“Do you know why this broken part has not been restored?” Buu Ou pointed at Sun Wukong, and the tentacles on his head were broken.

Sun Wukong was stunned.


Suddenly, only a piece of pink cloth was seen covering Sun Wu’s rice in an instant.

The Potara earrings in Sun Wuyi’s hand also slipped from his hand and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound on the ground.

“Oops! This is trouble! Sun Wukong was stunned.


The slices of meat wrapped around Sun Wu’s rice and directly sneaked into Buou’s body, and Buu’s body quickly merged into one.


Buu let out a loud laugh.

Sun Wukong’s face became more and more ugly, and almost without the slightest hesitation, he hurriedly flew down to pick up the dropped earrings.

“Goku!” Sun Wukong was full of despair and his face was full of despair.

This is over, everything is not saved.

Even Saro… Can you beat this guy?

“It’s over…” The King of the Realm God knelt on the ground.

“Don’t worry about jumping to conclusions first…” The Old Realm King God took a deep look at the nearby Saro.

Just a glance.

Don’t dare to look more.

If you look at it more, the Old Realm King God knows that Saro will definitely be able to sense it.

In that case, his crystal ball will be invalidated again.

“Old Ancestor, is there any other way?” The Realm King God asked hurriedly.

“Don’t ask, look closely, there will be a way.” The Old Realm King God nodded.

The King of the Realm looked suspicious.

When is this all over, and what else can be done?

Looking at Buou again, at this time it has completed its evolution.

On Bu Ou’s body, clothes similar to Sun Wukong’s color also appeared.

“Hahahahaha, it’s so perfect!” Buu laughed wildly, “I’m stronger than ever, and this time there is no time limit.” ”

Sun Wukong: “…”

What about my union with Gokuya?

This is trouble!

There is no other way but to merge with someone else.

That’s right, Saro!

I can merge with Saro.

“Saro!” Sun Wukong immediately looked at Saro.

“I’m not going to be with you, so don’t think about me.” Saro refused at the time.

I am who I am, how can I be with someone else?

Even if I wanted to merge, I would be with Biddyri.

Of course, when I say fit, I’m not using earrings to fit, but…

Sun Wukong: “…”

Saro doesn’t fit in with me.

How can this be?

Except for Saro…

Sun Wukong looked at the others one by one.

Tianjin rice has been kicked by Buou to faint, there is no way to fit.

Dandy is not a combative Namesian, and when combined, it has little effect.

Then the only thing left is Mr. Satan.

But…… If I merge with Mr. Satan, my combat effectiveness can only be increased by 1‰, right?

If you don’t get it, it will weaken…

I’m so sad!

“Saro, please, only the two of us can defeat this guy at the moment.” Sun Wukong pleaded again.

“Well, you still have this heart dead, Sun Wukong.” Buu Ou pointed his hand in the direction of Sun Wukong, “Except for Saro, there are a few other people you can choose, and I can let you merge.” However, only Saro can’t. And he didn’t agree to merge with you in the first place, and if you had that thought again, I wouldn’t hesitate to kill you. ”

Sun Wukong: “…”

There is really no way, then it can only be combined with Mr. Satan.

“Okay, let’s make a choice.” Buu’o smiled and said, “Saro, you’d better be honest with me, as long as you don’t target you, right?” ”

“Goku, Vegeta has come to Earth.” Saro said suddenly.

“What? Vegeta? What do you mean? Sun Wukong was stunned.

“If you were to merge with him, what do you think would work?” Saro smiled, “Go ahead, it’s up to me here, I’ll top it for a while.” ”

“Vegeta? How did he come from? Isn’t he dead? Sun Wukong was surprised and happy, “By the way, it must be the crystal mother-in-law who brought him here, right?” It was so good that I didn’t expect my luck to be so good! Well, sure enough, I already sensed Vegeta’s breath. ”

“What?” Buu was stunned.

“Thank you, Saro, I know what to do, you must resist!” After Sun Wukong said this, he immediately disappeared through teleportation.


Vegeta, led by the Crystal Mother-in-Law, came to Earth.

“Fortunately, we are still here, and it is up to you to see what happens.” Crystal Mother-in-law said.

“Well, don’t expect me too much.” Vegeta snorted, “Now the demon Buu’s breath is unusually strong, I will only be killed by him again.” ”


As soon as Vegeta said this, she saw the figure of Sun Wukong appear beside her.

“Kakarot? It’s you? Vegeta was stunned.

“Great, sure enough, it’s you!” Vegeta. Sun Wukong was very surprised.

“Goku? What’s going on? Aren’t you dead? “The Crystal Mother-in-Law discovers that Sun Wukong has been resurrected.


“What? Is it teleportation? What is this guy doing? Buu clenched his fists, feeling a bad premonition.

Immediately afterward, Buu was about to chase after Sun Wukong.

“Hey, Buu.” Saro greeted Buu.

Buu turned his head and looked at Saro.

“It’s time for Sun Wutian and Tranx to merge, and the two of them are now separated, right?” Saro asked.

“Yes, separated, what do you want to do?” Buu frowned and asked rhetorically.

“Since you are separated, a simple Sun Wutian will not have much effect on you, right?” Saro said again.

“How? You don’t want me to return the absorbed Sun Wutian to you, do you? Buu said coldly.

“Hmmm, you’re a lot smarter than before, and I can do it at all, but it saves me a lot of words.” Saro nodded.

“You’re stalling for time so that those two guys can get together.” Buu looked at Saro with a black face and sneered, “Hmm, even if the two of them are combined, will they be my opponents?” I’m the strongest Buu! ”

“I’m not stalling for time, I’m just asking you to get Sun Wutian out.” Saro Road.

“What if, I don’t give it to you?” Buu smiled softly, “What? You don’t mean to say stupid things like beat me up. ”

“Since that’s the case, then I’ll teach you your strength.” Saro said and appeared directly opposite Buu.

“Hmm, self-respecting fellow, I wanted to save you until the end and kill you, and since you’re here to die, then I don’t have anything to be polite about.” Buu smiled softly.

“Saro… Does it work? Dandy’s face changed color.

“Of course he can, he’s my son-in-law, my son-in-law!” Satan’s face was agitated.

“No, I’m going to see how Goku is?” It seems that Vegeta is coming, and if the two of them are together, the strength should be very strong. “Dandy wasn’t very optimistic about Saro.

Moreover, if I fight here, I will be affected.

Besides, Saro seems to be stalling time for Goku and Vegeta so that they can complete the union.

“Saro, come on!” After Dandy finished speaking, he immediately flew up and went to find Sun Wukong.

“Take me on…” Satan hugged Dandy.

Dandy: “…”

Didn’t you say he was your son-in-law? Definitely yes?

What are you holding me for?

Forget it, then bring it, there is no other way.

Dandy immediately flew up into the sky with Satan, flying quickly in the direction of Sun Wukong.

Saro, take care of yourself.

Be sure to hold on.

I’m going to call Goku and Vegeta over.

As long as you hold on, after Goku and Vegeta merge, you will definitely be able to defeat the demon Buu.

“Hmm, that green-skinned little devil ran away.” Buu did not go after Dandy and Satan and let them leave.

Anyway, I’m going to destroy the Earth sooner or later, can you get out of the Earth?

Do you have a spaceship here?

Nothing, right?

Without a spaceship, can you survive in the universe?

Yeah, I’d just destroy the earth, so why should I see it like them?

“Very well, Saro, I will let you see how powerful I am.” Buu sneered, “Aren’t your movements very sensitive?” Do you think I can’t hit you? It doesn’t matter, I destroy the earth, see how you dodge? ”

After saying this, Buu’s hand suddenly condensed a huge flame of energy.

The energy flame grows when it sees the wind.

In the blink of an eye, it has already expanded to a diameter of about 10 meters.

“Disappear with the earth!” As soon as Buu waved his hand, the huge energy flame slammed down in the direction of Saro.


Huge energy flames rolled down.

Looking at the energy flames that rolled down, Saro raised his hand, and the angelic power in his hand surged out.


The seemingly powerful energy flame under the action of the angel’s power was like a fart, and it suddenly collapsed.

“What?” Buu’s face was filled with disbelief.

“I’ll give you another chance and hurry up and release Sun Wutian to me.” Saro smiled slightly.

Even so, Saro was also a little disappointed.

That’s it?

I thought how powerful Ibuo was.

As a result, I only released a little angelic power and destroyed the energy you condensed.

It seems that I advanced too fast, and the current Buou is not enough for me to play.


Saro flew up, only to appear behind Buu in a flash.


Saro flew up and kicked Buu’s waist.


Buu Ou spewed out a mouthful of blood and cried out in pain.

Saro’s attack touched Buu’s soul.

Even if your body can be regenerated, the damage to your soul is enormous.

It doesn’t hurt to be weird.


Saro flew up and smashed Buu out of the air.

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