“Uncle Bick, you’re so stupid.” Gotenks looked at Bick.

Bick’s face instantly went black.

What do you mean?

“Just now we can use qi to directly destroy his fragments, and he will not regenerate.” Gotenks said.

“Why didn’t you say this kind of thing earlier?” Bick said angrily.

“This… It was Uncle Bik himself who didn’t expect it, but blamed me. Gotenks snorted.

“Do that trick again, or use another trick, this time you must completely eliminate him with your breath.” Bicker proposed.

“No, I don’t have the energy to release the tricks of my hand, it’s over, the world is going to be destroyed.” Wu Tianx hugged his head, a look of despair.

Bick: “…”

Are you a reliable boy?


Just as Gotenks was wailing there, Buu’s tentacles suddenly and rapidly extended, hooking Gotenks’s ankles at once.

“Bang bang bang!”

Buu was a violent punch to Gotenks.

“Let go of me, you octopus.” Wu Tianx was beaten to the point where his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he was facing Buou Dao.


Buu flew up a punch and hit Gotenks the head.

Wu Tianx flipped a few heels in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

“It hurts me to death!” You bastard! Wu Tianx grinned, “I want you to see my true strength.” ”


Just as Wu Tianx’s voice had just fallen, he heard a loud noise coming from not far away.

Wu Tianx was stunned at that time, and turned his head to look at the place where the sound was emitted.

It seems that Uncle Bik blew up the room here.

“Uncle Bick, what are you doing?” Gotenks couldn’t help but ask.

“You’re finished, Demon Buu!” Bic cold channel.

Buu Ou was also slightly stunned, and looked at Bik with a blank face.

“The exit of this world to our world has been destroyed, you are indeed very powerful, even Wu Tianx is not your opponent, but no matter how powerful you are, you can’t escape from this place.” Bic cold channel.

“Huh?” Gotenks was stunned.

Buou was even more shocked, and cold sweat slipped down his face.

“You can kill us, but you have to live here forever alone, there is nothing in this world, only a white one, as you can see.” Bick’s smile appeared.

Even if I can’t beat the demon Buu, I will die of disgust.

Now, Demon Man Buu, is there anything else you can do?

Buu’s face was hard to see to the extreme.

“I… My favorite snacks and chocolates…” Buu asked hesitantly.

“No, how can there be that kind of thing here?” Bick was smiling.

Buu was stunned.


“Saro, I’m very sorry to involve you.” Bik apologized to Saro, “I wanted you to leave here first, but that would be too obvious and would get Buu’s attention.” ”

“I came in myself, and it has nothing to do with you.” Saro smiled indifferently.

“You can see it.” Bick smiled slightly.

“Hey, why are you doing this? I haven’t come up with the strongest strength yet. Wu Tianx also cried and said.

“What? Didn’t you say you’ve reached your limit? Bick was stunned and asked immediately.

“I was just kidding and playing.” Gotenks replied.

“You idiot, when are you going to make this joke?” Bick scolded angrily, “You idiot, fool, idiot! ”

“I’m going home…” Gotenks was trembling all over his body.

“Don’t even think about going back, it’s completely closed.” Bik shouted, “You idiot! I’ve already seen you badly! ”


Buou roared, a huge sound, and the vibrating heaven and earth were shaking violently.


The powerful energy opened a gap in the space at that time.

Isn’t the picture in the gap the temple?

Buu was stunned for a moment, and looked at the gap with surprise and joy.

“Uncle Bick… Big Brother Saro… Look, what’s that? Wu Tianx asked hurriedly.

“I can’t believe it, his energy is so powerful that even space can be opened.” Bick was stunned.

At this time, the opening of the cave is gradually shrinking.

Buu Ou seemed to realize something, and at that moment he drew his body into a thin line and quickly flew out.


As soon as Buu’s figure flickered, it disappeared without a trace.

“Not good!” Bick’s face changed again and again.

“He’s out!” Wu Tianx also lost his voice.


Realm King Divine Realm.

“Strange, Lord God of the Realm, did you find any?” The breath of the demon Buu had disappeared since just now. Sun Wukong asked.

“What? You don’t say I haven’t noticed yet! What the hell is going on? The King of the Realm was shocked, and his face also changed color.

“I don’t know what the situation is, and the breath of Gotena and Tranx can’t feel it at all.” Sun Wukong shook his head, “They should not have fought, why did their breath disappear completely?” ”

“They are fighting in another dimension.” The Old King God continued.

Sun Wulian had been silently enhancing his own energy from beginning to end, but he did not interject.

“What alien dimension?” Sun Wukong couldn’t understand.

“The different dimensions of time, simply put, are different places, different times, and the time flow rate in two places is different.” The Old King God calmly replied.

“See, is it a room of spirit and time?” Sun Wukong understood this time, but he was just a little puzzled, “But why fight in that place?” Could it be that when the two of them were cultivating, Bu Ou suddenly broke in? ”

“No, it was the Namesis who deliberately brought the demon Buu in, I don’t know what the reason is.” The Old King God replied.

“Huh? How do you know? Sun Wukong asked.

The Old King God laughed and did not answer.

I’m God, how do you say I know?

“It’s really remarkable, you can also help Goku to enhance his energy, and he is worthy of being the Lord of the Old Realm King.” Sun Wukong was amazed.

The King of the Realm lowered his head to the side, with shame on his face.

I can’t seem to help anything.

My realm king god is really inferior.


Suddenly, Sun Wukong’s face was shocked again.

“Is it the breath of the demon Buu, who has come out of the cabin of spirit and time?” Sun Wukong was shocked, “I can’t feel the breath of those two little guys at all, what happened?” ”

“If you want to see it, this one is for you.” A crystal ball suddenly appeared in the hands of the Old Realm King God.


The Old King God threw the crystal ball to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong looked at the crystal ball curiously.

The image of the temple already appeared in the crystal ball.


Above the temple, Buu’s body fell from the sky and smashed into the ground of the temple.


Buu’s body returned to its original shape.

Everyone in the temple was terrified.

“This and this… How did Buu come out? Kling’s whole body was shivering.

“This is bad…” The turtle immortal’s eyes widened.

“Teacher Wu Tian… What to do? Klin asked hurriedly.

“Quick, bring me Bulma.” The turtle immortal immediately commanded.

“Huh? What the? Klin was stunned, a little confused.

However, Kling immediately pulled Bulma and appeared next to the turtle immortal.

“Is there anything Teacher Wu Tian can do?” Klin asked.

“Before you die, enjoy yourself.” The turtle fairy stepped forward and hugged Bulma tightly.

Bulma: “…”

You bad old man, very bad.

Where do you put your head?

Bulma’s nose was crooked.

“Turn into chocolate!” Buu let out a cold snort, and the tentacles on his head flashed pink flames.

At this moment of crisis, Mr. Bobo flew up and kicked the gods off the temple.

Except for the gods, everyone turned into chocolate.

In particular, the chocolate of the turtle fairy and the transformation of Bulma is still connected together.

“This beast!” Sun Wukong’s whole body was trembling.

“What happened?” Father. Sun Wulian asked.

“Goku, don’t worry about these things first, you should quickly concentrate on improving your own strength.” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and persuaded.

“Yes…” Sun Wulian also realized that the situation seemed to be not good.


Heterogeneous space.


Bik and Gotenks shouted loudly, wanting to open the space passage in the form of the demon Buu.


Both of them were tired, but they didn’t even open a little space.

“No, not even a needle-eye space is open.” Bik shook his head, “At this time it should have been nearly 1 minute outside, they are dangerous.” ”

At this point, Bik glanced at Saro again.

“Saro, do you have a way to open the space passage?” Bick asked.

“Yes, you didn’t ask me, I thought you didn’t need to.” Saro smiled.

Bick: “…”

“Well, there’s no other way to do it now, so I’ll take out my tricks.” Wu Tianx also looked at Saro silently and continued, “Open the passage or let me come… Big brother Saro, keep playing soy sauce. ”

“You… What did you say? Bik asked.

“Look at me!”


A golden arc of electricity suddenly flashed on Wu Tianx’s body.

At the same time, the energy in Wu Tianx’s body was frantically elevated and exploded.

Immediately afterward, Gotenks’s hair quickly grew backwards.

The long blond hair was not far from the ground.

Bik was stunned, with a look of stunned expression.

“You, you, you… How did you learn? Bick asked stutteringly.

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