
Buu smashed into the earth like a meteor, and the whole earth shook and shook.

“You’re too brittle.” Saro shook his head.

But think about it too.

The 2nd level of the 1st stage of the angels, about the power of the sixth universe of the destruction god Xiangpa.

To say that Xiang Pa can’t even beat a rice Bu Ou is a bit of nonsense.


Saro beckoned to Buu.

Suddenly, Buou, who had landed on the ground, was controlled by Saro and levitated into the air.

“You, you, you… What the hell are you? Buu looked at Saro with a look of fear.


Just as Buu’s voice had just fallen, he suddenly found that a scepter had appeared in Saro’s hand.

“What?” Buu was horrified.


Saro let out a cold snort, and a flame of light shot out from the scepter, hitting Buu’s body directly.


Sun Wutian, who was absorbed by Buou, was separated from Buou’s body at that time.

“What?” Buu Ou was shocked and angry and frightened.

What’s going on?

How can this be?

Who the hell is he?

“You’re too weak to be my opponent at all.” Saro shook his head.

Buu’s whole body was shaking violently.

It was horrible!

How could this man named Saro be so terrible?


The flame on the scepter in his hand flashed again and hit Sun Wutian’s body again.

Suddenly, Sun Wutian, who was already unconscious, slowly opened his eyes, and the energy and injuries on his body were fully recovered.

“Huh? Yes? Yes? After Sun Wutian woke up, he looked left and right, and his face was confused.

But then, Sun Wutian saw Bu Ou on the other side and Saro beside him.

“Is it Buu? I remembered, he absorbed my fusion with Tranx! Sun Wutian gritted his teeth.

“Gokuten, the rest is up to you, defeat him!” Let the planet return to peace. Saro patted Sun Wutian’s shoulder.

“Me?” Sun Wutian was a little frightened.

Sun Wutian was a child after all, and it was still very psychological pressure to face such a powerful monster.

“How did he become like this?” Sun Wutian looked at Bu Ou silently and couldn’t help but ask.

“He absorbed your brother, my classmate Goku.” Salo replied.

“What? Did he absorb his brother? Sun Wutian was furious, and at this moment, a powerful energy suddenly appeared on his body.


Sun Wutian’s hair stood up high, and the golden flames around him bloomed, and he was about to turn into a Super Saiyan.

Saro didn’t speak either, just silently looking at Sun Wutian.

“Ah! I was wrong again! I’m sorry, Big Brother Salo. Sun Wutian immediately reacted, took a deep breath, and dissipated the powerful energy on his body.

Sun Wutian slowly closed his eyes.


When Sun Wutian opened his eyes again, there were already flames burning on his body.

Super Saiyan God.

Because his brother was absorbed by Buou, Sun Wutian once again triggered the divine power in his body and successfully became the god of the Super Saiyans.

“What? It’s this red hair again! Buu Ou was also slightly stunned, but he didn’t care.

Now, what terrifies Buu the most is the powerful presence of Saro.

Others, Buu did not pay attention to it at all.

Even, including the current Sun Wutian.

“Rest assured, I won’t shoot.” Saro smiled.

“What do you say?” Buu was stunned.

Saro didn’t shoot.


“There is no why, the reason is very simple, you are too weak to be worth my shot.” Saro shook his head.

Buu: “…”

Am I too weak?

I have absorbed Sun Wu’s rice, am I still very weak?

It’s just that compared to this guy, I am indeed very weak and weak.

No, I’ll have to find a way to absorb you!”

Wrong wrong!

If I were to absorb Sun Wukong… Maybe I can beat Saro.

The account he just hit me on, I can also pay it back.

“Goten, come on.” Saro patted Sun Wutian’s shoulder.

“Yes, Big Brother Saro, it’s up to me!” Sun Wutian nodded solemnly.



“Crystal Mother-in-Law, let’s not talk about this first, Buu should come right away, you better run away.” Sun Wukong said to the crystal mother-in-law.

“Okay, how much you take care.” Without the slightest hesitation, the Crystal Mother-in-Law flew directly into the sky and quickly disappeared.

I had to go to the Yin Cao Mansion to hide.

The planet is no longer safe.

Just after the Crystal Mother-in-Law had left, the earth also let out a violent tremor.

Sun Wukong silently glanced at the shaking earth.

Fortunately, the earth should still be able to withstand it.

It should be Saro fighting Buu, right?

I don’t know how long Saro can hold out.

I’ve got to merge with Vegeta in a hurry.

I’m afraid that after a long time, Saro is also in danger.

“This trick of the King of Yan Luo is really good and sends you back to Earth.” Sun Wukong smiled at Vegeta.

Vegeta: “…”

Vegeta didn’t bother to take care of Son Goku.

You special!

You also have Super Saiyan Three.

Do you think I don’t know?

When you fight with me, why don’t you show it?

How much you despise me.

This bastard Kakarot, it really pissed me off.

“There’s no time, so Vegeta hurried to bring this earring.” Sun Wukong held out his hand and handed the earring to Vegeta.

“Why?” Vegeta glanced at Sun Wukong.

“If you put on the earrings, the two of us can merge and give birth to a powerful warrior.” Sun Wukong explained.

“You say fit?” Vegeta snorted, “No kidding, why should I merge with you, I won’t promise you, you died this heart.” ”

Sun Wukong: “…”

Saro doesn’t want to be with me, why wouldn’t you?

“I knew it would be like this… However, this is the only way to defeat the demon Buu. Sun Wukong smiled bitterly.

“With you, I might as well let Buu kill him directly.” Vegeta snorted.

“Hurry up, Vegeta, now only we can defeat the demon Buu.” Sun Wukong urged, “The reason why Buu didn’t catch up immediately is because Saro was helping us delay time, and we don’t have much time left!” Please, Vegeta, hurry up and put on this earring, or we’ll all be doomed! ”

“I disagree!” Vegeta gritted her teeth.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Why don’t you agree? Why do I say so much, you just can’t get oil and salt?

“Hmm, when you fought with me, you obviously had great strength, but you deliberately wanted to hide it, do you want me to admit your affection?” Vegeta shouted angrily, “I saw everything in that world!” Hmmm, Super Saiyan Three, it’s an insult to me! I would never be compatible with a guy like you! ”

Sun Wukong understood this time.

It turned out that Vegeta was angry about this.

No wonder you won’t merge with me.

“This… If I become the third Super Saiyan, my time in this world will be greatly shortened, and I will not use it unless I have to. Sun Wukong explained, “Because once the time is shortened, I will be taken directly back to another world… So, when fighting you, I can’t use Super Saiyan Three. ”

“You don’t have to explain so much to me, in short, you didn’t fight me with all your might, you are underestimating me!” Vegeta sighed.

“So do you know all these things?” Sun Wukong shouted angrily, “Except for a few of us, everyone was eaten by Buou!” Including Bulma and Tranx, as well as Goku, Goten, Bik, and so on, they were also absorbed by Buu! This is also the reason why Buou’s breath has become so powerful! Now, Saro is buying us time to be together! I think he’ll probably be unable to hold on! ”

Vegeta: “…”

Vegeta was furious.

Things have come to this way.

That’s something I didn’t expect.

Damn it!

“Vegeta, this is our only hope, only by defeating Buu can we resurrect them all through the dragon!” Sun Wukong drank again.

Vegeta’s face was covered in a lot of cold sweat.

“Bring it!” Vegeta gritted her teeth and held out her hand.

Sun Wukong immediately handed the earring in his hand to Vegeta.

“Is it the right ear?” Vegeta asked.

“Yes…” Sun Wukong nodded.

“Does the process of integration take a long time?” Vegeta asked again.

“I don’t know, I forgot to ask the Old King God Lord.” Sun Wukong shook his head, “By the way, there is something very important that I forgot to tell you, once we are integrated, we will never be separated again, do you understand?” ”

“What do you say?” Vegeta’s hand shook and her face changed color.

“This… There is no way…” Sun Wukong said in a deep voice, “but it is not without a little way out, I have thought about it, we can separate us again through the dragon.” ”

“Damn! You guy! Vegeta was furious.

However, since it could be separated through the Divine Dragon, it didn’t matter.


Vegeta immediately put the earrings on her right ear.


Their bodies quickly moved closer together.

Becket was born.

“The combination of Vegeta and Kakarot is called Begit.” The corners of Beckett’s mouth drew an arc.

Then Becket looked back and forth, left and right.

“Dandy, are you here too?” Vegeta saw Dandy.

“You… You are? Dandy was stunned.

“Didn’t I just say that I’m a combination of Vegeta and Kakarot, and my name is Beget.” Becket repeated the sentence again.

“It’s awesome!” Dandy looked at Begett in surprise.

Satan was confused.

“Is Saro still fighting Buu?” Becket asked.

“Yes, they seemed to be fighting when I left.” Dandy nodded.

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