“I know, Big Brother Salo must be trying to make No. 18 and Sister Bidili his girlfriend.” Tranx understood.


Sun Wulian slapped Tranx out of the air.

“Brother Goku… Why hit me? Tranx flew up with an innocent face.

Did I say something wrong?

Brother Goku, why do you still beat people up?

“Tranx, you boy don’t talk nonsense!” Sun Wulian scolded.

“Huh?” Tranx was confused.

How can I just talk nonsense?

“Childlike words are unscrupulous, childish words are unscrupulous…” Sun Wuyi was busy and smiled at Saro with some embarrassment, “Salo classmate, you must not blame Tranx.” ”

“I didn’t blame him, he was right, that’s what I meant.” Salo replied.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Tranx: “…”

Look, Brother Goku!

Am I right?

You’re going to hit me!”

“Cough cough… That one…… Does Biddy Li know? Sun Wulian wiped his sweat and looked at Saro and asked.

“I haven’t told her yet.” Saro smiled.

“The character of Biddy’s classmate… Shouldn’t you agree that you have two girlfriends? Sun Wuyi smiled bitterly.

“I don’t just want two girlfriends, life is alive, I think the more girlfriends the better.” 」 Saro smiled.

Sun Wulian didn’t want to talk anymore.

We’re not on a channel at all, okay?

The more girlfriends, the better!

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Do I have to find a girlfriend too?

If I don’t look for a girlfriend again, the beautiful girls around me will be pulled away by Saro.

Mom, you’re so bad.

You married so early and wouldn’t let me talk about girlfriends.

In case Uncle Clin’s and I can’t find a girlfriend like Uncle Kling, it’s going to be trouble.

“I don’t understand… Totally confused. Bik shook his head.

As a hermaphrodite, there is no concept of this kind of thing.


Isn’t it a hassle to do that much?

“Huh? Brother, big brother Saro, there’s someone down there! Sun Wutian pointed down at this time.

“Yes, I saw it.” Sun Wulian nodded slightly.

“It seems to be Mr. Satan, he is still alive.” Tranx was stunned, but recognized it, “Leave him alone, let’s go.” ”

“Tranx, what do you say?” Mr. Satan is the father of Big Sister Biddy, and it is not appropriate for us to leave him like this. Sun Wutian said.

“Saro, what do you mean?” Bick asked.

“Bring it on, maybe it’s useful at the critical moment.” Saro groaned.

“It’s okay.” Bik did not object, nodding his head in response, “Don’t say, although he hates people, his nature is still good, and he still wants to save the earth.” ”

And after saying this, he immediately swooped down, grabbed Satan’s clothes, and picked him up.

Sun Wutian went down and pulled the dog into the sky.

“Huh? Be…… Is it Saro? When Satan saw Saro, he was immediately relieved.

“Hello.” Sun Wulian waved at Mr. Satan.

“Ah! You you you… It’s you? Satan recognized Sun Wuxian.

Isn’t this guy the guys who appear in the Sharu game?

Sun Wulian didn’t say much, and neither did he nor Mr. Satan have anything to say.

“Saro, ask a question… How did I walk for so long without finding a single person? Not even a supermarket anymore! What’s going on? Can you tell me the answer? Satan asked cautiously.

“Almost all the people on the earth are dead, and the rest are the few who are present, and there are three other people alive, excluding the gods of the earth.” Salo replied.

“What do you mean?” Satan doesn’t understand.

“Three more people alive?” Bik was stunned and asked with some surprise, “Did Buu deliberately let them go?” ”

“Uncle Bik, no, one of the three people should be Tianjin rice and dumplings, right?” Sun Wulian guessed.

“Is it them?” Bick suddenly realized.

If it is Tianjin rice and dumplings, it is reasonable to be able to dodge Buou’s attack.

“Who else is there?” Bicker guessed.

“This… I don’t quite know either. Sun Wulian scratched his head.

“And then there’s Cyborg 17.” Salo replied.

“Ah! It’s the 17th! Sun WuXian nodded.

“Is it him?” Bik also smiled slightly.

As for the 6 little Saru except for the number 17, Saro did not say.

Those 6 little Sarus are not considered to be people, so there is nothing to say.

Several people flew forward again.

Finally, Dandy’s breath was getting closer and closer.

“Great, Dandy, you’re still alive!” Bick fell from the sky, laughing and breathing a sigh of relief.

“Mr. Bobo said I could never die, so he kicked me down.” Dandy wiped the sweat.

“Yeah, if you die, the Dragon Ball will disappear, and we won’t be able to go on next.” Bik nodded.

“Hey! Who is that little green ghost? Satan asked.

“He’s not a ghost, he’s a god.” Tranx turned his head and corrected it.

“Immortals? Another god? Satan’s eyes widened.

Is this the world of God?

It’s so hard for me.

“By the way, just said that there are very few surviving people on the planet… What about Biddyri? Satan suddenly thought of something and asked with a sigh.

“Big Sister Biddy let the spaceship pick it up and is not on Earth now.” Sun Wutian explained from the sidelines.

“Huh? Yes? Yes? Satan’s face was confused.

Let the spaceship pick it up.

Is this a science fiction world again?

I feel more and more… It was like I was having a dream.

“However, even if Big Sister Biddy Li dies, it doesn’t matter, we can resurrect her through Dragon Ball.” Sun Wutian continued.

“Resurrection? What do you mean? Satan was even more confused.

“This… Simply put, there are 7 Dragon Balls, and when they are put together, any wish can be fulfilled, so that the dead can be resurrected. Sun Wutian explained.

“With 7 Dragon Balls, can any wish be fulfilled?” So why not defeat Buu directly? Satan asked rhetorically.

“Some wishes are unattainable.” Sun Wutian corrected.

Satan: “…”

Isn’t it true that all wishes can be fulfilled?

Why do we now say that some wishes cannot be fulfilled?

“Forget it, I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Sun Wutian immediately distanced himself from Mr. Satan.

“Huh?” Sun Wulian suddenly turned his head and looked to the side.

Bick is also slightly discolored on his face.

“It’s Buu! It’s his breath! Tranx said hurriedly.

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