“You go, I’m going to watch.” Salo replied.

“Well, I’m staying here with Big Brother Saro.” Sun Wutian replied.

King of the Realms: “…”

Well, since you want to watch the game, I can’t do anything about it.


The World King God no longer hesitated, and immediately pulled the Heavenly God Dandy and the Old World King God, and through the instantaneous movement, they appeared on a strange planet in a flash.

“Who’s going to go first?” Sun Wukong looked at Vegeta.

“Guess the boxing.” Vegeta snorted.

“Okay.” Sun Wukong nodded, turned his head and looked at Sun Wutian, “Wutian, are you here too?” ”

“I… I’ll just do it, Dad. Sun Wutian shook his head, “I can’t become that state, or I don’t participate.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll get on with Vegeta.” Sun Wukong nodded and did not object.

“How do you return that state?” Doesn’t that mean to call the god of the Super Saiyans? Saro was stunned for a moment and turned his head to look at Sun Wutian.

“Hee-hee, I’ve thought about it, and I won’t say that name until I can’t change the Super Saiyan God at will.” Sun Wutian scratched his head and giggled, “I can’t change my body when I say it, I’m sorry.” ”

“That’s true, too.” Saro nodded.

“I won!”

Here, Sun Wukong and Vegeta’s guessing fist has also been divided into victory and defeat.

Son Goku wins.

“Cut.” Vegeta snorted, and the golden flame on her body dissipated.

A planet.

The Realm King God and the Old Realm King God silently watched the situation through the crystal ball.

“Why do the two of them have to go up one by one?” The king of the world wiped the sweat.

“Whatever.” The face of the Old King God didn’t matter.

“Old Ancestor, what did you mean when you asked me to say to Vegeta about the God of Destruction?” The Realm King God couldn’t help but ask.

“You really don’t know?” The Old Realm King God looked at the World King God and asked.

“I don’t know…” The King of the Realm shook his head blankly.

Why do I have to know about the God of Destruction?

Is he famous?

By the way, thinking about it, Saro seems to have proposed the name of the god of destruction before.

No, no, no, it wasn’t Saro himself who told me, but he said it to Sun Wuyi, and Sun Wulian relayed it to me.

It seems that this is the question of man and the universe raised by Saro in Gohana’s high school class.

It’s just that why the old patriarch would know that there is a god of destruction.

And, Vegeta seemed to know it too.

Not only do I know, but I am afraid.

Just hearing the three words of the God of Destruction was instigated on the spot.

“We are the king of the world, also known as the god of creation, as the saying goes, where there is creation, there is destruction, so the god of destruction was born.” The Old King God sighed.

“Then why not call it the God of Destruction?” The King of the Realm God asked.

“Roll! I don’t want to talk to you anymore! The Old King was so angry that his teeth hurt.

The King of the Realm God scratched his head hurriedly.

“Cough cough… So, that is, the greatest god in the universe, in addition to the king god of our world, there is also a god of destruction? “The king of the world wiped his sweat.

“You idiot, I wanted to tell you before, but you don’t want to hear it, and now you want to know?” The Old Realm King God scolded in disgust.

“Huh? Did you tell me that before? Old Patriarch. The face of the King of the Realm was confused.

You didn’t tell me, when did I say I didn’t want to hear it?

The Old Realm King God had such a black face and silently looked at the World King God.

“Well, I seemed to have lost my mind, and I apologized to the old patriarch.” The King of the Realm immediately bowed his head in salute.

“Well, you want to hear it now, but I won’t tell you.” The Old King God said without anger.

King of the Realms: “…”

Old Ancestor, don’t play with the child’s temper.

“Well, this kind of thing has defeated the Buou guy, let’s talk about it well.” The Old Realm King God sighed, “By the way, let Goku know and understand, otherwise you are simply sitting in the well and watching the sky.” ”

“Sitting in the well and watching the sky? Is it that serious? “The king of the world wiped his sweat.

How I suddenly felt as if I was not the greatest god in the whole universe.

Above me suddenly appeared a god of destruction.

No, no, no, the God of Destruction seems to be on a par with the God of the Realm King.

“Old Ancestor, don’t you mean to say that Saro is a god of destruction?” The Realm King God seemed to think of something and asked hurriedly.

“Look, it’s time to start!” Goku is planning to become the third Super Saiyan, right? The Old Realm King God quickly pointed to Sun Wukong on the crystal ball and pointed at the World King Shinto.

King of the Realms: “…”

Old Ancestor, I’m asking you a question, don’t change the subject.

Are you listening to me?

“Well, that’s the reward for what you used to do.” The Old King God snorted.

That’s what you did just now, now you know what it’s like?

What do you want to hear now?

Hey hey, I just don’t say it, I’ll kill you.

Just imagine it yourself.

The King of the Realm God put his hand on the wood of the crystal ball and scratched it vigorously with his fingernails.

Old Ancestor, why are you so shameless?

Tell me about it.

Dandy’s face was stunned.

How to listen to the meaning of this old king god, Saro is a god with a high position?

Forget it, I’m a little god on earth, and I still don’t care about these things.

When Goku is resurrected, I must tell Goku about it.

Realm King Divine Realm.

“Well, the great battle that will determine the fate of the whole universe is about to begin.” Sun Wukong clenched his fists.

“Let me see your Super Saiyan III.” Vegeta Road.

“Hey, then you probably won’t have a chance to play.” Sun Wukong smiled triumphantly, “To be honest, if I had tried my best last time, I might not have been able to defeat him, I just wanted to give Goku a chance for them to defeat him by their own strength.” ”

However, halfway through Sun Wukong’s words, Vegeta walked away impatiently.

“Huh? Dad didn’t show his full strength last time. Sun Wutian scratched his head.

Saro did not speak.

It seems that I set my goal a little low.

A little Buou is not my opponent at all.

No way, who made me upgrade so fast.

Since Buou is not my goal, who is the right person to choose?

If not, choose Beerus.

It seems that after this matter is over, in another year or two, Beerus should also wake up.

After this two-year experience, I should be able to reach the third level of the first stage.

Well, set yourself a small goal first.

Defeat Beerus.

Once I’ve beaten Beerus, I can challenge Weiss.


Forget about Weiss.

I prefer to challenge Bardos.

She’s my dish.

By the way, the way you fight Bardos should be changed.

I had to find a way to learn tricks like bursting clothes so that the battle would be more fun.

What the? Is she my sister?

Not pro!

You think too much.

Although we are all angels, we are not related by blood.

In addition, this boy is also related to me.

Take the time to cultivate him well.

Perhaps, the first human being to understand the ultimate intention of self-realization was Sun Wutian and not Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was handed over to Wei Wei to cultivate.

I came to teach Sun Wutian personally.

I’m going to let Goku leave his father far behind.

Well, this goal is getting more and more interesting.


Sun Wukong’s body suddenly burst out with endless and powerful energy.

Super Saiyan No. 3! Transform!

“Bang bang bang!”

Sun Wukong’s powerful energy at that time blew nearby stones and smashed them on Bu Ou’s body.

Buu was sleeping and woke up.


Buu punched himself the chest.

“By the way, where did that guy named Satan go?” The Realm King God suddenly thought of something and asked hurriedly.

“Leave him alone, he’ll be fine.” The Old King God said.

With Saro here, he can be blamed for something.

“The battle is about to begin.” Vegeta was calm at this moment.

After saying this, Vegeta glanced silently in Saro’s direction.

I really underestimated him too much.

I didn’t expect him to have a lot to do with the god of destruction.

What is his relationship with the God of Destruction?

Could it be that he is a disciple of the God of Destruction?

There is a possibility.

No matter what, there will always be a time when the water will come out.


The battle between Son Goku and Buu officially begins.

Buu Woo sped towards Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong gathered energy with both hands and bombarded the past in the direction of Buou.

Suddenly, half of Buu’s body was blown to slag on the spot.


Buu quickly regenerated and recovered his body.

At this moment, Sun Wukong was already behind Buou.


Sun Wukong swung his fist and punched Bu Ou out with one punch.

Buou was in the air, hurriedly turning his body into a flat shape, and the tendency to fly backwards also slowly stopped.

Immediately afterward, Bu Ou looked at Sun Wukong who was rapidly approaching, and violently extended his feet towards the depths of the earth.


The next moment, Buu’s big foot appeared on Sun Wukong’s way and kicked at his chin.

Sun Wukong’s body deftly flipped several heels on the ground.


Bu Ou shot out a powerful ball of energy in his hand and bombarded the past in the direction of Sun Wukong.

At this critical moment, Sun Wukong performed an instantaneous movement and appeared behind Bu Ou.


Sun Wukong flew up and changed the shape of Buu’s kicking body.

However, Buou’s movements were also extremely fast, and he quickly counterattacked.

The two men soon engaged in a fierce battle in this realm of kings and gods.

Vegeta looked at it for a while, but her face became more and more calm.

“Kakarot, you are so remarkable, that demon Buou I am not his opponent at all, only you can compete with him.” Vegeta sighed and a smile appeared on her face.

This time, Vegeta was served.

After these 7 years of cultivation, I was not even as good as a dead person.

If the Kakarot guy wasn’t a genius, who was a genius?

I finally understood why you were so powerful.

Because you have a sense of responsibility, a righteous heart.

The energy you are born from this is also very powerful.

And me!

I always go my own way to fight and kill the enemy, all to my own happiness.

But Kakarot fought for others, for the sake of the earth, for a duty.

So, he didn’t kill me that year.

He seemed to have anticipated that I might have a little bit of humanity today.

How infuriating!

I didn’t expect that there was such a kind Saiyan in this world.

Come on, Kakarot, you’re the strongest.


The battle between Sun Wukong and Buu is already in a state of white-hot progress.


The big explosion just now once again made Buu’s body turn into pieces.

But soon, the fragments of Buu’s body condensed together, forming a pink mass of flesh.

Looking at Sun Wukong again, at this time, his nose is also blue and his face is swollen.

“Damn, it’s all like this, this guy’s physical strength doesn’t seem to have decreased at all.” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth, “I’ve broken him several times.” ”


Vegeta appears at Sun Wukong’s side.

“Vegeta?” Sun Wukong was stunned, “Are you going to replace me?” Let me fight a little longer. ”

“Hmm, I don’t mean to be competitive anymore.” Vegeta snorted, “You should know that I’m not his opponent at all right now, and if I had been on it, I might have fallen by now.” ”

“Uh… Not really. Sun Wukong said hurriedly.

“Okay, don’t comfort me like that, that guy is much stronger than I thought.” Vegeta clenched her fists, “You don’t have to care about how I feel, just come on and beat him up as hard as you can.” ”

“Huh? But I have shown all my strength, and I have not deliberately let you go. Sun Wukong scratched his head.

Vegeta: “…”

You special!

I don’t know how to pick up what you said.

“If you want to completely destroy that guy, you need at least a minute to charge your breath…” Sun Wukong groaned.

“One minute?” Vegeta winced.


As he spoke, Buu’s body was fully recovered.

Even, Buu stretched his body and posed in a very under-pumping shape.

“Does it take a minute?” Well, this minute is handed over to me, you hurry up and charge up. Vegeta gritted her teeth.

“Huh? Can you hold him back for that long? That’s going to take a minute. Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at Vegeta.

Vegeta: “…”


You special!

“Actually, it should still be possible to ask Saro to help delay for a minute, but he kicked Vegeta and injured him.” Sun Wukong scratched his head, “Actually, Saro is very powerful, you must not provoke him, I’m afraid that even if it is our combination, I don’t feel that I may be his opponent.” ”

“You idiot! I don’t need you to preach to me! Of course I know he’s strong! Vegeta sighed.

“By the way, what did Lord Realm God tell you before?” Sun Wukong asked with some gossip, “Your approach is a little different from you, Vegeta.” ”

“Shut me up and keep your breath ready.” Vegeta was furious and shouted loudly.

“Got it, I’ll talk about it later.” Sun Wukong nodded, and a golden flame erupted from his body, and he admonished to Vegeta, “You are dead now, and if you die again, you will not exist at all.” That is to say, in this world and that world will disappear, you must be careful, you must not die, Vegeta. ”

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