“It’s a brother and a friend.” Myers smiled slightly.

“No explanation, everyone has their own secrets.” Biddy smiled and winked at Myers.

“Haha, yes.” Myers wiped his sweat and nodded.

This little girl, her brain is still quite flexible!

The 18th, still silent, looked through the window and looked at this beautiful galaxy.

“What is the situation on Earth now? Can you see it here? Biddy asked.

“Because the Earth belongs to a relatively inferior civilization, we have not done any similar monitoring on it all along.” Myers shook his head, “However, the general situation can be somewhat understood according to the strength of the breath.” ”

“The strength of the breath judgment? At such a distant location, can the breath be sensed? Biddy asked in surprise.

“Yeah, as long as you use your heart to sense, you can sense.” Myers nodded.

“Well… What is the situation now? Biddy asked hurriedly.

“The situation is not very good, Sun Wuyi has been defeated, and the breath of the demon Buou has far surpassed all the people.” Myers shook his head and sighed in a low voice.

Saro, why don’t you shoot yet?

If you don’t shoot again, can you beat him?

Although you have entered the 2nd layer, but…

Myers thought about it and decided not to leave it that much.

Salo has his own ideas.

Then follow him.

“What? Do you mean that Buou’s strength has surpassed everyone? Biddy was shocked and quickly asked, “In that case… Saro wouldn’t be in danger, right? ”

“No, I can assure you that he will be fine.” Myers smiled confidently.

Even if the earth is in danger, he will be fine.

“What about my dad?” Biddy asked again.

“You can rest assured that your father will not have a problem under Saro’s protection.” Myers replied.



“I’ve seen you, the weird guy who can transform.” Bu Ou’s upper body was suspended in the air and looked at Sun Wukong, “I didn’t expect you to come and help, but I am no longer the former Bu Ou, I am much stronger than the previous me, and now even if you become that long hair, you are not my opponent.” ”

“Hey, don’t be happy too soon, I’m prepared.” Sun Wukong pointed at Buu and shouted, “I will definitely defeat you!” ”

“Huh? You seem to be quite confident. Bu Ou shook his head slightly, “Then let me see your strength.” ”

After saying this, Buou’s lower body flew up and kicked Tianjin Rice to faint.

“Abominable!” Sun Wukong clenched his fists.


Buu’s lower body flew up and joined the upper body.

“That poor guy kicked me half to death, and you’re still talking nonsense here.” Buu sighed, “I really didn’t expect who gave you the self-confidence, just because you still want to beat me?” ”

“Why are you in a hurry to restore your body?” Is it because I’m afraid? Sun Wukong asked rhetorically.

“Scared of you? You think too much. Buu sneered.

“Goku, next.” Sun Wukong casually threw the earrings in his hand to Sun Wuyi.

Sun Wulian was stunned for a moment and quickly reached out to pick it up.

However, Sun Wuyan was already injured, and his movements were not very sensitive.

As soon as Sun Wuyi reached out, the earrings had already slid over his side and rolled into the rocks.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Sun Wukong’s face immediately became hard to see.

“This idiot!” The Old King’s teeth fell out.

How could there be such an idiot guy?

Isn’t it good that you send the ring directly to Goku’s hand?

Didn’t you see that Sun Wuyan was already injured?

“This is bad!” The King of the Realm God also had a discoloration of his face.

That’s the only way out.

Did you just lose your earrings?

“Hurry up and get it back!” Sun Wukong was anxious, and he commanded Sun Wuyi and explained, “As long as you wear the earrings on your right ear, you can merge with me, and after the integration, we will definitely be able to defeat the current Buou.” ”

“Fit? I get it. Buu Ou also suddenly realized, laughing, “Hmm, you want to be together?” Don’t dream, I won’t let you fit, I’ll kill you guy first, and your wish will be disappointed. ”

“Request pause!” Sun Wukong said hurriedly.

“Go and die!” Buu let out a cold snort.

Who gave you a pause? Did you play with the family as a kid at the time?

After saying this, Bu Ou bombarded the past in the direction of Sun Wukong.

“Abominable!” In desperation, Sun Wukong bloomed with golden flames on his body at that time, becoming the third of the Super Saiyans.

“Useless!” Buu smiled coldly and sped up the attack.

“Found it!”

At this moment, Sun Wuyan suddenly raised the earrings in his hand and shouted happily.

Looking at Buu again, it was a slight stagnation in his body.


Buu’s body trembled and suddenly returned to the appearance of Bik’s costume.

“Dad, isn’t this the earrings of Lord God of the Realm?” Sun Wuyi held up his earrings and looked at his father in the sky, and when he glanced at the change in Buou, he was also stunned, “Huh? Is it time for them to merge? ”

“Hahaha, it’s really good, the children’s fusion time has arrived, you have now become the appearance of Bik, it is a pity, your strength has also decreased a lot, and the energy in your body has been greatly weakened.” Sun Wukong smiled slightly, dissipated the golden light on his body, and returned to normal, “A little disappointed, this way I and Goku don’t have to be together, Goku can beat you.” It’s okay, you don’t have to go to school…”

Buu: “…”

Buu’s face was a little hard to see.

But then Buu was grinning.

“Don’t you know? I was already prepared. Buu smiled lightly, “After you came here, I already realized that something was wrong, so smart people will prepare early.” And I’m the clever Buu. ”

“Ready? What’s going on? Sun Wuyi’s face was dazed.

However, Sun Wuyan was completely unaware that behind him there were Buou’s severed tentacles squirming and quietly approaching him.

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