“Satan, don’t you want to be a world hero?” Saro smiled.

“Huh? What do you mean? Satan was a little unresponsive.

“You come and tell all the people of the earth, let them raise their hands, and they will listen.” Saro smiled.

Satan’s eyes widened.

“Go for it.” Saro smiled.

“What do you have to say to make everyone hear?” Satan asked.

“Just say it out loud.” Saro Road.

“Well, I’ll try…” Satan nodded and shouted, “all of you listen to me, hurry over and reach out to help!” Don’t you even believe what I say to Satan? ”

All the people on earth were stunned.

“Yes… It seems to be Mr. Satan. ”

“That’s right, it’s Mr. Satan’s voice!”

“What’s going on? How is Mr. Satan here? ”

“Is Mr. Satan fighting the demon Buu?”

“Well, that’s exactly what I want to do, I’m going to bring down Buu, but I need your power.” Satan nodded vigorously.

You’ve all figured out the lines for me.

I had to borrow a donkey from the slope.

Don’t blame me for this.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Vegeta: “…”

Both were speechless.

Well, casually.

As long as the Yuan Qi Bomb can be collected, in the eyes of these earthlings, it doesn’t matter who defeats Buu.

“There’s no way… They wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t say that. Satan shrugged his shoulders.

“Satan! Satan! Satan! ”

The people of the earth no longer hesitated the slightest when they heard Satan’s call, and raised their hands one after another to sacrifice their vitality.

Sun Wukong was slightly stunned, and his face was full of surprise.

Looking up, the diameter of the condensed Yuan Qi Bomb had expanded to 10 meters in size.

The power has reached its peak.

“That’s it! That’s done! Sun Wukong said hurriedly.

“Done? Father. Sun Wutian turned his head and looked at his father.

“Goshin, hurry up and take Vegeta away from here.” Sun Wukong said loudly.


Sun Wutian grabbed Vegeta and quickly fled the scene.

Bu Ou also turned his head to look at the huge Yuan Qi bomb, and his face couldn’t help but change color.

Buu Ou could feel affectionately that this Yuan Qi Bomb would definitely make himself fatal.


Buu Ou shouted and threw up his hand, and a pink energy bullet smashed in the direction of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong hurriedly cast a teleportation, quickly disappeared in place, and dodged the attack of the energy bomb.

“Buu, go and die!” Sun Wukong roared angrily, gathered his strength, and threw the Yuan Qi Bullet in the direction of Buou.


Bu Ou was horrified, and a ball of energy erupted from his hand, hitting the flying Yuan Qi Bomb.

However, after Buou’s energy came into contact with the Yuanqi Bomb, it turned into slag on the spot and was shattered by the powerful power of the Yuanqi Bomb.

Buou was terrified.

“Whoa, whoa!”

The next moment, Bu Ou looked at the flying Yuanqi Bomb, and almost reflexively stretched out his hands to resist the invasion of the Yuanqi Bomb.

“Heck, I’m being held up by this guy, give me a little harder.” Sun Wukong panicked and hurriedly increased his strength.


It’s just that Sun Wukong doesn’t have much energy now.

Only to see that Bu Ou was pushing the Yuan Qi Bomb, running rampant on the land of this Realm King God Realm, and leaving a long mark on the ground.

“Oops! I miscalculated! Vegeta said in a deep voice, “I didn’t expect Kakarot to have no energy!” ”

On the Namesis Star, there was also a sigh at this time.

No one thought that the Yuan Qi Bomb that was hard to condense had no effect, and it was actually blocked by Buou.

“Lord Realm King, take me over, I can make Sun Wukong recover his strength.” Dandy said hurriedly.

“No way… I also ran out of stamina and there was no way to use teleportation. The King of the Realm said in a deep voice.

“My physical strength is gone… I was going to stay in the Realm of the Realm of the King, but Vegeta drove me over… If I had stayed there, I might have made a difference. Jabit also shook his head helplessly.

You made me come over, you see… How good it was for me to stay.

“Hey, when are you going to make me wait?” There is a third wish that has not been said! The dragon’s voice rang out.

“By the way, we still have the dragon!” Dandy’s heart moved, and he immediately looked at the divine dragon Borunga in the sky, “Divine Dragon, can you restore the strength of Sun Wukong who fought with Buu in the Realm King Divine Realm?” ”

“Yes.” The Divine Dragon Pollenga replied.

“Great, then please.” Dandy said hurriedly.


Realm King Divine Realm.

“No way! My stamina has reached its limit! Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.


While speaking, Sun Wukong suddenly found that his physical strength had been restored.

“Goku, the 3rd wish has fully restored your stamina.” Dandy hastened to explain.

“Really? That’s great! Thank you, Dragon! Sun Wukong said excitedly.


Son Goku directly turned into a Super Saiyan.


However, just when Sun Wukong had just transformed into a Super Saiyan, Bu Ou slammed his head and directly pushed the Yuan Qi Bomb into the distance.

Sun Wukong: “…”

“Not bad! The Yuanqi Bomb was knocked off by him! Vegeta sighed.

At this critical juncture, I saw Sun Wutian quickly chasing in the direction of the Yuan Qi Bomb.


Sun Wutian quickly appeared in front of the Yuan Qi Bomb and pushed forward with both hands.


The Yuan Qi Bomb flew back again.

“Great! Gokuten! Sun Wukong was overjoyed and hurriedly flew up.

Seeing the Yuan Qi bomb flying back, Bu Ou froze.

Especially after seeing Sun Wukong become a Super Saiyan, Buu’s face was full of despair.

At this time, Sun Wukong had already controlled the Yuan Qi Bomb.

“Buou, you are indeed quite powerful, with your own strength, through continuous changes to support until now.” Sun Wukong smiled, “When you die, I will ask Lord Yan Luo to reincarnate you and make you a good person.” ”

Buu was horrified and vigorously resisted the Yuan Qi Bomb that came over.

However, after such a long battle, Buou’s physical strength has also been exhausted to the limit.

“Goodbye.” Sun Wukong waved at Buu.


The energy in Sun Wukong’s body surged up.

Suddenly, the Yuan Qi Bomb swallowed Bu Ou inside.

Buou directly turned into slag, and all the cells were wiped out.


Sun Wukong also consumed all his energy.

Just now, in order to avoid accidents, Sun Wukong also exploded his energy to the extreme.

Sun Wukong fell to the ground.

Vegeta also got up from the ground, scarred.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

“How’s it going? Was it successful? Satan asked nervously.

“Well, you’ve succeeded, and you can announce your declaration of victory to the people of the world.” Saro smiled.

“I… Can I really? They don’t blame me, do they? Satan asked carefully.

“Whoever dares to blame you, I’ll beat him.” Saro smiled slightly.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the earth, I am the champion of martial arts, Mr. Satan.” Satan was overjoyed, and directly announced loudly, “Thanks to your great assistance, the demon Buu has been completely destroyed, you all rest assured, with my Mr. Satan, everything will be fine!” ”

“Satan! Satan! Satan! ”

The people of the earth loudly hailed Satan’s name.

Worthy of being our savior.

You’ve saved the planet again!

Sun Wuyi: “…”

Bick: “…”

Tranx: “…”

All three were speechless.

However, being able to destroy the demon Buu is also something to celebrate.

It doesn’t matter if it was Satan or who destroyed it.

We don’t care about this kind of false name anyway.

Sun Wutian also threw himself into Sun Wukong’s arms at this time, quietly wiping away tears.

Even if he becomes the god of the Super Saiyans, he is still a child after all.

“Haha, Goshin, why are you crying?” Sun Wukong laughed.

“I’m laughing, Dad.” Sun Wutian did not admit it.

“Little one! Well done, you finally blocked the Yuan Qi bomb, worthy of praise. Vegeta looked at Sun Wutian and nodded, “If it weren’t for you, we would have given up on our previous efforts.” ”

“Hmm.” Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“Hey, Satan, you’re not bad either! You deserve to be our Savior. Sun Wukong smiled and said to Satan.

“Hey hey, hey hey… You don’t blame me for stealing your credit, do you? “Satan is a little embarrassed.

“How come? This time you do have an indelible credit. Sun Wukong smiled.

“That’s true, too.” Satan laughed.

“Saro, thank you for cultivating Goten, without you, Gotten wouldn’t have reached the level it is now.” Sun Wukong said to Saro.

“Nothing, little things.” Saro smiled slightly.

“Big Brother Saro said, my transformation is in the Ultimate Consciousness, but I haven’t even entered the door.” Sun Wutian grinned.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Vegeta: “…”

Both were stunned.

Sun Wukong and Vegeta clearly knew how powerful Sun Wutian’s red-haired transformation was.

Even, the two could vaguely guess that the redhead was more powerful than Beckett.

Even if he is not as strong as Begit, at least he can compete with Beget.

That’s Beckett!

The union of the two of us.

It’s actually not as good as Goten’s redhead transformation!

However, Goku is saying…

That transformation, not even the entry?

If you enter the door, how strong will it be?

How powerful would it be to be truly free?

Sun Wukong did not dare to imagine.

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