“This is saved.” Vegeta breathed a sigh of relief.

“Not to mention, Vegeta is really smart to be able to choose the Yuan Qi Bomb.” The King of the Realm smiled and said, “Well, now is not the time to say this, Vegeta, just talk, I will spread the sound to the earth in its entirety.” ”

“People on Earth, can you hear me?” Vegeta began to speak.

The people of the earth who were busy immediately stopped and looked up at the sky with a surprised face.

“I’m talking to you from afar.” Vegeta explained, “Do you know? You have been killed by the demon Buu, but you have been resurrected by a magical power. In addition to this, your home has also been fully restored, which is definitely not a dream! I repeat, this is not a dream! This is real. ”

“What? Is this not a dream? When Satan heard Vegeta’s voice, he was also surprised.

Isn’t it really a dream?

It seems not, how can it hurt so much in a dream?

“What is he doing?” Saro? Satan hurriedly asked Saro.

“He’s talking to all the people of Earth.” Saro smiled.

“It’s better to talk than to help Buu when you have this time…” Satan was anxious.

Didn’t you see that Buoudu was about to be killed?

“Saro, if you go and help Buu, he’s going to die.” Satan pleaded with Saro.

“Rest assured, I can assure you that he will not die.” Saro smiled slightly.

“Really?” Satan was half-convinced.

Saro, you’re a big!

Buou was beaten like this.

“There’s a warrior who is fighting the demon Buu from afar, but he doesn’t have much physical strength left, so we need to use your strength.” Vegeta continued, “Put your hands to the sky and gather all your strength to bring down Buu! Don’t worry, you’ll just feel a little tired, as if you’ve finished a long run. ”

King of the Realms: “…”

This guy really can’t talk.

You say so, who will raise your hand to give you vitality?

“All right, Kakarot, let’s get started!” Vegeta greeted Sun Wukong.

“Well, Vegeta! I know! Sun Wukong nodded, and immediately flew up into the sky and levitated high in the air.

Immediately afterward, Sun Wukong raised his hands and began to condense the Yuan Qi Bomb.


Just when Sun Wukong was just preparing to condense the Yuan Qi Bomb.

The scene of the shadow flickered, someone appeared in the Realm King God Realm.

It was Jebit who rose from the dead.

The retinue of the King of the Realm.

After Jabitt returned to the Realm King God Realm, he was confused at that time.

What’s going on here?

Why are so many people in the Realm of Kings and Gods?

And, most importantly… Why is the demon Buu also there?

Well? What about Lord God of the Realm?

Is he dead?

“Huh? Aren’t you Jebbit? Are you also resurrected? Sun Wukong was stunned and hurriedly greeted.

“You… What the hell happened? Jabbit asked confusedly.

“Go away, don’t get in the way here!” Go find the kings of the world, they are in the Nemesis. Vegeta said without anger.

At the critical moment, what are you running over to join in the fun?

Of course I knew you would be resurrected.

However, even if you are resurrected, it is of no use.

Just don’t bother Kakarot to condense the vitality bomb.

“What about the Merston? Is Lord Realm God still alive? Jebbit asked.

“Go, he’s on the Mercury, and you’d better not tell me that you don’t know where the Mercury goes.” Vegeta snorted.

“Okay, I see, I’ll go.” Jabit nodded and disappeared directly through teleportation.


Jabit appeared on the Nami Meteor in an instant.

“Lord God of the Realm! You’re still alive! Jabit was so excited that he wanted to go forward and hug the King of the Realm.

“Don’t argue, Jebit, give me quiet.” The King of the Realm God drank.

Jebette: “…”

I have no sense of existence anymore.

“Is this guy your retinue?” The Old King God asked.

“Yes, old man, his name is Jebette.” The King of the Realm nodded.

Jabbit was confused again.

Lord God of the Old Realm?

Where is this bad old man coming from?

It’s really bumpy.


As soon as Jabit thought of this, he was knocked to the ground by a punch from the Old Realm King God, and many of the Namites were stunned by their eyes.

What a fierce old man.

“Stupid! Do you think you have something in mind I don’t know? You actually said I looked bumpy? I’ll kill you little bunny cub. “The Old King God punched and kicked at Jabit.

Jebette: “…”

I’m recruiting whoever messed with whom.

I’ve just come back to life.

I don’t know what happened yet.

It’s so hard for me.

“Please give me the energy, please!” Sun Wukong raised his hands.

“It’s Daddy! Dad is using the Genki Bomb! Sun Wuyan immediately reacted, and almost without the slightest hesitation, he released the Yuan Qi in his body as soon as he raised his hand.

“It’s Goten’s father.” Tranx also immediately released the vitality.

“It’s not Vegeta’s style.” Bick smiled and also raised his hand.

At this time, the people in the temple did not hesitate in the slightest, raised their hands and released their vitality.

Soon, the Yuan Qi Bomb quickly expanded to a diameter of about three meters.

“Great, this is Gokuya’s vitality!” Sun Wukong said in surprise, “Just a moment to condense so much.” ”

“It’s not enough!” Vegeta gritted her teeth, “Don’t know why! It is said that the vitality of all earthlings should be more powerful than this. ”

As he spoke, the voice of humanity on Earth also came out.

“Who was that guy just now?”

“Don’t be fooled, you may be a liar.”

“Who will reach out? What if the devil wants to be resurrected? ”

“Yes, that voice doesn’t sound like a good person.”

Vegeta: “…”

“Vegeta, if you want to destroy Buu, that’s not enough!” Sun Wukong hurriedly said, “It seems that no one has reached out except our partner.” ”

“Got it, mainly no one believed what I said.” Vegeta gritted her teeth and couldn’t help shouting again, “Hey, Earthlings! Are you going to be killed again by the demons? I repeat, this is not a dream! Give your strength! ”

When this was said, many people also held up their hands with the mentality of trying it out.

Then, their power was all sucked away.

“Attention everyone! Your power will be sucked away! ”

“It will be particularly painful, don’t reach out!”

“This guy may be Buffidi’s man, let’s not be fooled!”

Vegeta’s body began to shudder.

“Bang bang bang!”

Buu is launching a fierce attack on Fat Bu Ou.

Fat Buu Ou was already powerless.

“Hell yes! That fat man is dying! Vegeta gritted her teeth.


Satan was horrified, picked up a stone, and threw it in the direction of Buu.

“You bastard, stop me, I’ll smash you bunny cub.” Satan threw stones and cried out loudly.


The stone hit Buou on the head.

Buu squinted his eyes at Satan.

Satan was confused.

I just wanted to scare and scare you, I didn’t mean to hit you.

This is bad.

Bu Ou was slightly stunned, and suddenly noticed the Yuan Qi Bomb condensed by Sun Wukong.

“Damn! He found out! Vegeta screamed badly.


Buu then rushed towards this side and rushed to kill.

“Kakarot, I’ll buy you a little time, and you hurry up and find a way to convince those guys on Earth.” Vegeta said, the figure flickered, and quickly rushed in the direction of Buou.

“Hey, Vegeta, you’ve just been resurrected, your strength hasn’t recovered yet, you’re not his opponent!” Sun Wukong said hurriedly.

Vegeta: “…”

At this point, I can’t take care of that.

“By the way, I suddenly remembered, that Jebit next to the King of the Realm, can’t he restore our physical strength?” And Dandy, too, can do it. Sun Wukong said.

Vegeta: “…”

Well, I drove Jebit away.

“Goku, we have all given you the Yuan Qi, and we can’t cast the teleportation to help you in a short period of time.” The voice of the King of the Realm came over.

Sun Wukong: “…”

There is no way.

You can only take one step and count one step.

“Big Brother Saro, I’ll help!” Sun Wutian gritted his teeth, and now, if he didn’t help Vegeta, he would be killed.

“Go for it.” Saro nodded, but this time there was no objection.


Sun Wutian’s figure flickered and quickly rushed in the direction of Buou.

The next moment, Sun Wutian and Vegeta join forces to fight against Buou.

“People on earth, please, borrow your power and use it!” We need your help, so put your hand to the sky! Sun Wukong said hurriedly.


Garin Haram.

“Daddy, this voice is…” Uma looked at his father.

“Yes, this voice is Sun Wukong, and it is he who is fighting the demon Buu.” Upa’s father smiled and greeted his people, “Everyone give him the strength to help Sun Wukong defeat Buu.” ”

A remote mountain village.

“It’s Goku! That’s great! Everybody reach out! ”

Cyborg 8 and many villagers held out their hands to release their vitality.

Just for a moment, the power of the Yuan Qi Bullet increased by a few points.

Even many human beings on the earth raised their hands after hearing Sun Wukong’s voice.

This voice still sounds kinder.

“No, it’s not enough, it’s just a little bit more, why doesn’t everyone believe us?” Sun Wukong gritted his teeth.

Saro kicked Satan.

Satan: “…”

Satan looked at Saro with a confused face.

What am I doing?

I am your future father-in-law.

Is it appropriate for you to kick me?

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