Endless joy suddenly appeared in Buu’s eyes.

Saro gone?

Damn it!

Can’t feel his breath existing!

It should be gone, right?

If he is gone, I can absorb the two of them.

That’s great!

As long as I can successfully absorb the two of them, my strength will definitely reach the level of anti-heavenly existence.

Even if Saro tried to stop it, it would be too late.

Yes, that’s it!

I’m afraid that his body separation technique may not be good for me.

No matter what, such a good opportunity, why should I miss it?

The two tentacles I had broken just before were on the ground.

Are you two guys side by side for me to absorb?

“Uh-huh! Swish! ”

The two antennae on the ground were rapidly condensed and deformed, turning into two balls, rapidly approaching the side of Becket and Sun Wutian.

“Well, the time has come! Prepare to die! Begett snorted coldly, looked at Sun Wutian with a heavy look, and nodded to him slightly.

Sun Wukong also nodded solemnly.

“Buu, your end has come.” Becket smiled.

“Well, your end has come! We’re going to destroy you!” Sun Wutian followed.

“Uh-huh! Swish! ”

At this moment, two pink slices of flesh quickly wrapped up in Becket and Sun Wutian.


At this critical moment, Begett immediately put a protective film on his body.

The same was true of Sun Wutian, with an extra layer of red light shield on his body.


Buoha laughed, afraid that Saro was making trouble on the side, and quickly integrated the two pieces of meat into his body.

“Finally succeeded!” Buu was in tears.

It’s really not easy.

Fortunately, Saro didn’t seem to be making trouble, did he really go back to sleep?

“Hey hey! Hey! Hey! Buu let out a shrill laugh.

“This is bad…” The face of the King of the Realm was like dead ash.

The Old World King God was also confused.

Why did Saro run away at the crucial moment?

Moreover, how do I feel about the boy of Becket and Sun Wutian, the two of them deliberately let him absorb.

I don’t understand!

I don’t understand it at all.

“This one worked, hahahahaha, these two idiots! You guys are side by side for me to absorb! Buu Ou danced happily, “Now that I have become the strongest person in the universe, no one in this universe can deal with me anymore.” Then, when I have destroyed Saro, I can rest easy. ”

Dandy’s face turned white in fright.

Satan was also stunned.

What happened again, I couldn’t understand it more and more.

“It’s over…” The King of the Realm God knelt on the ground, wanting to cry without tears.

“Boy, don’t you worry, didn’t you notice that there was no change in Buu’s body?” The Old King God said a word.

“Yeah, it’s true that nothing has changed, what’s going on?” The King of the Realm God was also confused.

Before Buu absorbed, their bodies changed immediately.

In particular, the color and style of clothes on the body have become the appearance of the strongest.

Even, that fat Buou’s appearance was almost the same as that of the Great Realm King God Lord.

It was precisely because Bu Ou absorbed the Great Realm King God Lord that it led to his change.

But now, Buou has absorbed Sun Wutian and Bejit together, but nothing has changed, which is a bit strange.

“Maybe it’s not over yet, but if that’s the case, the two of them are really amazing.” The Old King God sighed.

On Earth.

“Hahaha, hahaha…”

Buu was still laughing wildly.

But laughing and laughing, Buu found that his body did not change much.

It’s not that it’s not that much has changed, it’s that it’s not changed at all.

This is strange.

“Why hasn’t it changed? What’s going on? Buu muttered quietly, looking at his body somewhat inexplicably.

Those two guys were indeed absorbed into my stomach.

There is no doubt about that.

Well, the guy named Saro is left.

It’s just that the Saro guy doesn’t have a little breath in him.

It’s not easy to find.

He must have been afraid of me, so he had already fled.

So, now I am the most powerful demon in the world.

That’s it!

Since Saro is hiding, it doesn’t matter, just destroy the planet.

Let Saro be buried with the planet.

“Wow, no one should stop trying to stop my ambitions, I want to control life and death in this world.” Thinking of this, Buu laughed wildly again and ripped off his shirt, revealing his strong muscles.

Dandy below was already scared silly.

It’s over!

There really is no drama now.

Goku and Bejit team up together to absorb people.

Saro also ran away.

All that remains is me, the god of the earth and the “hero” of the earth, Mr. Satan.

Dandy was discouraged.

There is nothing more painful in life than this.

All are gone.

Only I, the hero of God and Earth, and a dog remained.

What should I do?


Inside Buu’s body.

Sun Wutian and Beckett appear in a confined space where the organization is intertwined.

Fortunately, both of them emitted flames of light, but they were able to illuminate this area.

“This laughter is really hard to hear.” Sun Wutian covered his ears.

“It seems that this protective film on our body is still very effective.” Becket smiled and said, “Goten, let’s go find Goku. ”

“Well, okay, Uncle Beckett.” Sun Wutian nodded.

Realm King Divine Realm.

The crystal ball of the Old Realm King God also immediately appeared Sun Wutian and Beget.

“What? Are the two of them actually in the belly of the demon Buu? The King of the Realm God was quite surprised.

“Yeah, the two of them were supposed to want to save Goku, so they were deliberately absorbed by Buu.” The Old King God nodded.

“It’s amazing… So we’re hopeful. The Realm King God breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest, “It really scared me to death, I thought that this world and this universe were really finished.” ”

“Hmm, what do you boy know?” Even if the heavens fall, there will be higher gods standing on top of it. The Old King God smiled.

“Huh? The old patriarch looked quickly, and Becket seemed to be separated. The King of the Realm quickly pointed to the crystal ball and said.

The Old King’s God: “…”

Are you listening to me?

You special!

The Old Realm King God also immediately looked at the crystal ball.

Sure enough, the Old King God fixed his eyes on it and found that Begette was already divided into two people, Sun Wukong and Vegeta.

“How did this happen?” The Old World King God scratched his head and muttered, “It is said that after the earrings are combined, they will never be separated, I think it was precisely because I merged with an old witch that I became the appearance of this bad old man.” I was very handsome before, you should be able to understand my intimate feelings, right? ”

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