
Rao was so, and the energy projectile launched by Buu also rubbed on the surface of the earth, leaving a long mark on the earth.

The whole earth was shaking violently.

Bu Ou was stunned for a moment and silently looked at Sun Wutian.

“It’s so dangerous! The earth has been made out of shape, and if I have just lost a little, I am afraid that the whole earth will be destroyed. Sun Wukong had a palpitation in his heart, “Gokuten, do a good job!” ”

“It’s dangerous… Does this guy want to destroy the earth? Vegeta was also frightened and her face changed color.

“Damn! I’m going to become the Super Saiyan God!” Sun Wutian gritted his teeth.

However, Sun Wutian didn’t know what was going on, and he still couldn’t change himself.

“Hey, Buu, we’re not going to let you do anything wrong, so come and fight us.” Vegeta sighed.

Buu glanced at Vegeta.

Immediately afterward, Bu Ou glanced at Sun Wutian again.

Buu grinned.


Buu raised his right hand high, and a powerful pink flame suddenly erupted from his hand.

This pink energy rose as soon as it saw the wind, rapidly expanding to a diameter of about ten meters.

“Not good!” Vegeta had a bad premonition.

“What the hell does he want to do?” This guy is really undead. Sun Wukong wiped his sweat.

“Hey, Buu, don’t destroy the earth, let’s fight!” Sun Wutian hurriedly said.

Bu Ou ignored it and directly made a move, and the pink energy bullet condensed in his hand slammed into the direction of the earth.

This time, the energy condensed by Buu was extremely large, and it was still smashing in the direction of the distance.

Bu Ou clearly released the energy in order to destroy the earth, how could he easily let Sun Wutian destroy it?

“Not bad! There’s no way out! Sun Wukong’s face turned pale and he hurriedly shouted, “Goten, Vegeta, come quickly, let’s leave here with teleportation!” ”

After saying this, Sun Wukong glanced at it and inadvertently saw Dandy and Satan below, as well as the dog that Satan was holding in his hand.

Sun Wukong almost did not hesitate at all, and hurriedly rushed down to pull the two people up.

There was no way, the two of them were closest to themselves.

Goku they…

It’s a bit far away!

And still lying on the ground!

That’s embarrassing.

“Daddy, brother he…” Sun Wutian also flew over quickly at this time, and found that his father did not go to save his brother, and he did not know how to do it.

Sun Wutian gritted his teeth and ran to save his brother.

However, Sun Wukong moved faster, grabbed forward with his big hand, and pulled Sun Wutian.

“It’s too late, Goten!” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth.

“But…” Sun Wutian also saw that the energy released by Bu Ou was about to hit the earth.

Vegeta’s eyes widened and anger appeared on her face.

Sun Wukong couldn’t take care of so much at this critical moment, so he had to try to cast teleportation and leave the earth as soon as possible.

However, how could the breath of the Realm King God above the Realm King God Realm be so easily sensed?


At this critical juncture, the Realm King God suddenly appeared on the scene through teleportation.

“Goku, give me your hand.” The King of the Realm God greeted.

Sun Wukong held out his hand.

“Hey, what about Tranx?” Vegeta said angrily.


The Realm King God moved through the instant, and in a flash, he appeared in the World King God Realm with everyone.


After the earth encountered Buou’s attack, it also immediately turned into cosmic dust and completely disappeared.

“Damn! Goku rice…” Sun Wukong knelt on the ground, remorseful.

Only, if you give Sun Wukong another chance to choose. Sun Wukong may also go to save Dandy and Satan.

Sun Wukong didn’t want to watch the people around him die.

Because, the two of them are closest to them.

“This… What is this place? Kingdom of Heaven? Satan was stunned and asked.

“Kakarot, why are you saving Satan this idiot instead of going to save Tranx and them?” Vegeta hated it so much that her teeth itched.

Sun Wukong was silent.

Dandy also hung his head, feeling useless.

I also seem to be disgusted.

Now that the earth is gone, and the Dragon Ball naturally no longer exists, what use is there for me as a god?

“Vegeta, although Satan has many nots, he is after all my girlfriend’s father, if you scold him again, don’t blame me for not being kind.” 」 Saro’s voice came from the side.

“What?” Vegeta was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Saro with a look of surprise.

What’s the situation?

Isn’t this Saro?

How could he be in the Realm of the Realm King?

Among the people who had just been brought over by the teleportation of the Realm King God, I clearly remembered that there was no him.

As for Saro’s threatening words, it had already covered Vegeta’s heart.

“Big Brother Saro?” You’re here too. Sun Wutian also ran over excitedly.

“Yeah, I haven’t been here for long.” Saro smiled.

“Saro… Whoops…” Satan sobbed with tears in his eyes.

Or my son-in-law is good to me.

Know it hurts me!

That pointed hair is so disgusting, actually said I am stupid!

Do you know that I am the world hero Mr. Satan?

“Big Brother Saro doesn’t know what’s going on, and I can’t become that again.” Sun Wutian asked hurriedly.

“Or is it that you haven’t cultivated enough to get home, and the reason you can change freely before is because your brother is absorbed, and you are also at a critical juncture.” Saro sighed, “But after beating Buou this time, if you cultivate for a month or two, you will be able to completely stabilize that form.” ”

“After playing Buou? I’ll have to cultivate for another month or two…” Sun Wutian scratched his head, “I thought I had stabilized that form.” ”

“It’s still early.” Saro smiled slightly.

“Earth… It has disappeared…” The Realm King God sighed.

Unexpectedly, the earth disappeared in the end.

Sun Wukong no longer said a word.

Vegeta was toothless and indignant.

“Saro, they say the earth is gone?” Couldn’t it be true? Isn’t the Earth right here? Satan pointed to the earth beneath his feet.

“What? Don’t talk nonsense. Dandy sighed, “This is the Realm King God Realm, not Earth!” And these two are the greatest Divine Realm King God Lords in the universe. ”

A question mark on Satan’s face.

What a mess.

Saro also said that he was also a god!

“Hahaha, no kidding… That means you’re all gods? Satan’s state of mind has collapsed.

How a person comes up saying that he is God.

This little green ghost is also a god!

Saro is also a god!

Also, these two men are the greatest gods in the universe!

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