“It seems that this guy doesn’t believe it…” The Old Realm King God sighed.

The King of the Realm God was also silent.

“I see, this is my dream.” Satan shouted, “It must be true, this must be a dream, I didn’t feel right before.” How can there be anyone more powerful in this world than me? I am the world champion Mr. Satan. Buu Ou didn’t exist or anything, and these gods should have been illusioned in my dreams. ”

Sun Wukong and the others were speechless.

Why don’t you believe it?

“Saro, is he really your girlfriend’s father?” The Old King God lowered his voice and whispered to Saro.

“Yes.” Saro nodded.

“This… Well, his idea was too creative. The Old King God laughed.

At this moment, Satan has run to a high ground.

“Since this is my dream, I will definitely fly in my dream.” Satan cried out, “Even Biddy can fly, can I, the father, not fly?” ”

Sun Wukong and the others were speechless again.

“Hey, Demon Buu, you destroyed my earth, and I, Mr. Satan, are going to fly through the universe and pick you up!” Satan said, jump from that mountain.


Satan fell heavily to the ground, grinning in pain.

“Kakarot, did you save such an idiot?” Vegeta said coldly.

Sun Wukong: “…”

“Vegeta, as I said, he’s my girlfriend’s father after all, only I can call him an idiot, but no one else can.” Saro said with a black face.

“How? Do you want to challenge me? Vegeta snorted.


Saro flew up and kicked directly at Vegeta’s body.

Suddenly, Vegeta flew straight out, rubbing her body against the ground, leaving a long trail on the ground.

By the time Vegeta stopped, she was already injured and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

“This is your punishment, let me put my mouth clean, and next time, I will undoubtedly die.” Saro snorted coldly.

Vegeta was completely stunned.

How could he be so powerful?

I have become a Super Saiyan, and how can I be kicked by him and seriously injured.

And I haven’t dodged his attack yet!

I’m not convinced!

How could my great Saiyan be bullied by this guy?


Vegeta gritted her teeth and immediately soared into the sky, the golden flames of light on her body blooming and the arc of electricity winding.

“Hey, Vegeta, now is not the time for infighting!” Sun Wukong hurriedly persuaded.

“Stupid! What are you doing here? Hurry up and fight. The Old Realm King God scolded the World King God.

“Me? How to persuade? I am not their opponent, Old Ancestor…” The King God of the Realm wiped his sweat and muttered quietly, “I didn’t expect that the current Galactic God was already so powerful?” ”

The Old King’s God: “…”

By this time, do you still think he’s the god of galaxies?

“You hurry over and tell Vegeta that Saro has a lot to do with the god of destruction.” The Old Realm King God hurriedly persuaded.

“Destroyer? This title seems to have been heard somewhere…” The King of the Realm God thought thoughtfully.

“Don’t go yet!” The Old King God shouted, “Do you want Vegeta to die in vain?” ”

“Ah! Yes…” The King of the Realm God reacted quickly and appeared beside Vegeta in an instant.

The Old King God also quickly appeared on Saro’s side.

“Saro, don’t get angry, what’s there to be angry with a human?” The Old Realm King God also gave a bitter word of persuasion.

“Angry? Inexistent. Saro smiled, “I just look at him unfavorably.” ”

“Hahaha, that’s good, that’s good.” The Old King God hit a haha.

“You let me go!” King of the Realm, no one wants to stop me today! Vegeta said angrily, “And Kakarot, you don’t want to persuade me to shut up honestly.” ”

“Vegeta, I just heard the old patriarch say that Saro may have a lot to do with the god of destruction.” The Realm King God quickly whispered, “Although I don’t know what a God of Destruction is, I have said everything I have to say, and I hope that you still focus on the overall situation.” Let’s figure out a way together to defeat the Buu guy. ”

“What do you say?” Vegeta’s body shuddered.

“I said, let’s defeat that guy Buu first, the feud between you and Saro… It doesn’t seem to be too much of a grudge, isn’t it just a kick in your foot? The King of the Realm God felt that this was not a problem.

Salo had just said that Mr. Satan was the father of his girlfriend.

Having said that you will not be insulted by others.

You’re good, but you don’t listen.

As a result, you were beaten, right?

Who can blame for this?

It’s not your own mouth.

“You just said… Does he have a lot to do with the God of Destruction? Vegeta was stunned.

“Oh? Do you know the God of Destruction? The King of the Realm shook slightly.

“What? Really fake? Vegeta’s mind suddenly conjured up the terrible face of Beerus.

Immediately afterward, Vegeta’s body was shaking violently, and she looked warily at Saro below.

Subsequently, Vegeta quickly thought of the strange scene after Saro’s appearance.

Also, how did he come to the Realm King Divine Realm?

Why did Sun Wutian become so powerful?

These things, Vegeta did not think about in the first place.

But now think about it…

This is special!

I can’t believe it!

Did he really have a lot to do with the God of Destruction?

Who is he to destroy the gods?

After considering some details, Vegeta’s whole body was shaking violently, sweating profusely on her face and body.

“Hey, are you okay?” The Realm King God was stunned.


Is it scary?

Where did God come from?

Why don’t I know?

But it seems that Vegeta this guy seems to know about the existence of the God of Destruction.

That’s weird!

I felt like I was out.

“Mr. Salro, that kick has benefited me a lot, thank you.” Vegeta quickly adjusted her emotions and quickly fell, thanking Saro.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Is this still the Vegeta I know?

Sun Wutian: “…”

Is this still Uncle Vegeta I know?

Dandy: “…”

Did Vegeta change actors? This is Vegeta’s stand-in, right?

King of the Realms: “…”

Did I just say the three words of God of Destruction and scare Vegeta into such a way?


What exactly is it?

Why don’t I know?

Saro: “…”

Saro also did not expect that Vegeta’s attitude would change so quickly.

I kicked you, and you still said thank you.

However, Saro had seen the gods and gods of Dragon Ball Super.

Vegeta was really upset when she first met Beerus and learned his true identity.

Also, if you don’t provoke, it is possible that the earth will be destroyed.

And he himself was not Beerus’s opponent at all, and he was still self-aware of this.

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