“You want me to use fusion with you, don’t think I don’t know.” Vegeta narrowed her eyes.

“You know?” Sun Wukong was stunned.

“I saw it in that world! What a fusion trick is simply disgusting! You can think of that kind of trick, even if I die, I will never merge with you! Vegeta gritted her teeth and shouted.

Sun Wukong scratched his head.

Is this trick disgusting?

Why don’t I feel that way at all?

“Hey, what’s that?” Vegeta suddenly fixed her gaze and saw something else.

“What?” Sun Wukong was slightly stunned.

The three of them immediately stepped forward and saw the absorbed fat Buu.

“This is also the demon Buu!” Vegeta was stunned and looked at the absorbed fat Buu with some surprise.

“This is his original form.” Sun Wukong Dao.

“Why is there still a Buou in Buou’s body, and how did he even absorb himself?” Sun Wutian also asked a little naively.

When the three of them said this, Buu had already infiltrated his body.

“I saw two Buou fighting each other in that world, and I also saw that inside Fat Buou’s body, a skinny Buou was born, and then Skinny Buou turned Fat Buou into chocolate and ate it, and it became what it is now.” Vegeta explains.

“I said what’s going on? It turned out to be a good thing that the three of you did! Buu’s voice suddenly came out.

The three of them immediately looked behind them.

“What’s going on? How can there be a Buou in Buou’s body? Sun Wukong was stunned.

Vegeta is also a great enemy.

Sun Wutian gritted his teeth and tried to become the god of the Super Saiyans.

However, I don’t know what the reason is, Sun Wutian has never been able to become a Super Saiyan god.

“There are many things you don’t know, and it seems that you haven’t been absorbed by me, so I’ll just say that something is not quite right.” Buu gritted his teeth and said.

The three stopped talking.

What to do?

It’s a bit of a hassle.

“You three bastards, I managed to trick you into my stomach, and then you all ruined.” Buu sighed.

“Heck, this sucks…” Vegeta gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

“So I just said that we shouldn’t have crushed the earrings, we can’t fit in now, and Goku can’t change into that burning flame form, how can we defeat him?” Sun Wukong’s face was helpless.

Buu was dumbfounded.

“Oh? What the? Can’t you two get together anymore? Buu was deeply surprised, “This little guy can’t turn into red hair anymore?” ”

Vegeta: “…”

Pig teammates!

This particular one is definitely a pig teammate.

How did I come across such a pig teammate?

“Hey, that’s great.” Buoha laughed and jumped straight out of the tissue of his body and appeared in front of the three people.

Son Goku and Vegeta hurriedly turned into Super Saiyans.

Sun Wutian was still in an ordinary form.

However, this ordinary form of Sun Wutian can also reach the level of a Super Saiyan.

“Come here, I’m going to blow up this place!” Sun Wukong said, aiming his hand at the inside of Buu’s body.

Buu hehe sneered.

“What are you laughing at?” Do you think I don’t dare? This is the inside of your body, as long as I explode with an energy, your body will be destroyed. Sun Wukong said coldly.

“Is it?” Buu smiled, “Then you can try it.” ”


Sun Wukong didn’t have any unnecessary nonsense, and a golden energy bullet spewed out from his hand at that time.

The golden energy projectile bombarded Buu’s body.


A surprising scene happened.

Such a huge amount of energy, but only formed a small pit on the surface of his body.

“It doesn’t work… Father. Sun Wutian scratched his head.

Vegeta was also silent.

“You idiots, this is in my body, you are now almost smaller than mosquitoes, and the energy is naturally greatly compressed, so that little damage is nothing to me at all.” Buou’s smile appeared.

“The energy has been greatly compressed?” Sun Wutian thought thoughtfully, “Dad, I seem to know why I can’t become like that.” ”

“Is it because in his body, the energy is limited?” Sun Wukong asked in a low voice.

“Maybe…” Sun Wutian nodded.

“Then we’ll find a way to rush out.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Hmm.” Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously.

“Well, now you are not my opponents at all, and the three of you had better be obediently absorbed by me, or just die.” Buu Ou sneered, and the killing intent appeared in his eyes.

“So, what if I tear this off?” Vegeta smiled softly and stepped forward to hug the fat Buu and the connection between the tissue.

Buu’s face changed color.

“Looking at your expression, I think something very interesting will happen.” Vegeta smiled, “I’d love to try it.” ”

“Stop! Don’t do that, don’t touch that thing! Buu panicked and hurriedly waved his hand at Vegeta.

“It seems that you are very scared, and I am even more curious, what effect will this thing have on you?” Vegeta smiled.

“Don’t touch that!” Please, or I’ll disappear! Or rather, I’m not me! Buu said hurriedly.

“You’re not you?” What does it mean? Sun Wukong felt puzzled.

“Wouldn’t it be something else?” Sun Wutian guessed from the sidelines.

“Hmm, I’d like to see what you’ll become!” The corners of Vegeta’s mouth drew a shallow arc.


Buu was in a hurry, and he didn’t care about anything, so he rushed quickly in the direction of Vegeta, trying to stop Vegeta’s move.


With a gentle effort, Vegeta easily broke the tissue connected to the fat Buou.

Buu’s face was shocked.

Immediately afterward, Buu’s body quickly integrated into his internal organization.

“Disappeared? What’s going on? Sun Wukong was stunned.


Buou outside, however, let out a roar.

“Hey, you two aren’t running out yet?” Still there to see the liveliness? When Vegeta said this, she was already pulling Tranx and running quickly in the direction of a certain passage.

Sun Wukong hurriedly grabbed Goku’s body, followed him closely, and said to Sun Wukongtian, “Gokuten, Bik will be handed over to you, let’s get out of here quickly.” ”

“Hmm.” Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously.

The three of them flew up quickly, speeding through Buu’s body tissues.

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