The 10 ghosts squirmed a few times, and one by one made a grimace and posed for a pose.

“Okay, line!” Gotenks commanded.

10 ghosts obediently lined up in a row.

“Look ahead! Look forward! Gotenks said.

The 10 ghosts did so at once.

“Fool, be careful, I’ll explode when I touch it.” A ghost shouted at the ghost in front of him.

“You idiot! It’s you who are too far ahead. The ghost in front scolded.

“You guys! Don’t talk! Gotenks scolded, “Show me all the same!” Very good! Count! ”

“1、2、3…… 10! ”

“Very good, take a break.” Gotenks said.

10 ghosts look at their feet.

Then, one by one, they were speechless.

“Boss, we don’t have feet, we can’t take a break.” One of the ghosts corrected.

“You talk a lot!” Gotenks said angrily.

“Hey, he’s recovered.” Bick reminded.

Wu Tianx turned his head to look at it, and found that Buu was already lying on the ground, watching the comic and drinking a drink.

“Too small to look at me!” Wu Tianx’s whole body was trembling, and then he commanded, “No. 1 No. 2 strike immediately!” ”


Two ghosts flew quickly in the direction of Buu.


Just as the two ghosts were about to touch Buou, Buu jumped up slightly.


The two ghosts collided and a big explosion occurred.

“You idiot, I won’t be fooled again.” Buu made a grimace at Gotenks.

Gotenks: “…”

“Hey, assemble!” Wu Tianx hurriedly greeted, “Let’s reformulate a battle plan.” ”

Bick: “…”

This is special!

Does it work?

This little devil is really unreliable.

“Saro, you see…” Bick had to complain to Saro, “this boy has made fighting a game. ”

“That way, enjoy the game in battle.” Saro nodded.

Bik didn’t want to talk anymore.

How do I feel that you are even more unreliable than those two boys?

What is the fun of playing in battle?

That’s the demon Buu.

“Okay, let’s go to war!” Gotenks finally released a new battle plan.

“Do a good job.”

“Well, let the boss see.”

After the two ghosts heard this battle plan, they felt that the boss was really very wise, and they couldn’t help but hold each other’s hands.


Two ghosts had a big explosion.


Salo moved rapidly backwards at this critical moment.

Bick: “…”

So fast!

Bick also tried to escape, but was unfortunately affected.

Bick was blown to the ground.

Bik wanted to cry.

Looking at Wu Tianx again, he was also blown up and fell to the ground.

“These two idiots…” Gotenks cried bitterly.

Buu: “…”

“Well, those two idiots are dead, and the rest of the ghosts are up to me except for Number 10.” Gotenks waved a big hand.

The remaining ghosts roared away in the direction of Buu.

“I will not be fooled again.” Buu snorted coldly and was ready to fight back.


However, these ghosts suddenly stopped nearby and gathered around, staring at the ground.

“What is this?”

“What a magical thing.”

“I’ve never seen anything magical like this.”

“How did it come to this place? Did it fall from the sky? ”

“It seems a bit like chocolate.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, it’s obviously a lollipop.”

Several ghosts got together and talked about it.

A question mark on Buu’s face.

What is it?

Buu Ou quietly walked up, stretched his neck and looked.


Several ghosts suddenly exploded.

Such a huge explosion completely changed the shape of Buou at that time.

“Number 10, it’s your turn, get in from Buu’s mouth!” Blow him up. Gotenks commanded.


No. 10 quickly drilled into Buu’s mouth.


Buu’s body exploded again.

After the explosion, Buou’s pieces fell on the ground piece by piece.

“Hey, it was so easy to get rid of him, and this guy is too unbeaten.” Gotenks shook his head, his face full of disappointment.

“Hey, now is not the time to be proud, the demon Buu can regenerate, you have to burn all these fragments, me and Saro and you, the three of us together.” Bick said hurriedly.

“I refuse.” Saro shook his head.

“Why?” Bick was stunned.

Wu Tianx also looked at Saro with a confused face.

Why refuse?

“I can only tell you that burning will not work.” Salo replied.

Bick: “…”

Gotenks: “…”

“How is that useful?” Gotenks asked.

“Two ways, one is to seriously injure his soul, and the other is to use pure qi to destroy him.” Saro said, “As for seriously injuring his soul, forget about it.” ”

“Why not?” Gotenks asked again.

“Because your ability can’t do it yet.” Saro smiled.

“Big Brother Saro, you also look down on me too much, I’m very powerful.” Gotenks was not happy at the time.

I was so strong, Big Brother Saro still looked down on me.

“Well, you make a lot of sense.” Bik nodded, “But anyway, if we burn him first, maybe there will be a miracle.” ”

“This… Big Brother Saro said, burning it doesn’t work, Uncle Bik, why are you so persistent? Gotenks asked rhetorically.

“Less rambling, let’s get started!” Bick said, already starting to move.


The Bic flames bloomed, burning the fragments of a demon Buu into slag.

Wu Tianx had no choice but to follow and help.

“See that pink smoke?” Saro smiled, “Through these pink smokes, he can regenerate.” ”

Bick: “…”

Bick was tired.

How do I feel that what you say seems to have a little bit of truth.

Bicky was a little lazy to do it.

However, Bik and Gotenks were still busy, burning all the pieces clean.

Fortunately, the earth here is pure white, and the fragments of Buou are easy to recognize.

“Well, burn it all this time, and see if the smoke can regenerate him.” Gotenks looked up at the sky.


Just after Wu Tianx said this, he saw that the condensed pink smoke in the sky quickly turned into the appearance of the demon Buou.

“Sure enough, it still doesn’t.” Gotenks scratched his head, “Look, Uncle Bick… You have to do useless work and waste so much energy in vain. ”

Bick: “…”

What energy does it take to burn a fragment?

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