“Wait a minute, don’t go.” The Old World King God hurriedly said.

“How?” Sun Wukong asked.

“Although you have been resurrected, how are you going to deal with the current Buu?” The Old Realm King God asked, “With your current strength, even if you join forces with Goku, you won’t be able to deal with him.” ”

“This… That’s the truth…” Sun Wukong nodded, “So, I want to learn from Saro.” ”

“What do you say?” The ears of the Old Realm King God were all erect, and his eyes were wide open.

“Lord God of the Old Realm, do you know?” Sun Wukong asked.

“What do I know? Do you think it’s easy to learn a skill? You still don’t have to think about it! The Old Realm King God didn’t drink angrily, “Besides, will Buu give you time to learn that thing?” ”

Son Goku did not speak.

The Old World King God Lord was right.

However, did the Old Realm King God overlook a question?

He didn’t say whether he could defeat Buu after learning that skill called Freedom Extreme.

It seems that the answer of the Old Realm King God Lord is yes.

As long as you can learn, you can definitely defeat Buu!

“That… Other than that, it can only be fused with Goku. Sun Wukong proposed.

“Do you think Buu will let you two merge smoothly?” The Old King God asked rhetorically.

“This is also…” Sun Wukong nodded, and scratched his head vigorously, “This can’t work, that can’t work, this is nerve-wracking.” ”

“So, take this one.” The Old King God took off the two earrings on his ears and handed them to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was stunned and took the earrings.

“Put one of them on your left ear.” The King of the Old Realm commanded.

Sun Wukong did so, revealing a look of confusion.

“After putting it on, will there be energy boosting after a while?” Sun Wukong asked.

“Stupid, how could there be such a thing?” The Old Realm King God shouted angrily, “When you go over there, give Sun Wuyi another earring on his right ear so that the two of you can fit together.” ”

“Huh? Are you sure? Sun Wukong suddenly realized.

“The effect after the combination is very good, this is a treasure of the Realm King Divine Realm, called the Potara earring.” The Old King God explained.

“I… I haven’t heard of it. “The king of the world wiped his sweat.

“No wonder you’re so useless…” The Old Realm King God gave the Realm King God a blank eye, then glanced at the crystal ball and hurriedly said to Sun Wukong, “Well, do you think it’s still time to chat?” Your son is about to be killed… Is he your own son? I’m not in a hurry at all about how I see you. ”

“Yes dear!” Sun Wukong wiped his sweat and waved his hand, “Well, I’ll go.” ”

However, just as Sun Wukong was about to leave, he suddenly stopped again.

“By the way, I forgot to ask… After this earring fits, how long does it separate? Sun Wukong asked.

Some things have to be asked clearly before they pass.

Don’t go back and look at the dark.

Besides, isn’t Goku still okay?

“Earring fits are time-bound, and once they are combined, they never separate.” The Old King God answered seriously.

Sun Wukong was speechless at that time.

It’s over!

If I were to merge with Goku, I would have to go to school with Goku.

It’s a lot of trouble!

I don’t want to go to school.

“Forget it, I can’t manage so much, I’ll go first.” Sun Wukong waved.


Sun Wukong moves through the teleportation and disappears in a flash.

Looking at the disappearing figure of Sun Wukong, the Old Realm King God was a sigh.

“What’s wrong? Old Ancestor? The King of the Realm God asked.

“The man named Saro… What do you think? The Old King God asked.

“Well, Old Ancestor, you’re talking about Saro.” The Realm King God smiled, “What else can I see?” Saro’s strength is not weak, and it is said that he also punched Buu in the blood. Of course, this Buou is talking about the fat Buou of the past, but not the current Buou. ”

“That’s right, I almost know who he is.” The Old King God nodded.

“Huh? Know his identity? The King of the Realm was stunned for a moment and asked, “Isn’t he the God of the Galaxy?” ”

“What? What did you say? The Old Realm King God looked at this junior with a surprised face.

“I… Am I wrong? The King of the Realm God asked.


The Old Realm King God slapped it on the head of the Realm King God, directly slapping the World King God to the ground.

“Old Ancestor, why did you beat me?” The King of the Realm looked aggrieved.

What did I do wrong again?

“You idiot, how did you become the king god of the upper realm?” You are so ignorant. The Old Realm King God reprimanded without anger, “There are humans here just now, and I didn’t mean to say you… You are so ashamed of me, the King of the Realm God is like you, it is better to die! ”

King of the Realms: “…”

The king of the world wiped the sweat.

Am I just so useless?


What the hell am I saying wrong?

I don’t know where I’m wrong.

Your Honor, you are going too far in doing so.

You tell me what’s wrong first.

“I ask you, what is wrong with you?” The Old King God asked.

King of the Realms: “…”

I asked you because I didn’t know what was wrong.

“I… I don’t know…” The King of the Realm looked at him with pain.


The Old Realm King God punched the Realm King God to the ground with one punch.

The kings and gods of the world were about to be beaten and cried.

“You idiot, don’t you even know where you’re wrong?” The Old King God shouted loudly.

The tears of the Realm King God all fell.

I didn’t know what was wrong, so I asked you!

You beat me because I didn’t know what was wrong.

I was speechless too.

“Old Ancestor, you still kill me…” The King of the Realm God showed a look of death as if he were homecoming.

“Do you know that Saro is not a god of galaxies at all?” The Old King God reprimanded.

“Huh? What the? Not the god of the stars, is it a candidate for the king of the world? The King of the Realm was stunned and asked again.

“I really don’t know what to say about you…” The Old Realm King God sighed, “Is it in your opinion that the Realm King God is the greatest god in the universe?” ”

“Huh? Isn’t it? The King of the Realm was stunned.

Isn’t the God of Realms the greatest god in the universe?

Is there a greater God?

That’s weird!

Why don’t I know?

“Didn’t you boy leave our universe?” The Old King God asked.

“Leaving our universe? What do you mean? The King of the Realm froze and asked, “Old Ancestor, do you mean that the universe has an end?” ”

Lord Elder King God didn’t want to speak anymore.

This boy is so ignorant.

If I want to tell him about the angels and the high priests, and the whole king, I am afraid that I will have to start from the beginning.

“This… Let me first tell you about the major universes, if I talk too much, I’m afraid you won’t be able to digest it. The Old Realm King God sighed and said to the Realm King Shinto, “This has to start from a long time ago, our universe is not the only such a being…”

“Old Patriarch! Check it out! Buu is going to destroy the earth. The King of the Realm quickly pointed to the crystal ball and said.

The Realm King God has no interest in what universe it is now.

The greatest interest of the King of the Realm is the demon Buu.

Don’t you know your old master?

My greatest ideal is to solve the problem of the demon Buou.

What universes have anything to do with me?

I call you several universes.

The Old King’s God: “…”

Ten thousand grass and mud horses flew through the heart of the Old Realm King God.

If he could kill people, the Old Realm King God would definitely destroy this boy.

Don’t you want to know?

Well, I haven’t said that yet.



Just when the Old Realm King God gave his life to Sun Wukong, Bu Ou also condensed his energy and bombarded the past in the direction of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wuyan broke free of the doughnut at the critical moment and quickly dodged the attack.

“Hmm, I didn’t expect you to be quite tenacious.” Buu smiled, “But it doesn’t matter, I’ll leave you powerless to struggle soon.” ”


Sun Wuyan was furious and rushed up with his fist again.


Bu Ou’s elbow hit Sun Wuyan’s body hard, smashing Sun Wulian from the air.


Sun Wulian fell into the ruins.

“Saro, what to do?” Are we going to go up and help? Satan asked hurriedly.

“There is a saying that there is no way out of the sky, there will be a way.” Saro shook his head slightly, “As for you, if you want to shoot, you can do it, but there is a high probability of being killed.” ”

Satan: “…”

“As Salo said, let’s just watch it honestly, we can’t participate in their battle, our strength is too low.” Dandy sighed, and at the same time worried about Sun Wuyi.


Just at this moment, a golden flame of light suddenly rose up on the earth.

The golden flames soared into the sky and smashed in the direction of Buou.

Bu Ou was slightly stunned, and slapped a slap on the energy flame.

Suddenly, the golden flame changed direction and flew out of the earth rubbing the earth, leaving a golden arc in space.


Bu Ou quickly swooped down and appeared in front of Sun Wuyi.

“Bang bang bang!”

Bu Ou faced Sun Wulian with a fierce attack.

Ten seconds later, Sun Wuyan was thrown out by Bu Ou like a garbage.

Sun Wulian fell to the ground, already seriously injured.

“Goku!” Dandy rushed up, “I’ll treat you.” ”

At the same time as he said this, Dandy’s hands treated the flame flickering, covering Sun Wuyi’s body.

“Hmm, only half a life left, I’m almost done, and the fusion time of Gotenks is almost up, so let’s solve you as soon as possible.” Bu Ou aimed his hand in the direction of Sun Wulian and was going to kill him at the scene.

After Sun Wuyi’s injuries recovered, he immediately stood up from the ground.

“Huh? This guy is back again? Buu was stunned, “Who is that little guy?” Forget it, it’s just recovery, the energy hasn’t been boosted yet. ”


Bu Ou’s hands burst with anger and bombarded Sun Wuyi’s body.

Sun Wulian had to cover his head with his arms.

“By the way, I also destroyed the boy, so that he wouldn’t have to treat people again.” Buu said, and another energy sheet slammed in the direction of Dandy.

“Not good!” Sun Wulian’s face changed color.

“At this point, I have to take out my powerful pistol, with a caliber of 45 mm!” Satan pulled out his pistol and shot desperately at the incoming energy bullets.


At this moment, a powerful energy surged out, destroying Buou’s qigong bomb at that time.

“Hahahahaha, my pistol is powerful, right?” Satan laughed.

“Huh? Be…… It’s Tianjin rice! Sun Wulian fixed his eyes and saw the Tianjin rice that appeared in the distance.

Just now, it was Tianjin Rice who erased Buou’s energy through the Qigong cannon.

“Goku, it’s really you, I can’t even recognize you.” Tianjin Rice smiled, “You are like the Demon Man, which is a big surprise.” ”

“Hmm, here comes another guy who doesn’t know if he’s alive or dead.” Buu sneered, “You’re all going to die anyway, whatever.” ”


Buu’s hands suddenly burst out a powerful flame of energy.

“I’ve played enough, I’ll destroy the planet and save me so much trouble.” Buu’ou smiled, “Saro, I don’t blame you for this kind of thing, I didn’t deliberately target you, did I?” So, the two of us still count, right? ”

Buu’s face was filled with endless smiles.

Look, I’m a very trustworthy person.

I said I didn’t deliberately target you, it must not be!

I’m just going to destroy the planet.

I just think the earth is a bit of a hindrance.

“Disappear with the earth!” Buu Ou said, he was going to smash the condensed energy in his hand.

At this moment, the figure of Sun Wukong appeared behind Buou.

“Qi Yuan Chop!”

Sun Wukong threw out a Qi Yuan Slash with a wave of his hand, and at that time, he cut Bu Ou’s body in half.

Buu Ou looked at Sun Wukong in the sky with a surprised face.

“Is it Daddy?” Is Dad Resurrected? Sun Wulian was pleasantly surprised.



“Well, just in case, I kept your body anyway.” The King of Yama said to Vegeta, “We’ll send you back to Earth, and the Earth will come to you.” ”

Vegeta’s head was suspended with a golden aura and she didn’t say a word.

“Crystal Mother-in-Law, take Vegeta to Earth.” The King of Yan Luo said to the Crystal Mother-in-Law again.

“Yes!” The Crystal Mother-in-Law nodded.

“Well, you’re putting your hopes in me.” Vegeta snorted and sneered, “That’s the Demon Buu, do you think I can deal with him with this strength?” Forget it, it doesn’t matter if you die again. ”


Galaxy Patrol Headquarters.

“I didn’t expect such a huge base in this space.” Biddy Li was full of emotions and suddenly felt like a frog at the bottom of the well.

There are so many things I don’t know.

In this galaxy, there is such an organization.

An organization that upholds justice, the Galactic Patrol.

However, after seeing the appearance of these galactic patrolmen, Biddy Li was also a little speechless.

Their image is simply too weird, not like normal people at all.

No. 18 did not speak, silently strolling through the Galaxy Patrol base.

“Hello, I’m Saro’s brother and my name is Myers.” Myers walked up and greeted the two girls.

“It turns out that you are Saro’s brother, and last time you said it was his friend.” Biddy smiled.

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