“Very well, I’m going to support them.” As Becket spoke, the golden flames of light on his body bloomed, and golden arcs of electricity wrapped around his body.


Becket turned into a golden light and quickly flew in the direction of Ou.


Realm King Divine Realm.

“Is that what they call the transformation of the burning flame?” After seeing Sun Wutian’s transformation, the Realm King God couldn’t help but widen his eyes, “I have seen it at the First Martial Arts Conference under the Heavens, although it is very powerful, but compared with Buou, there should be a big gap.” ”

The Old King God did not speak.

As for the situation where Saro had just erupted the power of angels, the crystal ball lost its image.

“But then again, how did the old ancestor’s crystal ball just break down again?” The Realm King God asked curiously, “I don’t even know how Sun Wutian came out of Buou’s body… Could it be that Buu deliberately released him? It is said that it is impossible… Why did he release Sun Wutian? ”

The Old Realm King God couldn’t stop sighing in his heart.

This realm king god of our universe is completely destroyed.

How do you not understand anything?

Also, I want to tell you the truth, but you don’t listen.

Let this boy figure it out for himself.

Aren’t you very imaginative?


After Sun Wutian became the Super Saiyan God, he quickly swept in the direction of Buu.

“Hmm, little devil, are you challenging me?” Buu let out a cold snort, and then he punched the past.

Of course, just in case, Buu still shouted at Saro, “Hey, Saro, you said you wouldn’t participate!” ”

“If you say it again, I’m going to do it myself.” Saro smiled.

Buu Ou did not dare to say a word, and the strength of his fist also increased a lot.


Bu Ou’s fist hit Sun Wutian’s arm hard.

Looking at Sun Wutian again, he used his own arm to block Bu Ou’s fist.

“What?” Buu’s eyes widened.

I punched him and he was able to block it.


Sun Wutian also fought back violently, kicking him in the face, just hitting Bu’ou’s chest.


Buu Ou spewed a mouthful of acid water in his mouth, and shock was written in his pupils.

What joke, I was actually injured by this little devil’s punch?

“Bang bang bang!”

Sun Wutian continuously punched and kicked out, and it was a fierce attack on Buou.

Looking at Bu Ou again, he was beaten back step by step by Sun Wutian, unable to resist.


Sun Wutian opened a big foot at Buou and kicked Buou into the air.


Sun Wutian flew up from the sky and quickly appeared beside Bu Ou.


Immediately afterward, Sun Wutian punched Bu Ou in the face.

When he looked at it again, there was also blood oozing from the corner of Buu’s mouth.

Just then, Begette sped in from afar, and when he saw this, he froze.

This is…… Burning flame form of Goten?

It’s him?

How did he separate from Buou?

What about Tranx?

Is it just him who comes out?

Could it be that the person who just fought Buu had always been Goten?

Becket looked quickly at Saro again.

Saro was still suspended in the air, still holding a small piece of watermelon in his hand, and was eating melon.

Begit was stunned for a moment.

What’s going on here?

Look at Sun Wutian, who is beating Buou.

At this time, Buou can be described as furious.

“You bastard! Gremlin! I can’t spare you! Bu Ou was furious and swung his fist at Sun Wutian to fight back.


It’s just that Sun Wutian is faster, and he kicked Bu Ou’s nose with one kick.

“What? Bleeding nose? Begit’s eyes widened, and she looked at Sun Wutian in some disbelief.

Wu Tian, this little guy is so powerful.

It was Bu Ou, the demon who had absorbed Goku.

As a result, let Goku be hanged?

Am I a bit redundant in this combination?

“Hee-hee, your nose is bleeding, how nice it is to have no nose like before.” Sun Wutian chuckled.

“The more you make me angry, the more you will die in pain, don’t you understand?” Buu cold channel.


Sun Wutian punched Bu Ou in the face again, and Bu Ou’s face changed shape at that time.

“Damn, I can’t spare you.” Bu Ou was furious and kicked in the direction of Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian, however, gently blocked Buou’s attack with his left arm, and then he grabbed Buou’s calf and quickly smashed him downwards.


Buu’s body slammed heavily on the ground, setting off terrifying waves.

Becket stopped talking.

After a brief silence, Becket quickly appeared beside Sun Wutian.

“Gokuten, let me come next.” Becket was a little itchy and greeted Sun Wutian.

“Huh? Who are you? Sun Wutian was stunned for a moment and turned his head to look at Begit.

“I am a combination of Vegeta and Kakarot, and my name is Beguit.” Becket replied.

“Is it a fit of Daddy and Uncle Vegeta?” That’s cool. Sun Wutian chuckled.

“I really didn’t expect it, Wu Tian, your strength is so strong!” Becket sighed.

“What is this… Big Brother Saro is called powerful. Sun Wutian shook his head.

Compared with Big Brother Saro, the difference between me and Big Brother Saro is 108,000 miles.

“Saro? I know he’s strong. Becket nodded affirmatively, “But now is not the time to say that… I want to ask you, how did you come out? ”

“Me? I don’t know, inexplicably it came out of his body. Sun Wutian shook his head blankly.

“Well, it doesn’t matter, I have an idea, work together and work together to rescue Goku and Tranx by the way.” Becket groaned.

“What’s the solution?” Sun Wutian really asked.

Becket leaned over to Sun Wutian’s ear and whispered a few words.

Sun Wutian looked at Begett in surprise.

A brief silence.

“Does this work?” Sun Wutian asked.

“How do you know if it works without trying?” Becket smiled, “I think it should be no problem, that’s the only way.” Although defeating this guy can also resurrect them through Dragon Ball, this kind of thing can not die or not die. ”

“Well, okay.” Sun Wutian nodded and agreed, “So, are you going to deal with him next?” ”

“Let me try it.” Becket nodded slightly.

“Uncle Becket, can you do it?” Sun Wutian looked up at Beckit.

Beckitt: “…”

I actually let this little devil be despised.

I can’t?

I will let you see and see my great strength.

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