“This idiot, it really makes me uneasy!” Bicker drank.

“Just get used to it.” Saro smiled.

“Let’s catch up and see.” Bick said hurriedly.

“Mm-hmm.” Saro nodded.


Looking at Buou, who was catching up, Gotenks began to fight back and punched him.


Buu was knocked to the ground.

Gotenks quickly charged in the direction of Buu.

Buou opened his mouth wide and spewed out a powerful energy from his mouth.

The powerful energy swallowed up Wu Tianx inside at that time.

After the energy dissipated, Wu Tianx’s body was about to be burned.

“Damn! Back to you! Wu Tianx was furious, opened his mouth, and also spewed out an energy flame in the direction of Buou.


The energy flame engulfed Buu inside.

Buu Ou fell from the air, crawling quickly on the ground, and there was already white smoke coming out of his body.


Gotenks landed near Buou and flew up to kick Buu to the ground.

Buu quickly got up and hurriedly counterattacked.

“Bang bang bang!”

However, Wu Tianx’s fist was a little harder.

Under the powerful impact of Wu Tianx, Bu Ou retreated step by step, already powerless.

After only a few moments of effort, Buou’s body was changed shape by the beating.

“Hey, hey, you’re finished, I’m going to blow you up and destroy you completely with gas so you can never regenerate.” Wu Tianx said, the energy in his hand condensed, intending to release a powerful energy to completely destroy the demon Buou.

Realm King Divine Realm.

“Nice! The little guy is really not simple. Sun Wukong was very surprised, “If this continues, Goku will not have to appear.” ”

“Hahaha, yes.” The Realm King God also nodded happily.

It was so nice!

Buou, a powerful demon, did not expect to encounter an opponent even stronger than him.

The dawn of victory is shining on our righteous side.


Just when Wu Tianx gathered energy in his hands and planned to completely kill the demon Buu.


The golden flame on Gotenks’s body suddenly collapsed and returned to normal.

Gotenks was stunned at the time.

“This and this…” Bicker was also pale.

“It seems that fusion has reached its limit.” Saro said.

“What? Isn’t fusion 30 minutes long? It’s less than 30 minutes. Bick said hurriedly.

“Super Saiyan III will shorten their fusion time.” Saro explains.

“What? And this kind of thing? Bick was stunned, “This is bad… I’m afraid there is no salvation! ”

“Danger, they’ve been back to their original state!” Sun Wukong also saw the situation at the scene through the crystal ball, and his face couldn’t help but change again and again.

The Realm King God did not say a word, and the cold sweat on his face slipped down.

Wu Tianx was even more speechless, but his body was sweating.

That’s embarrassing.

At this critical moment, I actually changed back to the way I was.


Buu’s body was finally recovered.

“Hum.” Buu smiled and squinted at Gokus.

“Hey hey… Hey hey…” Wu Tianx scratched his head and smirked, “Today’s weather is really good, you see, there are only a few white clouds in the sky…”

“It’s over!” Bik gritted his teeth, “No, no matter what, I’m going to stop Buu!” ”

Realm King Divine Realm.

“Lord King God of the Old Realm, can you be faster?” Children’s fusion is no longer working. Sun Wukong hurriedly urged.

“What? Father? What’s going on? After Sun Wulian heard the words, he was also shocked.

“You can go, it’s done.” The Old Realm King God said to Sun Wuyi.

“Huh? Done? When’s the thing? Sun Wulian was stunned.

Is that done?

How did I not know?

“Uh… It was done 5 minutes ago. The Old King God replied.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Sun Wulian asked rhetorically.

“Fools, when there is a crisis, it is more dramatic.” The confident smile on the face of the Old World King God.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

It’s too much.

I don’t want drama.

I just want Goku and Tranx and Uncle Bik to be alive.

By the way, it seems that there are still Salo classmates!

Classmate Saro, you are also alive.

I’ll be coming to your rescue right away.

“How can we trigger those energies of ascension?” Sun Wulian asked.

“Aren’t you going to become a Super Saiyan or something?” That’s it. The Old King God explained.

“Okay, I’ll give it a try.” Sun Wulian nodded.

“Wait a minute…” The Old Realm King God’s face turned pale.

You special!

Don’t try it around me!”

If you want to experiment, go over there.


However, Sun Wuyan couldn’t wait any longer, and a powerful aura erupted from his body at that time.

The Old Realm King God who was right next to him was unfortunately blown upside down by the powerful air current, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

Sun Wukong was even more shocked.

What a powerful breath.

This is an aura that the Super Saiyan did not have.

It seems that the strength of the breath alone has surpassed the third of the Super Saiyans.

However, there is a slight difference between the intensity of this breath of Goku and the Super Saiyan III.

Super Saiyan III completely exploded his breath, so even in the Realm King God Realm, he could sense the powerful breath of Super Saiyan III.

But the breath of Goku… How to say it?

It was as if he controlled his breath around him, except that the people around him felt very strongly, and if he was farther away, the sensing seemed to be general.

“You idiot, don’t experiment with me.” The Old King God said without anger.

“It’s amazing! I didn’t expect to be able to reach this level. Sun Wulian was also deeply surprised.

“It’s really remarkable, I’ve never seen this kind of change, and the Super Saiyan hasn’t reached this level.” Sun Wukong was full of emotion.

“Cut, the Super Saiyan has nothing to be proud of, that kind of transformation is originally an evil way.” The Old King God patted the dust on his body and stood up from the ground.

“Let’s hurry up and go to Earth, because if we don’t go, they will be in danger.” The King of the Realm God proposed.

“Yes, Lord God of the Realm.” Sun Wulian nodded.

“Goku, I really want to stand by your side and see your tall and burly appearance.” Sun Wukong patted Sun Wuyi’s shoulder.

“Daddy…” Sun Wuyan was a little sentimental.

I had forgotten that Dad was dead.

“I’ll never see you again, until you go to another world.” Sun Wukong smiled, “Come on! Completely destroy the demon Buu. ”

“Yes!” Sun Wulian nodded vigorously.

The next moment, father and son hugged each other tightly.

“Goodbye, Dad.” Sun Wulian waved.

Sun Wukong held out his thumb to Sun Wulian as a sign of encouragement.


Under the leadership of the King of the Realm, Sun Wuyan disappeared in a flash.

“This guy! I didn’t even say thank you for my hard work…” The Old King God rolled his eyes.

“Haha…” Sun Wukong laughed dryly.

“Don’t laugh! Say good things you are not allowed to repent. The Old King God narrowed his eyes.

“No remorse, no remorse, as long as Goku can defeat him, after the earth is saved, I will find a way to let Goku bring her to you.” Sun Wukong replied.

“Well, that’s pretty much it.” The Old King God nodded with satisfaction.



The King of the Realm appeared on the earth with Sun Wuyi.

“Goku, please.” The King of the Realm God said to Goku.

“Yes, Lord God of the Realm.” Sun Wuyi replied, “By the way, Lord God of the Realm King, can you change my clothes into the kind of father’s?” ”

“Understood.” The King of the Realm nodded, and his large hand waved slightly.

Suddenly, the clothes on Sun Wuyi’s body became the style of Sun Wukong.

“Great, thank you Lord God of the Realm!” Sun Wulian quickly thanked him and looked at his clothes with satisfaction.

“I’m going back, and I’ll be in the distant Realm of the King of God, cheering for you!” The King of the Realm waved his hand.

“Good! Help me say hello to Lord God of the Old Realm. Sun Wulian nodded.


The Realm King God immediately disappeared through teleportation.

Sun Wuyi’s expression also became serious.


It’s time for me to go.

Sun Wuyi flew up and flew quickly in the direction of Buou.


Uncle Bik!


Waiting for me!

I’ll be there in a minute.

Classmate Saro, you also have to take care.

I’m going to rush to save you.”


Wu Tianx split in two, becoming Sun Wutian and Tranx.

“This is bad… It’s time for the Fusion Technique at the critical moment…” Tranx was pale and ready for battle.

Sun Wutian looked up and found Saro nearby.

“It’s Big Brother Saro! Big Brother Saro is here, we’ll be fine! Sun Wutian said calmly.

“No kidding, this Buou now is not the Buou of the past, and the current Buou is much stronger than the previous Buou.” Tranx was not very optimistic about Saro, “You see even our fusion skills are comparable to his, even if Saro’s big brother is strong, I am afraid it is not his opponent.” ”


Bick fell from the sky and landed in front of the two little guys.

Saro did not move, still suspended in the air.

“I know you two can’t be trusted, let’s fight together, although there is a good chance of being killed, but there is no other way.” Bik said in a deep voice, “Unless, Goku can turn into a red-haired figure again.” ”

“My cultivation can’t go home, so I can’t transform at will.” Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“Stupid, don’t say it! He wasn’t afraid to say it! Tranx hurriedly reprimanded.

“Is there really no way out? Saro. Bick asked Saro suspended in the sky.

“Or as I said, put it to death and live later.” Saro nodded, “Either the heavens can change at a critical moment, or you will all be killed.” ”

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