
Buu Ou roared angrily and quickly rushed in the direction of Fat Bu Ou.

“Bang bang bang!”

The two Buou were entangled together.

Both Sun Wukong and Vegeta were stunned.

How did these two people get into a fight?

Well, play well, it’s also a good opportunity.

“Hey, Kakarot, what the hell are you grinding?” Still not in a hurry to recover? Vegeta gritted her teeth and stood up and shouted at Sun Wukong.

“I don’t know what’s going on, my energy is gradually disappearing…” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth.


After saying this, the golden flame on Sun Wukong’s body dissipated at once.

Monkey King returned to normalcy.

Vegeta was stunned.

Sun Wutian was also stunned.

“Daddy he… How did he get back to this look? Sun Wutian sensed that the situation was not good.

“This is the Divine Realm, and there is suppression of those simple powerful energies, which is why you can’t condense powerful energies in this world.” Saro explains.

“What? And this kind of thing? Sun Wukong was stunned.

Vegeta was silent.

“Your Honor, is what Saro said true?” The Realm King God asked hurriedly.

“It should be.” The Old King God nodded slightly.

“Well… Why didn’t the energy that suppressed Buou be? The king god asked again.

“Buu is not simply energy, but there is magic in it… So the suppression force is not very high. The King of the Realm God groaned.

“This is the first time I’ve heard that the Divine Realm has a suppressive power over energy.” The king of the world scratched his head.

“There’s more to you than you know.” The Old King God rolled his eyes.

Actually, I don’t know.

But if I said I didn’t know, I would be ashamed.

Especially in the presence of the god of the earth.

Am I mean to say I don’t know?

However, does this kind of suppression really exist in the Divine Realm?

Why haven’t I heard of it before?

Also, it wasn’t that there wasn’t one before, no one had such a powerful energy to appear in the Divine Realm.

Lord Beerus is not a human being.

That’s God.

When the battle is over, ask Saro.

“You guy! How did you recover? Isn’t there any way to do it now? Vegeta asked.

“Since Saro said that there is a suppressive force, I think it should be right.” Sun Wukong nodded heavily, and smiled bitterly, “This is trouble, I’m afraid we have no hope of winning.” ”

“Damn! That fat man wasn’t his opponent at all! Vegeta gritted her teeth.

At this time, there was still a fierce battle between Fat Buou and Buou.

It’s just that Fat Buou is not Buou’s opponent at all.

After a period of fighting, Fat Buou’s physical exertion was extremely serious.

“This is trouble, so sooner or later he will be killed.” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth.

Vegeta was also silent.

“Big Brother Saro, I’m going to fight!” Sun Wutian clenched his fists.

“If you want to die, go ahead.” Saro said lightly, “You are in this state now, even Vegeta can’t beat it.” ”

Sun Wutian: “…”

Seems to be.

Big Brother Salo was right.

If I can’t become a Super Saiyan god, I’m certainly not Buo’s opponent.

“Wu Tian, how did I tell you before, you have to calm down your mood, no matter what you encounter, you must have a peaceful heart, this is the right direction of the future free will.” Saro said to Sun Wutian, “The transformation of the Super Saiyan God is only the beginning, and even the door has not entered.” ”

Sun Wutian: “…”

Didn’t even get in the door?

Is it so powerful without even entering the door?

So how powerful would it be if you got started?

“To get started… Equivalent to the Super Saiyan Five. Saro groaned.

“Super Saiyan Five? Does such a transformation exist? Sun Wutian wiped his sweat.

Dad’s transformation is the third of the Super Saiyans.

Big Brother Saro actually said that there was also the fifth of the Super Saiyans.

“This is just my speculation, the Super Saiyan Five should belong to the kind of pure energy route, and there is still a big gap compared to the real free polarity.” Saro smiled, “Well, don’t ask so much first, it’s not a good thing to know too much.” ”

“Well, I see, I’ll work hard, Big Brother Saro!” Sun Wutian nodded solemnly, and his eyes were full of expectation.

The Super Saiyan God didn’t even enter the door of his own will!

I thought I was getting started.

I didn’t expect to be so powerful.

A super Saiyan god who is so powerful that he can easily hang and absorb his brother’s Buu.

Powerful enough to fight with both Dad and Uncle Vegeta.

Hey? Nor do I know who is stronger with Uncle Beckett and me.

I should be strong.

It’s hard to say.

When I was done with Buu and I could become a Super Saiyan god at will, I would talk to Uncle Beckett.

Wrong… Dad and Uncle Vegeta were joined through earrings, and now that the earrings have been destroyed by them, I am afraid there is no way to fit again.

“Hey, Lord Realm King, surely you can see us through the crystal ball?” If you can hear it, answer it immediately. Vegeta said suddenly and loudly.

“Uh… Heard it. The Old Realm King God hurriedly replied.

“Very good, take advantage of this time, go and get the Dragon Ball together immediately!” Vegeta greeted.

“Huh? Vegeta, you think…” Dandy was stunned.

“Well, let’s not talk about so much, Vegeta should have her own ideas, and we’ll just do it.” The King of the Realm replied.

“Dragon Ball? Dragon Ball again! The Old King God gritted his teeth.

“Now is not the time to refuse… It’s all for the sake of the whole universe. Dandy said.

“I know… Well, whatever you guys do. The Old King God nodded, no longer objecting.

“Then let’s go to Namesuke at once.” The King of the Realm God greeted.

“Vegeta, what are your plans?” Sun Wukong asked, “Is it a little premature to use Dragon Ball now?” ”

“Kakarot, how many times have you saved the planet so far?” Vegeta asked suddenly.

“How can you suddenly ask such a thing?” I don’t remember exactly, but it seems that there were several times. Sun Wukong scratched his head.

“We should also let the humans on Earth do something.” Vegeta groaned.

“Uncle Vegeta… What is he trying to do? Sun Wutian also heard Vegeta’s words and was a little confused.

Why are Dragon Ball still in use now?

Dragon Ball, isn’t it used after defeating the enemy?


At this moment, the King of the Realm God immediately appeared on the star of Namco with the Old King God and Dandy.

Namesis still looks so familiar and familiar.

Blue earth, green sky.

The waters are abundant on a planet.

“Welcome back, Dandy, everyone is waiting for you.”

A voice rang out behind the three men.

The three people of the Realm King God quickly turned back and looked back.

There were quite a few Namestics behind him, and the Namestics who spoke were none other than Grand Elder Muley.

“I already know what happened, so let’s take it out.” The Great Elder greeted.

After the words fell, 7 people raised the Dragon Ball in their hands.

“The Great Elder… Are you all ready? It was amazing. Dandy was excited.

“Old Ancestor, these Namesians look very magical.” The King of the Realm God lowered his voice.

“They seem to have come from another world…” The Old Realm King God also looked silently at the group of Names.

“What? From another world? What do you mean? “The King of the Realm God is a little confused.

“You don’t understand, I said it in vain.” The Old King God shook his head, too lazy to take care of him.

King of the Realms: “…”

Old Ancestor, don’t say half of it.

When you say that, I want to scratch the wall.

“All I can say is that the ancient Namesians migrated to our universe from other worlds.” The Old Realm King God whispered, “I’ll tell you what it is later, knowing more won’t do you any good.” ”

The king of the world wanted to cry.

Old Ancestor, you are too bad.

You will be punished for doing so.

“Okay, is it time to say this?” The Old King God reprimanded, “Don’t you hurry up and tell Vegeta that our Dragon Ball has been assembled?” ”

King of the Realms: “…”

It seems that the old ancestor can also say it.

Well, who made me a junior, or I’ll tell you.

“Vegeta, we’ve got 7 Dragon Balls.” The King of the Realm said to Vegeta in a hurry.

Vegeta was stunned.

Got it all together so quickly?

“Very well, now summon the dragon of the Nemesis immediately!” Vegeta clenched her fists and commanded, “I need two wishes, the first wish is to restore the destroyed earth; The second wish is to resurrect those who died on the day of the First Martial Arts Conference in the world, except for the most vicious people. ”

“Do you want it now?” Dandy asked.

“Yes, now! Immediately! Vegeta urged.

“That… What about the third wish? Dandy asked.

“The third wish doesn’t matter, I just want the first two wishes.” Vegeta shook her head.

“Vegeta, is it more appropriate to resurrect all those killed by Buou in your second wish?” Sun Wukong asked.

“You idiot! Wouldn’t Buffy and Daprah be resurrected then? Vegeta snorted.

“That’s true, too.” Sun Wukong nodded, “What you think is really thoughtful.” ”

Saro smiled.

Even the dragon could not be resurrected, and the slain Buffy Di and Daprah were gone.

Because the souls of both of them were gone.

Unless it is a dragon of the gods, they can resurrect the two of them.

The dragon of the Metamorphosis could not do it yet.

“Ah! No way! I suddenly remembered that the dragon of the Mercury could only resurrect one person at a time. Dandy lost his voice.

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