“Yikes! Shout! ”

Buu beckons to Gotenks and Bik.

The slices of flesh wrapped around the two and quickly flew towards Buu’s body.

“Hahaha, you guessed it, I’m going to absorb them!” They’re mine. Buoh laughed.

“Snap! Syllable! ”

Two pieces of flesh landed on Buu’s body, quickly merging with his body.

“Hahaha, finally succeeded.” Buu laughed wildly.

After fusing the bodies of Wu Tianx and Bik, Buou’s nose also grew out, and the edges and corners of the facial features were more obvious.

In particular, the tentacles on his head seem to have become longer because of the third Super Saiyan of Gotenks.

“Sun Wuyi, my plan has succeeded, what do you think?” Bu Ou smiled and looked at Sun Wulian condescendingly, “Now, the strongest demon in the whole universe has been born.” ”


Bu Ou jumped down from a high place and landed opposite Sun Wuyi.

“It’s so despicable, you actually absorbed both of them.” Sun Wuyi said coldly.

“It’s your own brain problem, didn’t Saro say before, I can absorb you.” Buu smiled, “But you yourself are defenseless and let me absorb, who do you blame for this kind of thing?” ”

Sun Wuyi’s whole body was shivering.

“Actually, when I sensed that your breath was stronger than mine, I kept thinking about countermeasures.” Buu smiled and said, “I wanted to absorb Saro, but you interrupted.” If I want to absorb it after that, I am afraid that it is not very likely. I thought about it carefully, absorbing Saro was really not as good as absorbing this little ghost. However, the fusion of this little devil was time-limited, and he could not fuse at that time. ”

“So, you blew yourself up on purpose and waited until an hour later to come back, right?” Sun Wulian asked in a cold voice.

“Yes, so I got my wish.” Buu smiled.

“I thought you absorbed it, and Uncle Bick would get smarter.” Sun WuXian smiled lightly, “Actually, you are still an idiot!” Since you want to become stronger, why don’t you absorb me directly? Wouldn’t that be more convenient? ”

“Don’t you understand?” Buu shook his head and smiled, “Without an opponent, I don’t care how strong I am, what is the point.” ”

“What?” Sun Wuyan looked at Bu Ou with some surprise.

Are you trying to challenge me?

How do I clean you up?

“Come on, Sun Wuyi, I want you to see my true strength.” Buu’s face was full of self-confidence, and he was ready to fight.

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Is this called your true strength?

You have absorbed them to gain great strength.

No matter, hang you up first!

“Let’s decide the winner quickly, there is a time limit for the fusion of Wu Tianx.” Buu smiled.


Sun Wuyan did not hesitate any longer, and flew up and kicked in the direction of Buou.


Bu Ou grabbed it with a big hand, and grabbed Sun Wuyi’s ankle.

Sun Wuyi’s reaction was also extremely fast, quickly adjusting his body in the air, and his other foot kicked towards Buou.


Bu Ou grabbed the ankle of Sun Wuyi’s other foot.

Sun Wulian gritted his teeth and condensed the energy flame in his right hand.


The energy flame slammed into Buu’s head.

Buou’s head fell back, and he easily dodged Buu’s attack.


Immediately afterward, the tentacles on Bu Ou’s head hooked Sun Wuyi’s neck and wrapped tightly around them.

Sun Wulian struggled.


Bu Ou punched him hard and directly hit Sun Wuyan in the cheek.


Then, Buu shot out a powerful burst of energy.

The powerful energy roared away in the direction of Sun Wulian.

Sun Wulian landed on the ground steadily, but the pain on his cheek was unbearable.

I have to say that Buou’s strength has greatly improved after absorbing Wu Tianx.

Some of Goku are not opponents anymore.

“Goku, be careful behind you.” Dandy hurried to warn.

When Sun Wulian turned his head to look at it, he found a huge amount of energy rushing towards him.

Sun Wulian was shocked and angry, and hurriedly leapt up.


There was a big explosion at the scene.

Dandy, Satan, and the dog were all so frightened that they hid in the cracks of the stone, covered their heads, and did not dare to say anything.

Looking at Sun Wulian again, he also luckily dodged the attack of the big explosion.

Taking advantage of this time, Sun Wuyan immediately found a place to hide.

“How? Are you scared? Why hide here? Do you want to be a shrunken-headed turtle? Where did your courage go? Or is it that you are not talking here in order to delay time so that the transformation of Wu Tianx will disappear. Bu Ou floated on a raised stone behind Sun Wukong, smiling and looking at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wulian was shocked, and his face changed color slightly.

This guy is so fast.

“I think it’s more appropriate for you to concede defeat earlier, you are not my opponent at all.” Buu smiled, “What? Do you want to keep playing? ”

“You shut me up!” Sun Wuyan was furious, soared into the sky, and kicked in the direction of Buou.

Bu Ou easily dodged Sun Wulian’s attack and flew up to kick Sun Wulian into the sky.


Buu’s hands donuts released.

A series of golden auras quickly appeared around Sun Wuyi’s body.


The golden aura immediately tied up Sun Wu’s rice.

“Hey, hey, this is the trick used by Gotenks, hurt by your own companions and even the equivalent of your brother’s existence, I don’t know what kind of mood you are.” Bu Ou smiled and squinted at Sun Wuyi.


Realm King Divine Realm.

“Beast! This beast! In this way, Goku will be killed! “Sun Wukong almost ate that crystal ball.”

“It seems that I miscalculated… There seems to be no other way to do it at the moment, only Goku himself to appear. The Old King God groaned.

“What?” Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment and hurriedly said, “However, I am already dead.” ”

“Yes, Your Honor… And Goku can’t be resurrected anymore. The King of the Realm replied.

“I know.” The Old Realm King God nodded slightly, “This is simple, give me my life, and you can be resurrected.” ”

“Huh? The life of the King of the Realm? For me? Sun Wukong was stunned.

“This… Does it work? The Realm King God also widened his eyes.

Is there such an operation?

“Whether it works or not, this is also the last resort.” The Old Realm King God shook his head, “If all the human beings in the universe are killed, I’m afraid that there is no need for our entire universe to exist… Unfortunately, that guy is still sleeping, I’m afraid he can’t wake up. If he can wake up, it will be easy to deal with the current Buou. ”

“Your Honor, who are you talking about?” The King of the Realm God winced slightly.

Who’s sleeping?

How did I not know?

Are there more powerful people?

“You don’t know?” The Old King God asked rhetorically.

“What do you know?” The King of the Realm God was speechless.

I know, I know what else to ask you for?

“If you don’t know, forget it, let’s talk about it later.” The Old Realm King God shook his head, with no intention of continuing.

“That… In exchange for my life, I now feel that I am of no use at all. The Realm King God did not dwell on the issue just now, and hurriedly responded.

As for the question of who is sleeping, let’s talk about it later, where is the time to say that now?

Isn’t the most important thing now to solve the problem of the demon Buu?

I don’t care who you’re sleeping?

“You idiot! Your use is not fighting! You are the God of Creation! Get it? Do you know what it means to create God? The Old King God roared angrily.

“This… I remember Saro saying the same thing to me. “The king of the realm god thoughtfully.

The Old King God let out a long sigh and didn’t want to speak again.

The young generation of Realm King God really disgraced our seventh universe.

It seems that after so many years, you should not have contact with the Realm King God of other universes, right?

It should be!

If you have been in contact with it, you will not be so ignorant.

“Okay, you’re still young, you have a lot to do, and I’ve lived for tens of millions of years, and I don’t have anything to be nostalgic about in the world.” The Old King God smiled helplessly.

“Grandpa…” Sun Wukong was touched in his heart.

“The only thing I have in love with is the beautiful woman Goku is looking for me.” The Old King God sighed.

Sun Wukong: “…”

King of the Realms: “…”

Old Ancestor, when is this? What else do you say these do?

Is that woman that important?

“Goku, you must remember to bring that beautiful woman to me.” The Old King God instructed again.

“This… As long as we can beat Buou, I will do it! Sun Wukong nodded, “When the time comes, I will take Bulma to the Old Realm King God’s…”

“I’m relieved to have your words.” The Old Realm King God nodded, sat down on the ground, and said in a deep voice, “Then, never say goodbye.” ”


After the Old Realm King God said this, his body was crooked, and he fell to the ground and died.

At the same time, the golden aura on Sun Wukong’s head was also gradually disappearing.

The next moment, Sun Wukong is officially resurrected.

“Lord God of the Old Realm… I will definitely fulfill my promise…” Sun Wukong looked at the Old King God with a heavy expression on his face.

“Okay, don’t grind, let’s go.” The Old King God suddenly sat up from the ground and scolded Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong: “…”

What’s going on?

Looking more closely, I saw that the head of the Old Realm King God also had an extra golden aura.

Is that dead?

“Hurry up and go.” The Old King God urged again.

“Okay…” Sun Wukong smiled bitterly, and he was going to go to Earth immediately to save Sun Wuyi.

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