious, I can defeat the demon Buu, right?” Saro smiled.

Bick: “…”

You know everything.

“Some questions are just hidden in your heart, don’t say them.” Saro smiled slightly and didn’t answer Bick’s question.

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