“It seems that you have no idea how powerful they are, as soon as you touch them, they will explode violently!” Give it to me! Buu shouted.


The five ghosts flew in the direction of Beckett.


Looking at the ghost that rushed up, Beckett’s figure shook, quickly left its original position, and threw out 5 energy bullets with a flick of the hand.


Suddenly, these 5 ghosts exploded at the scene and disappeared.

“Do you even want to beat me with this little trick?” That’s all kids’ stuff. Becket smiled lightly, “It seems that you are nothing remarkable, although you have absorbed Goku, but you are only at this level.” ”

“Abominable!” Buu roared in anger and shouted.

“Uncle Beckit, how strong!” Sun Wutian waved his fists and feet excitedly.


Dandy rushed over again with Satan.

“Whoops…” Dandy was also tired.

Don’t always change the battlefield.

Aren’t you tired of running around?

However, after seeing the strong strength of Begit, Dandy was also relieved.

That’s great!

So it looks like we’re going to win.

“Huh? Is that Gokuten? Dandy was stunned again and saw Sun Wutian suspended with Saro.

Satan’s face was confused.

When did that red-haired little ghost come out?

It didn’t seem like he was there before.

It’s nerve-wracking.

What the hell is going on in the world?

This must be my dream!

Yes, it must have been my dream.

But this dream is so long and long.

Realm King Divine Realm.

“What the hell are the two of them doing?” Kill him. The Realm King God was all anxious, and he was eager to go forward and eat the crystal ball.

Hurry up and beat Buu to death.

You clearly have the ability to kill him, so why don’t you hurry up?

Why waste time?

If this continues, there will be no moth thing again.

The Old King God did not say a word.

“Hmm, I thought you were so powerful, so let’s show some real skills.” Becket smiled slightly, “You’ve been being beaten since I showed up!” I was beaten by Goku before, and now I’m beaten again, and I really can’t stand it. ”

“By the way, do you like coffee cookies or something?” Buu’s heart moved, and he suddenly looked at Begette and asked.

“Huh?” Becket was stunned.

“Turn into jelly beans!” The tentacles on Buu’s head flashed a pink flame and hit Beget’s body directly.

Suddenly, Beckett’s body quickly turned into a coffee-colored jelly bean.

Buu was pleasantly surprised, and the tears were about to fall.

Finally solved one.

Next, there was the little ghost named Sun Wutian.

“Huh? Uncle Becket turned into Jelly Bean… This is trouble…” Sun Wutian scratched his head, “There is no way, only I can defeat him.” ”

“Don’t be in a hurry, enlighten the heavens, observe and observe anything before making a decision.” Saro smiled.

“Yes, Big Brother Saro.” Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously.

“Ah…” The Realm King God was pale, already speechless.

“This idiot! I originally thought that the little ghost named Sun Wutian would be turned into jelly beans by Buou or something, but I didn’t expect it to be this guy! It’s not a fight! The Old World King God also had a look of irritation, “This idiot, really shame me on me.” ”


Buu let out a wild laugh and clutched the jelly beans in his hand.

“I’ll eat you now, although you are only in the state of jelly beans, but it can also make my strength improve a lot.” Buu smiled and said, “My strength after I improve will definitely surpass that red-haired little ghost!” ”


As soon as Buu Ou said this, his fist was out of control and suddenly hit his face.


Buu let out a loud cry and grinned in pain.

“It’s a pity, Buou, you still can’t eat me.” Jelly Bean spoke, “What? You’re now facing the world’s most powerful jelly bean, and I’m so small, how are you going to attack me? ”


Jelly Bean attacks Buu.

Buu Ou grabbed at the jelly beans with both hands.

However, the jelly beans are so small that Buu can’t hit the jelly beans.


Jelly Bean penetrated Buu’s mouth directly, through the back of his head, and broke his tentacles.

“You see, I have given you food and you can’t eat it, you look like this, people who don’t know think I’m bullying you.” Jelly Bean sighed.

“Change me back!”

Buu’s tentacles grew, and a pink flame hit Jelly Bean’s body.

Suddenly, Jelly Bean reverted to its Begett form.

“Huh? Has this changed back? Becket looked at his hands and smiled, “I haven’t played enough yet, the jelly bean looks like it just now feels very good.” ”

“Hey, get rid of Buu!” Don’t play anymore, okay? “The kings and gods of the world are about to cry.

And that little ghost Sun Wutian, don’t watch the drama from the sidelines.

Wouldn’t it be nice for the two of you to get rid of this guy together?

How did I get a bad feeling of foreboding?

“It’s dangerous… It’s finally back. Sun Wutian also tasted a sigh of relief, “Scared me, I thought that Uncle Berget would appear next to us in the form of jelly beans in the future…”

Saro smiled.

“Hey, Uncle Beckett, get rid of him, or I’ll be replaced by him.” Sun Wutian said loudly.

“You little guy, you’ve been playing for a long time, and now it’s time for me to have fun.” Becket looked at Sun Wutian and nodded softly at him, “Or, don’t play with him first, he has nothing to do!” So let’s end the game! ”

“Just in case, I’ll come too.” Sun Wutian appeared at Beget’s side in the form of a Super Saiyan god.

“Very well, Goshin, I’m now counting down, and when the time comes, the two of us will attack together and kill him completely.” Becket smiled.

“Good!” Sun Wutian nodded.

The countdown to Begett began.

Bu Ou’s eyes widened, and he looked at Begett and Sun Wutian without blinking.

The two of you appear side by side opposite me… Do you want me to absorb you all together?

But if I absorb them, the guy named Saro might stop me, right?

How does this work?

And what other body separation does that guy named Saro have?

Even if I absorb it, he can separate them.

What to do?

Buu’s mind quickly flashed with thoughts.

“Are you going to win?” Saro yawned, “Suddenly feeling a little tired, I’ll go make up for it, and you guys will continue.” ”

After saying this, Saro flew up and quickly left the scene.

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