“What?” Vegeta’s face changed color.

“Yes… I also remembered that it was true. Sun Wukong scratched his head.

“Hahaha, don’t worry, I’ll let the dragon exert its maximum energy.” The Great Elder smiled.

“Great, thank you so much, Your Honor.” Dandy quickly thanked him.

“You people, what a mess to make a mess of nature.” The Old King God shook his head and was speechless.

“Vegeta, no problem.” Dandy replied.

“Let’s get started.” Vegeta answered.

Immediately, the Great Elder personally summoned the Divine Dragon Porunga.

“Say what you want, and I’ll fulfill all three of you as much as I can.” The voice of the Divine Dragon Porunga came out.

“Well, make a wish Dandy, do you remember the American language?” The Grand Elder smiled and said to Dandy.

“Well, remember.” Dandy nodded, “First wish, let the earth be restored.” ”

“No problem.” Porunga’s voice came out.

“Hey, Elder.”

At this time, the Old Realm King God came over and turned the Great Elder with his elbow.

“Lord God of the Old Realm, what is the matter?” The Great Elder was stunned.

“You dragon balls made by the Mexicans, I remember that you can summon the dragon by making two dragon balls, right?” The Old King God asked.

“Cough cough… Yes, it is worthy of being the Lord of the Old Realm King, and he knows a lot of things. The Great Elder hurriedly replied, “We, the Mimestics, each person makes a different size and quantity of Dragon Balls. I inherited the Dragon Ball of the previous Great Elder, so our Dragon Ball still retains the size of the previous Dragon Ball. Dandy is also the Dragon Ball that inherited the previous Earth, so there is not much change in size and quantity. ”

The Old King God nodded.

“Hey, I think if I made Dragon Ball, it would be smaller than the existing Dragon Ball… The number may also be less, it is estimated that three or four can be put together and summon the Divine Dragon…” The Great Elder smiled, “but this kind of thing is not accurate, only if you make it yourself.” Also, I think it’s an honor to be able to pass on the Dragon Ball of the previous Great Elder. After all, in the ancient past, Dragon Balls were used as rewards to our warriors of the Milky Nemesis. ”

The Old King’s God: “…”

You talk a lot, I’m just asking.

You don’t have to explain it in such detail.

“Well, your first wish came true, say your next wish.” The voice of the Divine Dragon Porunga rang out.

“The second wish, from the day the magician Buffidi came to earth, all those who died will be resurrected, except for the most vicious ones.” Dandy made a wish.

“Understood, but the wish is a bit complicated, there are too many people, it takes a little time.” The Divine Dragon Porunga replied.

Dandy: “…”

It will take time to see the dragon fulfill his wish for the first time.

Well, wait a minute, just wait.

This desire is indeed a little more complicated.

Realm King Divine Realm.

Buu launched a fierce attack on Fat Bu Ou.

Fat Buou had become a sandbag at this time, and his nose was swollen and swollen by Bu Ou’s beating, and he was unable to fight back.

“Bang bang bang!”

The scene also came out with the sound of fat Buou being beaten.

“Oops! Kakarot, Fat Buu’s energy is decreasing, so we have no hope. Vegeta clenched her fists and then asked loudly, “Isn’t it okay?” Haven’t the wishes come true yet? ”

“Don’t be so rude, okay?” Shenlong is also very hard. “The Old King Shinto.”

As soon as the Old Realm King God finished saying this, he found that the aperture on his head had disappeared at once.

“Let you wait a long time, both wishes have come true.” The voice of the Divine Dragon Porunga sounded again.

“Great, everyone has been resurrected! Vegeta. Dandy hurriedly said to Vegeta.

“Ah! Vegeta, the aperture on your head has disappeared, you have been resurrected, and it seems that you are not a fierce and evil person! It was so nice! Sun Wukong said in surprise.

Vegeta: “…”

Am I not a wicked man?


All human beings on Earth have also been resurrected.

“Me? Didn’t I get killed by Buu? ”

“What the hell happened?”

“Are we all dreaming?”

Humanity on Earth is talking to each other.

Another place.

Sun Wuyi, Bik and Tranx also woke up.

“Huh? What’s going on? Tranx looked confused.

“Are we resurrected?” Sun Wulian asked.

Bick didn’t say a word.

“By the way, what about Goten?” Tranx did not find Sun Wutian’s figure.

Sun Wulian shook his head, I don’t know.


Klin and the others looked at the sky in confusion.

How did it come to life?


Distant galactic patrol headquarters.

“Huh? What did you say? Has the Earth been destroyed? Biddy Li lost her voice.

“Yes, there is no way to do it, and we also have a weak heart.” Gack sighed, “Although I’d love to go over and get rid of that terrible guy, you still don’t expect me to be better, that guy named Buou, but very powerful.” ”

“Well… What about Saro? Beedili panicked and grabbed Gack’s collar and lifted him up.

“This… The earth is gone, and all people will die. Gark shook his head, “Now the thing we have to worry about is don’t let Buu run over here to make trouble.” His existence will plunge the entire universe into crisis. ”

“Wow… I don’t! Saro you don’t want to die! Biddy cried bitterly.

Number 18 snorted.

That guy named Saro, is it so easy to die?

“And my dad! My dad too…” Biddy thought of her father again and cried again.

“Huh? What’s going on? Gack was suddenly stunned, and through the investigation, it was found that the earth seemed to be back again.

“How?” Number 18 asked from the sidelines.

“It’s strange that there’s a signal coming from the other side of the earth… How? I had obviously found that the signal on the other side of the earth had been completely interrupted. Gagg wiped the sweat.

“You… You mean, the earth is fine? Biddy Li asked with a handful of tears.

“Don’t know what’s going on? Maybe the machine broke down just now…” Jacques scratched his head.

“You…” Biddy glared angrily.

“It’s none of my business, it’s a matter of the machine.” Gack smiled bitterly, “You know, artificial intelligence sometimes makes miscalculations. ”

“Saro and my dad just stay alive.” Biddy Li breathed a sigh of relief and patted herself on the chest.

Number 18: “…”

I’ll just say that guy didn’t die that easily.

Realm King Divine Realm.

“I see, Vegeta, do you want Goku to come and support us?” Sun Wukong asked.

“No.” Vegeta shook her head and said to Sun Wukong, “Get ready to start.” ”

“Start? What to start? “Sun Wukong is puzzled.

“Condensation Vitality Bomb!” Vegeta Road.

“What? Genki Bomb? Sun Wukong was stunned.

“Yes, the Yuan Qi Bomb is pure Qi, and if it is powerful enough, it will definitely completely kill the current Buou.” Vegeta said.

“But… The power of the Yuanqi Bomb was limited, and when it was in Name’s nemesis, such a large Yuanqi Bomb did not kill Frieza. Sun Wukong shook his head, “Are you sure that this Yuan Qi Bomb can defeat the demon Buu now?” ”

“I said that I want humanity on Earth to make some contribution.” Vegeta replied, “Let them release their vitality with all their might.” ”

“That… It would be better to let Goku come over and defeat him directly. Sun Wukong smiled bitterly.

What do you do with that effort?

Isn’t it good to call Goku over directly?

Vegeta didn’t speak either, and just looked at Sun Wukong silently.

“Okay, I get it.” Sun Wukong nodded, “Then condense the Yuan Qi Bomb.” ”

“Does Daddy want to gather the vitality bomb?” I heard my brother say that the Yuan Qi Bomb is very powerful. Sun Wutian said excitedly.

“If you collect the vitality of all the people of the earth, the power is indeed great.” Saro nodded, “However, would the humans on Earth send their vitality so easily?” ”

Sun Wutian turned his head and looked at Saro, his face confused.

Why not?

Don’t the people of the earth know that we are fighting Buu?

“Vegeta, and a third wish!” The voice of the King of the Realm came over.

“The third wish is okay, it doesn’t matter.” Vegeta replied, “I need to talk to Earthlings now, just as Buffy Di speaks to all Earthlings, can you do that?” ”

King of the Realms: “…”

The Old King’s God: “…”

The two looked at each other.

“Cough cough… It’s a tough one. The Old King God coughed.

Vegeta, you guy is really going to have a problem.

Is this something that people do?

The problem is, I won’t.

“Nor will I… Old Patriarch. The king of the realm scratched his head in shame.

“What? You won’t? Vegeta was utterly speechless.

“We are the kings of the world, not the gods of the almighty!” The Old Realm King God shouted, “Do you really think we can do anything?” If we can do anything, we don’t need the Divine Dragon or anything, wouldn’t it be more convenient to directly destroy Buu? ”

Vegeta: “…”

You are still kings and gods.”

Not as good as the magician Buffydi.

It’s embarrassing, it won’t.

Vegeta immediately looked at Saro.

I don’t know if Saro will.

“Leave it to me, I’ll fix it.”

Just then, another voice came into the minds of everyone present.

“This voice… It’s Lord King! Sun Wukong said in surprise.

“Yes, I am the King of the Realm.” The King of the Realm immediately replied, “To be precise, I am the King of the Northern Realm.” This kind of thing is entrusted to me, not to mention the earth, and I can do it to the whole universe. ”

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