“This guy must have come prepared this time.” Bicker muffled.

“I will not let him go again!” Sun Wuyi immediately prepared for battle, “Everyone should also be careful. ”


Realm King Divine Realm.

“It’s the breath of the demon Buu! He showed up! Sun Wukong said hurriedly.

“Old Ancestor, can’t this thing see that side yet?” The Realm King God quickly pointed to the crystal ball at his feet.

“I’ll try it…” The Old Realm King God thought for a moment, and the divine power in his hand surged and covered the crystal ball.

The Old King God thought.

As long as you don’t look at the god named Saro, there will be no problem.

Well, that’s it!


Suddenly, the image of Sun Wuyi and others appeared on the screen again.

“Great, shown again!” Sun Wukong said in surprise.

“Buou he’s coming!” The king of the world pointed to Buu on the crystal ball.

“I don’t see any change in him.” Sun Wukong meditated.

“Wouldn’t there be some conspiracy?” The Old King God guessed a word.

“What the hell does he want to do?” Sun Wukong is somewhat puzzling.

“I don’t understand… Anyway, with Goku’s current strength, he could easily defeat him. The King of the Realm said, “We shouldn’t have anything to worry about, right?” ”

“This is…” Sun Wukong nodded.




Bu Ou fell from the sky and landed opposite Sun Wuyi.

Sun WuXian looked silently at the demon Buu.

“Hey, hey, hey.” Buu laughs dryly.

Sun Wulian frowned.

This guy hasn’t changed much, and his breath hasn’t improved.

What the hell does he want to do?

“Is this a mysterious reason for him?” I can’t run away as soon as the war starts. Tranx laughed.

“Hey, Saro, can I discuss something with you?” Buu looked at Saro and suddenly asked.

“You say.” Saro nodded.

“Is it okay for the two of us to whisper?” Don’t let them hear. Buu said, walking in the direction of Saro, and said as he walked, “Rest assured, I have absolutely no ill will.” ”

“I can see it.” Saro smiled indifferently.

“Saro, be careful! This guy wouldn’t want to play any tricks again, would he? Sun Wulian hurriedly reminded.

“Don’t get in the way.” Saro said indifferently, “Come here. ”

“Hey hey.” Buu walked to Saro’s side step by step, lowered his voice, and said, “Let’s make a deal, shall we?” You asked me to absorb one of them, but not Sun Wuyi, how’s that? ”

“Do you think I’ll agree?” Saro smiled.

“After I absorb that person, I can guarantee that I won’t hurt you.” Buu said seriously.

“You directly absorbed Sun Wulian, can’t you just sit back and relax?” Why bother? Saro sighed.

You still hurry up to absorb Sun Wuyi, I am still waiting to teach you a lesson.”

No, I’m still waiting to go through it.

“Directly absorb the strongest person, the rest is nothing fun, right?” Buu Ou shook his head, “If I absorb Sun Wulian, I’m afraid even you won’t be my opponent.” ”

“As long as you deliberately target me, it has nothing to do with me that you absorb anyone.” Saro smiled.

“Okay, that’s it.” Buu nodded.

Since Saro said he wouldn’t interfere, I could take the opportunity to absorb the little guy from Gotenks.

That’s great!


Buu was far away from Saro.

The sound of the conversation between the two was very small, plus it was a mountainous area, the wind was relatively strong, and at this time, even the downwind ear of Bik did not hear the voices of the two.

“What did he tell you?” Sun Wulian asked hurriedly.

“Nothing, just be careful.” Salo didn’t explain much.

I said before that he could absorb me.

If you let him absorb it now, I will be anxious for your intelligence.

“Hey, you two! My opponents are you two! It’s fun to fight with you! Buu said to Tranx and Goten, “Do you dare to fight me again?” ”

“What? You have to figure out that your opponent is me. Sun Wu said.

“How’s it going? Do you two little ones want to have fun with me again? Buu Ou did not pay attention to Sun Wutian, but said to Sun Wutian and Tranx, “What? We haven’t won or lost yet, and you don’t want to end it like this. ”

Sun Wutian and Tranx glanced at each other.

The two little ones nodded in unison.

“Well, then we will fulfill you.” Tranx clenched his fists, “If it weren’t for the time just now, we would have solved you long ago.” ”

“Yes, we are very powerful!” Sun Wutian also followed.

“Just say don’t practice the fake style, if you have the ability, start quickly.” Buu snorted.

“Well, we’ll let you know how good we are.” Tranx’s face was full of confidence.

“Wait a minute, it always feels a little weird, this guy might have some kind of conspiracy.” Bicker muffled.

“Uncle Bik, you think too much, what conspiracy will there be with his pig brain?” Tranx shook his head.

The next moment, Sun Wutian and Tranx no longer had the slightest hesitation and immediately fused through dance steps.


After the fusion, Gotenks became the third Super Saiyan at that time.

“Hahaha, the warrior of the incarnation of justice, Gotenks, has appeared again.” Gotenks laughed.


Wu Tianx flew forward and appeared next to Sun Wuyi.

However, two pieces of flesh melted down on Buu’s legs and quietly moved in the direction of Gotenks and Bik.

“Let me come, I will definitely beat him easily.” Wu Tianx said to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wulian always felt that something was not right.

But for a moment and a half I couldn’t remember what went wrong?

Or should I let Gotenks try it first?

“Come on, Buu! This time your luck is not so good. Gotenks shook his arm, ready for battle.

“Not bad! Yes absorbed! Sun Wuyi thought fiercely and immediately said loudly.


Just as Sun Wuyi’s voice had just fallen, a pink piece of flesh was clipped towards Wu Tianx’s body.

Wu Tianx was stunned, a little confused for a while.

Brother Goku, don’t shout! I’m distracted by your shouting.


The next moment, Wu Tianx was wrapped tightly by the pink piece of flesh.

“Oops! Not good! Sun Wulian’s face changed color.


“Uncle Bick!”

Sun Wuyi was just about to go to the rescue, but he heard Dandy scream from the side.

Sun Wulian turned his head to look at it and found that Bik was also airtight wrapped in pink slices of flesh.

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