“Hmm, thank you for your concern!” Vegeta let out a cold snort, and the golden flames on her body bloomed, and the golden arc of electricity became the second of the Super Saiyans, “Just let me deal with him!” ”


Vegeta roared in anger and quickly rushed in the direction of Buu.

“Go and die! Demon Buu! Vegeta unleashed a huge flame of energy at Buu.

Buu quickly flew into the air, allowing half of his body to be swallowed up by powerful energy.


Vegeta was still launching a fierce attack on Buu.

In just an instant, Buu’s entire body turned into scum.

Soon, however, Buu’s body regenerated behind Vegeta.

“Uncle Vegeta! Behind you! Sun Wutian hurriedly reminded.

“What?” Vegeta’s face changed color.


Buu punched Vegeta the head.

Vegeta fell from the sky and felt dizzy.


The next moment, Vegeta found Buu appearing directly opposite her.


Buu flew up and kicked Vegeta up a lot.

“Bang bang bang!”

Immediately afterward, Buu attacked Vegeta with a fierce attack.

Vegeta was powerless to resist and was beaten to death.

Has this guy Kakarot been fighting such a powerful guy?

I can’t!

I can’t even hold out for a minute?

Vegeta felt like her mind was broken.

“Vegeta, hold on a little longer, just hold on a little longer.” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and continued to charge his breath.

“It’s not okay, if you don’t hurry up and I’ll be finished!” Vegeta sighed.

You’re really abrasive.

I felt like it was already a minute.

How long is a minute?

“Heck, I don’t know what’s going on, it seems like it’s been a minute, why haven’t you been able to fill up your energy?” Sun Wukong is also gritting his teeth.

I don’t know what’s wrong.

Who can blame for this?

“Big Brother Saro, Uncle Vegeta is dying, I’m going to go up and help.” Sun Wutian said hurriedly.

“Well, go for it.” Saro nodded.

Sun Wutian was just about to rush up.

“After you go, the master-apprentice relationship between you and me is over.” Saro smiled.

Sun Wutian quickly stopped and looked at Saro with a questioning face.

“Why? Big Brother Saro. Sun Wutian asked.

Saro did not answer the question, but silently glanced at the nearby Satan.

“I understand that Big Brother Saro is because Uncle Vegeta was disrespectful to Mr. Satan before… That’s why I won’t let me help him…” Sun Wutian turned his brain around quickly at this time.

No, if you don’t turn faster, you won’t be able to learn from Big Brother Saro in the future.

Saro smiled and didn’t say anything more.

Sun Wutian: “…”

Big Brother Saro’s heart is not big…

Well, for the sake of my future, I’m still not going to help Uncle Vegeta.

It’s just that if I don’t help him, he may be killed by Buu.

No, he’s dead.

But if he dies again, he will disappear completely.

“Rest assured, you can’t die, you just suffer from sin.” Saro knew Sun Wutian’s inner thoughts.

In any case, Sun Wutian is the son of Sun Wukong after all, and has a kind heart.

Sun Wutian would definitely not let the watch Vegeta die.

Even if he is not Buou’s opponent at all, he will help.

After all, he was the only one who could fight now.

“Understood.” Sun Wu’s angel nodded vigorously.

Since Big Brother Saro said that Uncle Vegeta would not be in danger of life, it must be all right.


Buu’s arm suddenly stretched infinitely, and at once it hooked Vegeta’s neck and strangled it hard.


Vegeta let out a life’s cry of misery.

“It looks like I can’t sit still like this anymore, Vegeta can’t hold on.” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and decided to go up and help.

If she hadn’t helped, Vegeta would have been beaten to death.

However, just as Sun Wukong was about to leave, he heard someone shouting loudly.


Buu was stunned.

Sun Wukong also looked at the person who spoke.

It was Mr. Satan who called out Buu’s name!

“I really can’t take it anymore, but I’m the gentleman of the world champion Satan, and I want to teach you a good lesson and make you wake up.” Satan crossed his waist and shouted at Buu, “You better give me enlightenment earlier, if you ask for forgiveness, I can spare you!” Do you hear me? You bastard. ”

Buu glanced over to Mr. Satan’s side.

Satan laughed.

Well, the one who was forced to pretend… Absolutely 10 out of 10.

Unfortunately, it was just a dream.

In my dreams you were all gods, and I was the only mortal like me.

I’m so sad.

Why am I not the strongest being in my own dreams?


Buu let go of Vegeta.

Immediately afterward, Buu glanced again in Satan’s direction.

“What do you see?” Satan cried.

“Roar, roar, roar!”

Buu was really enraged and punched himself in the chest.


Immediately afterward, Buu sped away in the direction of Satan.

Satan was startled and hurried to prepare for battle.

Buu’s face showed endless evil and murderous intent, and he was getting closer and closer to Mr. Satan.

“Aaa Why in a dream… In my dreams! Do I still feel that this guy is so terrible? Satan’s face changed again and again in fright.

After Buu got closer and closer to Satan, he also saw clearly Satan’s appearance.

Buu’s heart trembled, and the bits and pieces of being with Satan came to mind involuntarily.


Buu hugged his head tightly and let out a cry of pain.

“Huh?” Satan is a little confused.

What the?

Wouldn’t you be scared of me?

“Hahaha, are you scared?” Hurry up and surrender. Satan laughed.

Sun Wukong was also dazed.

What’s wrong with Buou?

Why did he suddenly show a pained expression.

Wouldn’t you really be intimidated by Mr. Satan?


Looking at Buu again, it seems disgusting.

“Hey, is Buu pregnant?” After seeing this scene, the Old Realm King God quickly asked the World King God.


The King of the Realm God fell to the ground at that moment.

The next moment, the Realm King God stood up from the ground and wiped a handful of sweat from his face.

“Old Ancestor, now is not the time to joke…” The King of the Realm smiled bitterly.

“Well, I just think the atmosphere is a little tense, soothing and relaxed…” The Old King God smiled.

Dandy: “…”

Two Realm Kings and Gods, are you reliable?

How do I feel that you are not reliable at all.

“Hey, Kakarot, are you all right?” Vegeta lay on the ground and asked aloud to Sun Wukong.

“I don’t know what’s going on, I just can’t recover my energy, as if a strange force is blocking me and making it impossible for me to recover.” Sun Wukong shook his head.

“What? Is there such a thing? Vegeta was stunned.

Kakarot, you liar.

Say yes for a minute, how long is it now?


Just then, Buu suddenly spat out a mouthful.


After the saliva met the air, it immediately turned into a fat man.


The fat man smashed to the ground.

“Buou?” Satan’s face was surprised.

Sun Wukong was stunned.

Vegeta was also shocked.

How come another Buou popped up?

Originally, a Buou would be very difficult to deal with.

Now that there is another one, how do we fight?

“What’s going on? Why one more Buou? The Old Realm King God was puzzled, “Is this just born?” How did you get pregnant? Who has the ability to get Buu pregnant? ”

King of the Realms: “…”

Dandy: “…”

Lord God of the Old Realm, can you be a little more serious?

“I don’t know…” The King of the Realm God scratched his head.

Before, regarding the matter between Fat Buu and Satan, the two kings and gods did not know about it.

“That fat Buu and Satan used to be good friends, maybe because of this relationship, Bu Ou didn’t attack Mr. Satan, and now that he has spat out the fat Bu O, he doesn’t want anyone to interfere with him anymore.” Dandy explains.

“So, Buu is rejected…” The Old King God understood.

After Buu Ou spat out the fat Bu Ou, he walked step by step in the direction of Mr. Satan.

“How? Do you want to fight? I can tell you, I’m great! Satan was immediately ready for battle.

Fortunately, it was just a dream.

In dreams, I was invincible.


As soon as Satan thought this, he was punched by Buu and flew away.

Satan’s body kept rolling on the ground, and when he got up, he hurried to the far side and ran away.

After pulling away from Buu, Satan shouted from a great distance, “You bastard told me well, I was just deliberately letting you go!” I can forgive you if you apologize now. ”

Buu had no intention of ignoring Satan.

It was only after hearing Satan’s words that he beat himself in the chest in anger.

Satan was stunned.

Forget it, I’ll hurry up, this guy looks a little scary.


At this moment, Satan turned his head to see that Buu was once again rushing quickly in his direction.

However, just as Buu was about to approach Mr. Satan, a pink energy flame rushed in the direction of Buu.

Buu was shocked and quickly flew away.

It was Fat Buu who shot it.

“I hate you and don’t allow you to bully Mr. Satan.” Fat Buu Ou cold voice.

“Buu… Woohoo… Or are you good to me…” Satan’s tears fell at that moment.

My son-in-law… Didn’t know anything about taking care of me.

He also claimed to be a god.

I am your father-in-law.

Or Buou good.


Satan wiped his tears.

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