Buu also looked back at Saro, but did not care.

In Buu’s view, his current self may not necessarily lose to that Saro.

Moreover, this person named Saro, it seems that the energy can only burst out once.

With my regenerative ability, I can definitely defeat him.

“Saro, you better hurry out.” Bick advised, “If I get into trouble, I’m going to destroy this exit so he never gets out… You should know what the consequences of this will be, right? ”

“It’s okay, I can get out.” Saro smiled, “It’s hard to see the little guys fighting with him, and it’s not good to appreciate it, how can it be done?” ”

Bick: “…”

Feel free!

Anyway, I’ve already told you the consequences, it’s that you don’t go out yourself, and then dying here will have nothing to do with me.

“Since this is the case, I will not advise you, you must have the worst plan.” Bicker muffled.

“Well said.” Saro smiled.

“But then again, the fusion of these two little guys is much stronger than before, and it should be able to exert more powerful strength.” Bik looked at Gotenks who wasn’t far away and whispered to Saro.

“Mm-hmm.” Saro nodded, no comment.

“I’m here! Buu! Gotenks launched a fierce attack on Buu.


Gotenks directly kicked Bu Ou the head.

“Wow clap clap clap!”

Gotenks swung his fist again, hitting Buu’s body like a machine gun.

“That’s it?” Buu silently saw Gotenks.

Gotenks: “…”

Bick: “…”

Am I overestimating this guy?

“I haven’t really moved just now, this time I’m going to be serious, you have to be careful!” Gotenks laughed.

“Bomb legs!”

“Boar Head!”

“Hula Fist!”

“Thunderbolt Foot!”

“Open the mountain!”

Wu Tianx launched another fierce attack on Buou, and kept saying various tricks in his mouth.


The next moment, Buu slapped Wu Tianx away.

“It hurts so much…” Gotenks grinned in pain.

Bik looked up at the sky and sighed.

“Enough, you’re too weak, I’ll kill you.” Buu shook his head in disappointment.

I thought how powerful you were, it turned out to be such a little bit of ability.

“What? You’ve completely angered me, and now I’m going to let you taste my might!” Wu Tianx roared angrily, and the golden flames on his body bloomed.


Gotenks went straight to the Super Saiyan.

“What?” Bik was stunned, “Can you become a Super Saiyan again after the fusion?” ”

“It should be okay to go through cultivation.” Saro nodded.

“I really didn’t expect that these two little guys were really unexpected.” Bik smiled and nodded.

There seems to be some hope.

That’s good, that’s good!

I thought there was no way back.

“Okay, that’s the end of the game.” Wu Tianx scratched his head, “Which move to start?” I’ll have to think about it. ”

Buu: “…”

“Yes, look at my super donut.” Wu Tianx said, raising his right hand, and a golden flame had already condensed on his index finger.

Gotenks drew a circle in the air.

Suddenly, a golden aura was born.


Wu Tianx waved, and the golden aperture quickly fell in the direction of Buou.


The golden aperture trapped Buu inside.

“Hey hey hey! You’re finished, Demon Buo! Wu Tianx laughed happily.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoops, whoa,

“Great!” Bik followed suit.

“Teasing you.” Buu grinned suddenly.


The energy on Buu’s body exploded, shattering this golden aura at that moment.

Bick: “…”

Saro shook his head.

“Bick, your IQ is worrisome.” Saro sighed.

Bicker wiped the sweat.

“Do you think that little thing will trap Buu?” Saro shook his head slightly.

Bik stopped talking.

I was just white excited.

“Hahaha, I had long thought of this.” After a brief moment of stunnedness, Wu Tianx burst out laughing.


Buu Ao came quickly and kicked Wu Tianx into the sky with one kick.

Immediately afterward, Buu rose into the air and quickly appeared directly above Gotenks.


Buu Ou had an upside-down golden hook and kicked at Gotenks’s body.

Gotenks fell quickly.

After landing on the ground, Wu Tianx almost did not hesitate at all, and gently stepped on the ground, immediately soaring into the sky.


Gotenks’s head collided with Buu’s head.

Immediately afterward, both of them covered their heads and showed a look of pain.

“You deserve it!” Gotenks held out his middle finger to Buu.

Buou gritted his teeth.

“Well, I don’t want to play with you anymore, I want you to see my ultimate means.” Wu Tianx said, suddenly spit out a ghost in his mouth, and smiled, “This is a super trick that I have cultivated so hard, super ghost!” ”

Buu was stunned.

What’s weird about that?

“Hey, I’m a monster!”

At this time, the ghost spoke.

Bick: “…”

And this kind of operation?

This little guy is really amazing.

“I’m terrible, you have to be careful.” The ghost said to Buu.

Buou’s face was confused.

What is this special thing?

It seems that apart from being a little scary, there is nothing remarkable about it.

“Go ahead, my super ghost.” Gotenks commanded loudly.


The super ghost quickly flew in the direction of Buu.


Buu slapped the ghost’s body.


At the moment when Buou and the ghost first came into contact, the ghost had a big explosion, which seriously changed the shape of Buou’s body at that time.

“Hahahahaha, you idiot!” Wu Tianx laughed happily, “As soon as you touch my ghost, my ghost will explode and you will suffer.” ”

“Kill him!” He’s going to recover. Bicker urged.

“I see, Uncle Bik, don’t you be in such a hurry.” Wu Tianx said unhurriedly, “You see how calm Big Brother Saro is, you should learn from Big Brother Saro.” ”

Bick: “…”

You evil little devil!

You still preach to me!

Tranx, this guy, is not at all likable.

“Look at my super ghost! I’m going to make 10 of them! Wu Tianx said, and once again spat out a super ghost in his mouth.

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