“Your Honor… Have you ever been together? And an old witch? The King God of the Realm understood.

“Good value for money” The Old Realm King God nodded, “Didn’t I tell you?” Or could I be what I am now? ”

“The old witch’s words… Is it a woman? The King of the Realm asked thoughtfully.

“Well, woman.” The Old Realm King God nodded, but he didn’t think much about it.

“So, Old Ancestor, when you go to the toilet, are you standing or squatting?” The King of the Realm God asked.

“I’ll kill you little bunny cub!” The Old Realm King God grabbed the World King God and punched him.

“Just kidding, kidding, don’t get angry.” The King of the Realm God laughed.

Pain and joy.

It was really fun.


Inside Buu’s body.

Sun Wukong and Vegeta both looked at each other with a look of surprise.

Sun Wutian was also stunned.

What’s going on?

“I see, there is time for integration.” Sun Wutian asked.

“Lord God of the Old Realm said that there is no time limit for the Ensemble.” Sun Wukong shook his head, “This is strange, why did they separate so quickly?” Seems like it’s less than an hour, right? ”

“Well, this stuff is useless, I’ll just take it off.” Vegeta said as she took off her Potara earrings and snorted coldly, “It’s also possible that I hate the fit and want to be who I am, and then the fit automatically fails.” ”

“Hey, Vegeta, don’t take this thing away, if you leave Buu’s body, we can still deal with him through the combination.” Son Goku proposes.

“Well, I’m not going to be with you again.” Vegeta smiled softly and grabbed the Potala earring with her hand, squeezing it to pieces.

Sun Wukong: “…”

“Don’t we still have this little guy?” Even if the two of us are not his opponents, what about him? Vegeta smiled softly.

“That’s true, too.” Sun Wukong nodded and looked at Sun Wutian.

However, Sun Wukong is still a little uneasy.

“Wu Tian, how long can you hold on to this state now?” Sun Wukong asked.

“Hee-hee, I can change this state at will.” Sun Wutian grinned.

“Really?” Sun Wukong looked at Sun Wutian in surprise.

“Daddy you see.” Sun Wutian said, the red flame on his body disappeared at once, and his hair also returned to black.

Then, Sun Wutian once again tried to transform into the Super Saiyan God.

“Huh? What’s going on? Why can’t I transform? Sun Wutian scratched his head, a look of puzzlement.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Vegeta: “…”

Didn’t you say that you can change it at will?

Can’t it change anymore?

“Strange! What the hell is going on? Why can’t I change anymore? Sun Wutian was astonished, “When I was outside just now, I could obviously switch this state at will.” ”

“What went wrong?” Is it because of environmental problems? Sun Wukong guessed.

“I don’t know… Big Brother Saro didn’t tell me that. Sun Wutian was really a little inexplicable.

Big Brother Saro never said that he would become a Super Saiyan god and be affected by the environment.

This is strange.

“Hey, now is not the time to discuss this, let’s go find Tranx and Goku.” Vegeta urged, “As for your transformation, as you march, slowly study it.” ”

“Vegeta is right, let’s go.” Sun Wukong nodded and smashed the Potara earring on his ear with his hand.

King of the Realms: “…”

The Old King’s God: “…”

These two losers!

You don’t have to, and don’t crush that thing.

Do you really think Potara earrings are all over the street?

It’s so hateful!

“Well, the two of them can’t get together, and Wu Tian can’t turn into red hair, is this a broken boat?” The Old King God sighed.

However, the Old Realm King God thought that there was Saro staying on the earth, and there should not be any big problem.

There is a problem that has long been a problem.

And not until now.

“Hey, Kakarot, over there!” Vegeta hurriedly greeted.

Sun Wukong walked over to take a look.

“It’s Uncle Bick!” Sun Wutian also followed Sun Wukong and said excitedly.

“And over there! It’s Goku and Tranx! Sun Wukong happily pointed to the other side.

Sure enough, the people who were absorbed were all here.


On Earth.

Buu Ou aimed his hand at the vast earth.

“As a memorial, let this planet disappear completely.” Buu’s smile appeared, “Saro, I won’t go to you, so I’ll let the earth bury you.” ”

However, just when Buu Gang was not planning to release energy to destroy the earth.

Inside Buu’s body, Sun Wukong and Vegeta and Sun Wutian had already begun to act.

The three of them directly interrupted the connection between the absorbed Sun Wuyi and Tranx and Bik.

Buu’s body also immediately returned to its original form.

“This… What’s going on? Buu looked in amazement at his body that had changed back.

“Hey hey, this Buou has returned to its original form, right?” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Mm-hmm.” Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously.

“Let’s find a way out now.” Vegeta Road.

“Gokuten, can’t you turn into that burning flame form now?” Sun Wukong asked.

Sun Wutian just planned to correct his father, this is not called the form of burning flames, this is the god of super Saiyans.

This is the name given to him by Saro’s elder brother.

However, Sun Wutian’s small brain turned and did not want to say it.

Anyway, I can’t change it now, and what do I mean by that name?

Don’t say it, don’t say it!

“It can’t change, I don’t know what’s going on… Isn’t my cultivation home yet? Just now I can clearly change it at will. Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“So, even if we ship them all out now, we still won’t be Buou’s opponents, right?” Sun Wukong said in a deep voice, “Unless you find a way to wake them up immediately, and then restore the energy of Goku.” But do you think Buou will give us this opportunity? ”

Sun Wu’s angel shook his head.

Definitely not.

If he will, he would be a fool.

“At this point, we can only take one step and count one step… But I have another way. Sun Wukong dragged his chin and looked silently at Vegeta.

“Kakarot, what kind of eyes are you?” What exactly do you want to do? Vegeta asked with a black face.

“Hey, I’ve thought of a good idea.” Sun Wukong grinned.

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