Vegeta also shivered, her face full of shock.

This guy wouldn’t really be a disciple of the God of Destruction, right?

Are he talking about the power of the God of Destruction?

That is the strength of that cat.

No wonder, a little Buou didn’t shoot the whole time.

Because, in the eyes of this man named Saro, Buou should only be regarded as a small ant in his eyes, right?

A small ant that can be pinched to death with one hand.

It was horrible.

Sun Wukong sighed even more.

If it really did as Wu Tian said, it would be too powerful.

If I don’t work harder, I will be surpassed by my son, many, many times.

Now I am not only not the opponent of Goten, but even Goku is far inferior.

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground and took a deep breath.

Vegeta also clenched her fists and climbed up.

“It looks like it’s all right, I should go, let’s meet again, guys.” Saro waved his hand and flew into the sky.

“Big Brother Saro?” Are you leaving? Sun Wutian clings to it.

“There is no feast in the world.” Saro smiled.

“Huh? So how am I going to find Big Brother Saro in the future? Sun Wutian asked hurriedly.

“I’m still going to study at Satan’s high school, and I have no intention of leaving the earth for the time being, so you should cultivate well.” Saro smiled slightly, and immediately said nothing more, turning into a brilliant flame of light that disappeared in a flash.

“Hey, Saro, wait for me!” Satan was in a hurry.

Where are you going? At least bring me along.

“You follow Goku and they go back to Earth, and I’ll go get Biddy back.” Saro’s voice came from afar.

Satan nodded vigorously.

It turned out to be to pick up Biddyri.

Say it early.

That’s good, that’s good.

“Hey, Vegeta, Saro is much more powerful than we thought.” Sun Wukong smiled bitterly and looked at Vegeta and said.

“Well, I already knew that, I don’t need you to remind me.” Vegeta snorted and didn’t say anything more.

As they were talking, the Realm King God, the Old Realm King God, Jabit and Dandy also returned to the Realm King God Realm through teleportation.

“Goku!” Dandy quickly ran in the direction of Son Goku.


But the puppy ran to Satan.

The puppy had been carried by Dandy and taken with him to the star of Namco.

This dog can also be regarded as a god dog who has been to the God Domain and has been to an alien god dog.

“I didn’t expect such a strong Realm King Divine Realm to be beaten like this.” The Old World King God was full of emotions.

Dandy quickly ran to Sun Wukong’s side to treat him.

“Let’s treat Vegeta first… I was just physically exhausted, and the injury was not big. Sun Wukong said hurriedly.

“Ahh… Good. Dandy ran over to treat Vegeta.

“What about Saro?” However, the King of the Realm God looked left and right, and did not find Saro’s figure.

“Well, he said to pick up Bidili.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Cough cough… I didn’t expect that our realm of kings and gods had become a place where other gods came and went freely. The King of the Realm God laughed.

“What? Lord Realm King, do you mean that the man named Saro can appear in our Realm King God Realm at will? Jebbit was stunned.

“Jabit, can’t you think of that?” Saro is a god, he is not an ordinary man. The King of the Realm said solemnly.

“God? What God? Jebbit scratched his head vigorously, feeling like he had missed a lot of gossip.

“As for what kind of god it is…” The Realm King God immediately looked at the Old Realm King God, “This point the Old Ancestor Lord should know better than us.” ”

“Cough…” The Old Realm King God coughed solemnly.

“Tell us about the old patriarch?” Now that the battle is over, his identity should not be a secret, right? The Realm King God smiled and guessed, “His identity was not said before… Is it because it has something to do with the Buou incident? Buou’s existence keeps his identity secret, right? ”

The Old King God was speechless.

You really have an idea.

Have a yarn relationship with Buou?

People just came over to play, right?

Jebbed’s eyes widened.

Is the identity of the man named Saro, so secret?

No one knows yet?

Well, it looks like I don’t know.

How did he become a god?

Yes, I felt that he was a little strange before, and after thinking about it carefully, I really had a feeling of God.

“Cough, or well, Goku and Vegeta are also there, so I’ll give you a brief explanation of his identity.” The Old King God nodded solemnly.

Several people present also pricked up their ears.

“Hmm, the mystery is finally going to be solved.” Vegeta smiled slightly.

Sun Wukong smiled and did not speak.

Sun Wutian looked up at the Old Realm King God.

Hey? Does this old man know the true identity of Sallo’s big brother?

In fact, I don’t know the true identity of Big Brother Saro.

All I know is that Big Brother Saro is very, very powerful.

Well, I’ll listen carefully.

“Speaking of which, I’m also quite curious about Saro’s identity, what did the old ancestor say about the god of destruction…” The King of the Realm smiled.

However, halfway through the myth of the King of the Realm, I saw that the God of the Old King of the Realm was staring at himself.

The look in his eyes seemed to say: You know? Or do you say?

The Realm King God quickly covered his mouth and stopped speaking.

“Do you still talk?” The Old King God asked with a black face.

Everyone present shook their heads vigorously.

We’re not going to talk, so let’s talk.

“Very good, for the sake of your cooperation, then I will…” The Old Realm King God put his hands behind his back and nodded with satisfaction.


However, just when the Old Realm King God wanted to continue speaking, he heard a dog bark in the distance.

The face of the Old King God was black.

“Buu… What’s wrong with you? ”

Immediately afterward, Satan’s voice also sounded not far away.

Everyone was shocked.

What the? Buu is still alive?

This is trouble!

However, several people present thought about it again and understood who this Buou was talking about.

It turned out to be the fat man.

Several people walked over together and looked over at the fat man.

Fat Buou in the battle with Buou, the physical exhaustion has been very serious, at this time fell to the ground unconscious.

“He’s still alive, please save him.” Satan hurriedly pleaded.

“Okay, don’t say it again, let me destroy him!” Vegeta sighed and aimed her hand at Buu’s body.

Satan hurriedly stepped forward to protect Buu and waved his hand vigorously, pleading again, “Don’t… Other…… He’s not a bad guy! He was taught bad by that magician! ”

“Don’t you know? He will also let the evil Buu be born again, and then the universe will be in crisis again. Vegeta snorted, “So it’s safer to kill him.” ”

“Don’t… Don’t kill him, he’s really not a bad guy! Satan hurriedly said, “I’m in charge of making sure he doesn’t get bad at home!” ”

“Guaranteed? Can you guarantee it? Hurry up and let me go, or I’ll kill you together.” Vegeta said coldly.

“Vegeta, you forgot so quickly?” Satan is Saro’s girlfriend’s father… Be careful that he hears it and troubles you again. Sun Wukong lowered his voice and said to Vegeta.

Vegeta couldn’t help but snort.

This is special!

I almost forgot about it.

I remember this sex.

“It’s okay Vegeta, let’s save Buu.” Sun Wukong smiled, “This time, this fat Buu and Satan have helped a lot, if it weren’t for the two of them, we wouldn’t have been able to destroy that evil Buou, would we?” ”

Vegeta was speechless.

That seems to make a lot of sense.

“Also, since we want to become stronger, our primary goal is to surpass this Buou in order to have further improvement, right?” Sun Wukong smiled and proposed.

Vegeta stopped talking.

Well, I think this proposal is also more feasible.

“But… Can’t let Buu live on Earth? The people on the earth have been frightened by Buou, and if they knew of Buou’s existence, they would not be able to cause panic? The King of the Realm God asked.

“The Dragon Ball of the Earth has not been used yet, go back and gather the Dragon Ball, make a wish to the Dragon, and let the people of the Earth forget that terrible experience.” Son Goku proposes.

“It’s Dragon Ball again…” The Old Realm King God sighed.

If you continue to use it this way, sooner or later there will be problems.

If you let Lord Beerus know, if you don’t do it, you will destroy your earth.

Who let you upset the balance of the universe?

Forget it, no one believes me anyway.

“Hmm, it’s up to you.” Although Vegeta agreed in her heart, she still snorted on her lips.

“Well, that’s it, get rid of this Buu, we still want to know Saro’s identity.” The gossipy expression on the face of the King of the Realm.

Dandy stepped forward and treated Buu.

Soon, Buu woke up.

The next moment, Buu and Satan embraced each other.

Satan shed tears of joy.

“Old Ancestor, can you tell Saro’s identity now?” The King of the Realm God asked.

“Hmm, you interrupt me repeatedly, do you think I can still talk?” The Old King God snorted.

“Old Ancestor, that was purely an accident just now, wasn’t that because of Buou’s affair?” The King of the Realm smiled and scratched his head, “Now I promise that there will be nothing more to do, after talking about Saro’s identity, Goku and they should also return to Earth.” ”

“Haha, yes, Lord King of the Old Realm, we promise not to say anything again.” Sun Wukong nodded vigorously.

“By the way, Goku, what about that beautiful woman you talked about?” The Old King God looked at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong immediately looked at Vegeta.

Vegeta: “…”

Vegeta’s face went black.

“Don’t look at me! If you dare to bring Bulma here, I’ll kill you!” Vegeta said angrily.

“This… It’s not easy. Sun Wukong scratched his head vigorously.

“Cough, isn’t your wife pretty?” The Old King God asked.

Jebette: “…”

King of the Realms: “…”

Your Honor, we are gods, can we be more serious?

Why do you still worry about Goku’s wife?

“This… I’m not very sensitive to the feeling of being pretty or not… It should not be pretty. Sun Wukong quickly denied it.

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