“You mean us?” Bik wiped his sweat, “What about you? ”

Saro laughed and said nothing.

“Hum hum, hum hum.” Buu looked at the three people across from him with a smile and looked up at Saro again.

Immediately afterward, Buu suddenly sat down on the floor.

Such a move startled Bik and the other three people, and they immediately prepared for battle.

However, a scene that surprised the three people happened next.

I saw Buu sitting there, whirring and falling asleep.

Bick: “…”

Tranx: “…”

Sun Wutian: “…”

All three were speechless.

How did he fall asleep?

Just when Buu had just fallen asleep, not long ago.

Bick suddenly looked into the distance.

Sun Wutian and Tranx also felt a powerful aura approaching.

Buu Ou immediately opened his eyes and widened his eyes.

“What’s that?” Is it a new enemy? Bicker was shocked, and his face became unusually ugly.

“Who’s coming?” Tranx also sensed that something was not quite right.

Buu had a bad feeling in his heart.


At this time, the figure of Sun Wuyan gradually appeared in the sight of everyone.

“Yes… Goku? Bick was astonished.

“No, it’s brother! Brother is coming! Sun Wutian saw Sun Wutian’s identity clearly at a glance and hurriedly shouted in surprise.

“What? Goku-chan? Is it Goku? Bik was stunned, followed by a sudden realization, “Is it true that he has already pulled out the Excalibur of the Realm King God Lord and gained the powerful power of the Divine Realm?” ”


Sun Wulian had a beautiful sharp brake, and his feet stepped on the ground, leaving a mark on the ground.

“Great, I arrived in time.” Sun Wuyan was also slightly relieved to see that Saro Sun Wutian Tranx and Bik and 4 others were safe and sound.

“Brother Goku!” Tranx was pleasantly surprised.

“Great, brother, you’re back.” Sun Wutian said happily.

“What about the others? Why are there only four of you? Sun Wulian did not find his mother and Bulma and the others, and could not help asking.

At that time, Bu Ou turned them into chocolate and ate them, Sun Wulian did not know.

“Brother, they were all killed by Buou, and they all turned into chocolate and ate them.” Sun Wutian said hurriedly.

“What?” Sun Wulian’s face changed color, and an angry look immediately appeared.

“Hey, it’s delicious.” Buu patted himself on the stomach.

“Well, I won’t forgive you, Buu!” Sun Wuyi said coldly.

At the same time as saying this, Sun Wuyan walked in the direction of Buou, step by step.

“Do you want to fight me?” Buu cold channel.

“No, I’m going to kill you!” Sun Wuyi’s face was full of confidence.

“You’re the guy I beat before, right?” Buu Ou smiled, but remembered the way he ate Sun Wu’s meal, and then laughed, “You said you were going to beat me, just by you guy?” ”


Sun Wuyi’s body suddenly erupted with an extremely powerful aura.


Sun Wuyi punched him hard, hitting Buu’s face at that time.

Suddenly, Buu’s face changed shape severely.


Sun Wulian kicked at Bu Ou’s chin again.

Buu’s body twisted and deformed.

After seeing Sun Wuyi’s attack.

Bik was dumbfounded.

Tranx was also wide-eyed.

Sun Wutian was even more surprised and delighted.

My brother is so powerful.

I don’t know if my brother is strong now, or if my red hair is stronger?

It’s hard to say.


Bu Ou was furious and shook his fist at Sun Wuyi.


Sun Wuyi easily blocked Buou’s attack, kicked Bu’ou on the chin again, and hit him in the chest with a heavy punch.


Sun Wuyan flew up and kicked Bu Ou into the sky.


Sun Wuyi soared into the sky and quickly appeared beside Bu’ou.


Sun Wulian punched past again, knocking Buu out of the air.

After Buu fell, he turned his head and looked into the air.

However, Sun Wuyan had already unconsciously appeared behind Bu Ou.

“In the back, you idiot.” Sun Wuyi’s voice rang out.

Buu turned his head mechanically, revealing a shocked expression.

Tranx was completely dumbfounded.

Bik was also completely stunned.

Is this the energy Goku gets from the Excalibur of the Realm King God?

Too powerful, simply too powerful.

Sun Wutian was also a little surprised.

Of course, the degree of surprise is not so exaggerated.

“Hmm, it’s bloody.” Sun Wuyi smiled.

As soon as these words came out, the three Bik people immediately looked over to Buu.

Sure enough, the corners of Buu’s mouth were already blue blood flowing out.

Bick was stunned again.

Really hit the bleeding.

Buu is really bleeding!

This is something that Gotenks has not experienced before.

No matter how powerful Wu Tianx was, he didn’t bleed Buu.

Instead, Goku, after three fists and two feet, Buu was beaten like this bear.

“Buu, you’re dead.” Sun Wulian looked at Bu Ou coldly.

Buu’s face also changed again and again.

Buu is clear about the gap between himself and this guy.

Buu quickly looked up at Saro.

Don’t you know? This guy is my spare tire.

I kept him because I wanted to absorb him in a crisis situation.

Don’t think I don’t know you’ve been hiding your strength.

Even if you are not hidden, I can reach a very high level after absorbing you.

Now, your role is here.

Buou’s hooked up an arc.

“Do you think I’m going to lose to you?” Buu smiled coldly.

“How? Is there anything else you can do to beat me? Sun Wulian asked rhetorically.

“Hmm, you’ll regret it.” Buu laughed softly, and the figure flickered, only to appear behind Saro in an instant.

“Saro! Be careful! He’s behind you! Sun Wulian was horrified and hurriedly reminded.

Bick was also shocked.

So fast!

So fast that I didn’t react at all.

It’s just that what did this guy Buu do when he suddenly ran behind Saro?

Isn’t your opponent Goku?

“Hey, do you want to absorb me?”

Just as Buu was about to absorb Saro, Saro’s voice suddenly rang out.

“You… How do you know? Buu’s face changed color.

“Don’t think about it, or you’ll regret it.” Saro smiled.

“You… What did you say? Buu’s expression was not very calm.

Even at this moment, after Buu Ou saw Saro’s confident eyes, he was a little hesitant, not knowing what to do?

“I advise you, or think of something else.” Salo continued.

Buu: “…”


I thought of this good way, but you made me think of something else.

I just don’t!


Buu’s large hand suddenly aimed at Saro, and he was about to roll him into his body.

Just when Saro was just about to strike, he looked slightly moved.

Only to see Sun Wuyi coming towards this side quickly.


Sun Wuyan flew up and kicked Bu Ou out of the air at that time.


Buu’s body slammed heavily into the ground, leaving a large pit.

“Classmate Saro, are you all right?” Sun Wulian asked hurriedly.

“It’s all right.” Saro nodded.

“How did he suddenly come to your side?” What does he want to do? Sun Wulian asked.

“Nothing… This guy wanted to absorb me. Saro smiled.

“Absorption? What do you mean? Sun Wulian didn’t understand very well.

“Simply put, it is to absorb me into his body and make his strength stronger.” Saro smiled slightly.

“What? And this kind of thing. Sun WuXian was stunned, “Let’s not say anything, this guy is a dangerous person, I have to destroy him quickly.” ”


After Sun Wuyi said this, he landed from the sky above the big pit where Buu was located.


Buu Ou sneaked out of the big pit.

“Buou, your plan has failed, and I will never let you succeed.” Sun WuXian said coldly, “I’ll kill you now!” ”

“I can’t spare you!” Buu shouted angrily, “I’ll kill you with my own hands!” ”

“How? It’s up to you? Sun Wuyi looked calm and watched Bu Ou’s every move tightly.

Suddenly, I saw Buou’s body shaking violently, and a powerful energy bloomed from his body.

“You… What do you want? Sun Wuyi’s face changed, and he had a bad premonition.

Buu was grinning, and his body shook even more violently.

“Not bad! He’s going to blow himself up, let’s get out of here! Sun Wuyan suddenly reacted, almost without the slightest hesitation, and immediately rushed in the direction of Bik and the other three people, and at the same time greeted Saro, “Salo quickly let go, he is going to explode!” ”


After the words fell, Buu’s body exploded with extremely powerful energy, and at that time, the area was razed to the ground.

The earth is also because of the powerful energy to explode a deep pit to the bottom.

A mushroom cloud rose in the air, and a huge shock wave spread in all directions.

“Thank you, Goku…” Bik thanked him hurriedly.

“What a terrible fellow, how did he explode?” Tranx’s face was puzzled.

“Good danger… I almost got killed. Sun Wutian wiped his sweat.

“What about Saro? You okay? Sun Wulian hurriedly searched for Saro’s figure.

“Big Brother Saro will be fine, rest assured brother.” Sun Wutian replied.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Wu Tian, you little boy is really confident enough in your big brother Saro.

If it weren’t for me, your big brother Saro would have been absorbed by Buu.

“It’s dangerous, it’s dangerous…” Salo also flew over from a distance at this time.

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