“Look, I said Big Brother Saro would be all right?” Sun Wutian chuckled.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Such a violent explosion, Saro was actually unharmed?

He was in another position, and I couldn’t save him.

However, he was able to dodge it, but the speed was not slow.

Well, let’s not dwell on these things yet.

“Is Buu dead?” Bick looked at the distance and asked.

“Nothing… Unfortunately, he is still alive. Sun Wuyi said in a deep voice.

“Did he play self-detonation because he wanted to blow up Goku’s brother?” Tranx guessed.

“If he really wanted to kill me, wouldn’t it be more convenient for him to destroy the earth directly?” Sun Wulian shook his head, he couldn’t understand it now, Buou knew what it meant.

Why did it blow itself up?

If it explodes, will it increase its energy if it recovers again?

“Did he escape?” He had hidden his breath. Bik frowned.

“I didn’t expect him to have the ability to hide his breath.” Sun Wulian shook his head.

“He’s looking for an opportunity to sneak up on us, right?” Sun Wutian looked around.

“I don’t know, I guess he has some kind of conspiracy.” Sun Wuyi sighed.

“We don’t have to be afraid of him, that guy didn’t even touch Goku’s brother’s body, and he was beaten to pieces.” Tranx smiled, “Then again, Brother Goku’s strength is not much different from our fused Super Saiyan III state.” ”

Bick: “…”

Little fellow, you dare to blow it.

Didn’t you realize that Goku had already beaten Buu to blood?

You boy fought for half a day, and Buu didn’t drop blood.

Forget it, don’t talk about him.

Nothing makes sense.

Sun Wutian did not say a word.

Sun Wutian naturally sensed that there was still a lot of gap between his and Tranx’s fusion and his brother.

“Goku, I ask you, did you become so powerful because you pulled out the Excalibur?” Bick asked.

“This… How to say it, it is because the Excalibur is sealed with an Old Realm King God Lord, and it is this Old Realm King God Lord who helps me improve my ability. Sun Wulian explained.

“That’s the way it is…” Bick understood.

“By the way, where is the Dragon Ball radar?” Sun Wuyi asked, “Let’s see if there are any Dragon Balls on Earth.” ”

“Here I am.” Bik nodded, took out the Dragon Ball radar, shook his head, and said, “Dragon Ball should be gone, Buu came out of the alien dimensional space relatively early and killed everyone, including Dandy.” ”

With that, Bik still pressed the button on the Dragon Ball radar.

Suddenly, 7 points of light appeared on the Dragon Ball radar.

“Dandy is still alive?” That’s great! “Bik was pleasantly surprised.

“Uncle Bik sensed it well, there was a faint breath over there, it should be Dandy.” Sun Wuyan pointed to the distance, facing Bikdo.

“Sure enough! Dandy was alive because we were lucky. Bik nodded.

“Let’s go, let’s go find Dandy.” Sun Wuyi proposed, and then waved at Saro, “Saro classmate, you go with us.” ”

“Okay.” Saro smiled.

Several people flew up into the sky together and flew slowly in the direction of Dandy.

Goku and the others swept down.

Sure enough, all the humans were killed and none survived.

“This abominable fellow! He killed all the people! Tranx clenched his fists.

After a brief sigh, Sun Wulian silently looked at Saro.

“Something?” Saro asked.

“Classmate Saro, I know who you are.” Sun Wuyan said confidently to Saro.

“Oh? Talk about it. Saro smiled.

“Classmate Saro, are you a god?” Sun WuXian smiled slightly.

“Mm-hmm, finally you see it.” Saro smiled and nodded.

“What? Is Big Brother Saro a god? Tranx’s eyes widened.

Sun Wutian nodded vigorously at the side.

You finally see it.

It’s not that simple.

I have long said that Big Brother Saro is very unusual, and none of you believe it.

Now that my brother has said it, you should believe it, right?

Bik didn’t say a word, as if he was already aware of Saro’s identity as a god.

“It’s really so, I can’t imagine… My classmate was actually a god of galaxies. Sun Wulian smiled.

“Galactic body?” Bick was stunned.

“Lord God of the Realm said that there are several kinds of gods in this universe.” Sun Wuyi smiled and explained to Bik, “Just like Dandy and Uncle Bick’s predecessors, you are the gods of the earth. And in this vast universe, there is also a god who mainly rules a galaxy, that is, the god of galaxies. And above the gods of the galaxy, there are several realm kings… Then there is the Great Realm King, and above the Great Realm King is the Realm King God Lord. ”

“That’s the way it is.” Bick understood and looked at Saro silently.

It turns out that you are the god of the galaxy.

No wonder there’s something special about the energy in you.

That’s a divine power beyond my divine position, right?

“That is to say, there is no doubt that Lord God is the greatest god in this universe.” Bik nodded.

“Yes.” Sun Wulian nodded his head.

“What I just don’t know is… Classmate Saro, which galaxy are you a god? Sun Wulian was idle and idle now, taking the opportunity to chat with Saro.

Saro: “…”

Well, you said I am the god of the galaxy, am I going to refute you?

“Hey, I don’t like to be watched.” Saro said suddenly, and squinted his eyes toward the sky.

Realm King Divine Realm.

Sun Wukong, the King God of the Realm, and the God of the Old Realm who were watching Sun Wulian and others through the crystal ball suddenly found that the crystal ball flickered.

Immediately after, the crystal ball suddenly stopped displaying the image.

“What’s going on?” Sun Wukong was stunned.

“Old Ancestor, what’s wrong?” Broken? The King of the Realm God asked hurriedly.

The Old Realm King God slipped down with cold sweat on his face.

Who is this young man?

Silver white hair!

This hair color… It seems to be a characteristic of God!

Just now, he seemed to find out that I was spying on him.

This and this… Who the hell is this guy?

I slept for so long that I didn’t expect such a figure to exist on Earth.

Is it God?

It should be!

“Well, it could be that there’s something wrong with the signal, and after a while it’s going to be automatically good.” The Old Realm King God replied, “Anyway, now that Buu has chosen to explode himself, they are safe for the time being, there is no need to look at them.” ”

Sun Wukong always felt that there was something wrong with the look of the Old Realm King God.

“Lord King of the Old Realm, do you see something coming?” Sun Wukong asked.

“What?” The Old King God asked rhetorically.

“At the moment when the crystal ball image disappeared, I seemed to hear what Saro was saying, but I didn’t hear it clearly.” Sun Wukong groaned.

“Did he speak?” The Old King God shook his head.

“I seem to have heard it too…” The King of the Realm God also bowed his head and pondered.

“Stupid, it’s you two who have a problem with your ears, if someone really speaks, can I not hear it?” The Old King God shouted angrily.

“Old Ancestor, we just talk casually, you won’t be so angry.” The King of the Realm looked helpless.

“Am I angry? Do you see me as if I’m angry? The Old King God narrowed his eyes.

Sun Wukong stopped talking.

The King God of the Realm also remained silent.

“Hmm.” The Old King God snorted and stopped caring about the two of them.

As for the identity of that Saro, don’t provoke him until you know where he really came from.

In case he really is an angel!

Although the angels are nominally servants of the Destroyer, their actual identities are extremely striking.

The Old Realm King God also knew a little about this.

It seems that all the angels are the children of the High Priests.

Lord Priest, that is the god who stands at the peak of this universe.

I don’t want to die yet!

The Old King God was uneasy in his heart.

The presence of this god gave him a bad premonition.

Just, why did he go to Earth?

Is he really an angel?

Did Weiss go to another universe?

Our seventh universe has been replaced by this one?

All right!

Now I’m not sure if he’s an angel after all.

After all, in my day, there was no such thing as him.

Let’s observe and observe.



“Huh? Sallo, what did you just say? Who is spying on you? Sun Wulian looked around the other side.

As for which galaxy the god Saro had just asked was interrupted, the question was dissolved.

“Nothing.” Saro smiled.

“Haha, Salo, what you are hiding is really deep.” Sun Wuyan did not dwell on the problem of surveillance anymore, but smiled and said to Saro, “I think my identity is hidden deeper in the school, I didn’t expect you to be able to hide it more than me.” ”

Saro smiled slightly.

“By the way, does Biddy Li know your identity?” Sun Wulian asked.

“I don’t know yet.” Saro shook his head.

“Then I know, when Bidelli’s classmates are resurrected, I won’t tell her.” Sun Wuyi replied.

“Cough cough… Goku, Billy is still alive. Bic interjected.

“Huh? Beatri’s classmates still alive? Didn’t Uncle Bick say that Buu had turned everyone into chocolate when he came out? Sun WuXian was stunned and asked.

“Before Buu came to the Temple, Saro had asked the Galactic Patrol’s friends to pick up Biddy and Number 18 via the spaceship.” Bic explains.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

“Number 18?” Sun Wulian was stunned again.

“I don’t know why Number 18 is also on the temple, maybe there is no breath on his body, and we don’t know that she is hiding in the temple, which is also a normal phenomenon.” Bik replied.

“Only the two of them left?” Sun Wulian asked again.

“Yes.” Bik nodded.

“Why don’t the others leave together?” Sun Wulian asked again.

“That spaceship can only sit two people, and the seats in the second row are also next to each other by Bidelli and Number 18.” Bik replied.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

“The 18th also left?” Sun Wulian couldn’t figure out why No. 18 would also get on the spaceship.

Saro laughed and said nothing.

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