“Che, do you think I believe?” The Old World King God rolled his eyes, “Goku and Goten, these two children are quite Peugeot, if your wife looks ugly, can you give birth to such a Peugeot child?” ”

“This… My wife is fine, it’s not appropriate. Sun Wukong directly refused.

“Your wife is gone?” You use my wife, do you think it is appropriate? Vegeta was furious.

“This… Otherwise… When Goku finds a girlfriend, he asks him to bring his girlfriend over to fulfill the wish of the old king god. Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

“Well, that’s pretty much it.” The Old King God nodded with satisfaction.

As for Vegeta’s wife…

The Old Realm King God felt that it was still over.

Vegeta this guy is not good.

“Now, can the Old Patriarch speak?” The King of the Realm God was still waiting to eat the melon.

“Hmm, I’ll say when Goku brings the pretty girl over.” The Old King God hummed.

King of the Realms: “…”

Jebette: “…”

It’s so immodest!

Sun Wukong: “…”

Vegeta: “…”

Only Sun Wutian’s face was confused.

Say what?

I don’t understand the adult world.

“Well, you don’t say anything or anything, I can basically guess his identity.” Vegeta snorted.

Everyone looked at Vegeta together.

“If I’m not mistaken, Saro should be a disciple of the God of Destruction, right?” Vegeta smiled.

The Old King’s God: “…”

Ignorance, it’s terrible!

“Nothing more to say, right?” That said, what I said should not be false. Vegeta smiled.

“Say whatever you want, it’s not me anyway.” The Old King God smiled.

If you want to think so, it’s up to you.

When the time comes, it’s your business.

“Destroyer? What is it again? Is it awesome? Sun Wukong asked curiously.

“It is said that he is a god with the same name as the king god of our world, but as for whether he is powerful or not, I don’t know.” The King of the Realm God scratched his head, “Hahaha, this is also the first time I have heard that there is such a god as the God of Destruction.” ”

“Destroyer? I haven’t heard of it either. Jabit shook his head, “Is there a god with the same name as the King of the Realm?” ”

“Yeah…” The King God nodded.

“Why have we never seen it?” Jebbit asked.

“I don’t know…” The Realm King God shook his head, looked at the Old Realm King God again, and asked, “Old Ancestor Lord, can you tell us this?” ”

“Just don’t tell you!” The Old Realm King God spat out his tongue at the World King God and made a grimace.

King of the Realms: “…”

Jebette: “…”

“Vegeta must have heard of the God of Destruction, right?” Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at Vegeta.

“Hmm, I don’t want to tell you who made you fight with me without using your full strength?” Vegeta snorted.

Sun Wukong: “…”

Why do you still worry about this?

Didn’t I apologize to you all?

Vegeta was overjoyed.

Just don’t tell you!

Besides, the destruction of God in those years was an insult to the dignity of my father and king.

How humiliating I said it.

So I’ll keep silent.

“After fighting for so long, my stomach is a little hungry… I want to go back now and have a good meal and a good night’s sleep. Sun Wukong covered his stomach and smiled.

“Hmm.” Vegeta snorted and didn’t say anything more.

Since there is no melon to eat.

Immediately, the King of the Realm took Sun Wukong and others, including Satan and Fat Buu, and appeared on the temple of the earth through teleportation.

Soldiers and their families are reunited.

Satan alone, alone, was ignored.

And after everyone saw Fat Buou, they all looked at each other angrily, and their faces changed color in fear.

But soon, under the explanation of Sun Wukong, everyone was immediately relieved.

Since this fat man is a good man, the people present will slowly accept him.

“Well, everyone, goodbye and good luck to all!” The king of the world waved goodbye.

“Well, thank you, Lord God of the Realm.” Sun Wukong nodded.


The Realm King God returned to the Realm King God Realm by teleporting.

“Your Honor, there are no outsiders now, can you tell me the identity of Saro?” The King of the Realm God lowered his voice.

“If you don’t tell you, you won’t tell you, just tell you!” As the Old King God spoke, he began to sing.

That little tune…

The King of the Realm God felt pierced.

Jebette: “…”

This old guy is really immodest.

“Bang bang bang!”

The Old King was beaten up against Jebbit.

I’ve said it all, and I can know what you’re thinking.

Aren’t you looking for a fight?


Earth, Temple.

Sun Wukong explained to everyone about the battle with Buou.

“Then again, in the end, thanks to Wutian blocking the Yuan Qi bullet, otherwise it would have been a vicious battle.” Sun Wukong was full of emotions.

“Gokuten, good looking!” Sun Wutian touched Wutian’s head.

“Hey, I wasn’t hurt then.” Sun Wutian smiled.

“Don’t say it’s the last Yuan Qi bomb, even before, Wu Tian’s performance was also very good.” Klin smiled.

“This little guy is really unexpected.” Bick was also a good compliment.

Tranx skimmed his lips.

Everyone is praising Sun Wutian.

But no one cared about me.

“Tranx, starting today, you’ll have to cultivate well when you go back.” Vegeta said to Tranks.

“Huh? Why? People are still children. Tranx was speechless.

The world is at peace, so why do you still need to cultivate? Isn’t it good to have fun?

“Whatever you want, give you three months, and if you can’t beat me, your pocket money will be gone.” Vegeta snorted.

Tranx burst into tears.

Is this what people do?

But just do it.

Pocket money is gone.

At the world’s first martial arts conference, I still have a prize of 5 million.

That’s enough money for me to use for a while.

“Aren’t you still thinking about the $5 million bonus?” That money will be sent to the guardian, so you won’t see it. Vegeta smiled.

Tranx: “…”

It’s too much.

“Cultivate well and defeat me in three months, otherwise nothing will be discussed.” Vegeta snorted.

“Daddy is so strong, I’ve been in three months, how can I beat Daddy?” Tranx smiled bitterly.

“Hmm, use your own brains to figure it out.” Vegeta hummed.

Bulma did not interject at the side.

The husband teaches the children, and the wife still does not speak.

Besides, Vegeta is also for Tranks’ good.

Just now, when everyone was praising Sun Wutian, Bulma was also a little unhappy in her heart.

After all, it’s always Tranx who is better.

Even if Tranx is not better, the two little ones are not much different.

Now that Sun Wutian had suddenly become so powerful, Bulma felt that her Tranx was a bit under-looking.

These things are afraid of comparison, not compared is good, a comparison of the heart is not very comfortable.

“By the way, how did you get out of Buu’s body?” Bik asked curiously.

“Me? I don’t know… Anyway, I woke up confused, and I found out that I was out. Sun Wutian scratched his head.

“So, when you wake up, who’s by your side?” Bik asked again.

“Am I awake? When I opened my eyes, there was only Big Brother Saro by my side. Sun Wutian replied.

“That’s it, it was Saro who rescued you, right?” Bik groaned.

“Hmmm, I think so too.” Sun Wutian nodded.

“Saro? How did he get Goku out? Sun Wulian asked curiously.

“This kind of thing can only be asked to the parties, how can we possibly know?” Bik shook his head.

Don’t ask me, I don’t know.

If I knew, I wouldn’t have been absorbed.

“Goten’s current achievements are also thanks to Saro.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Don’t know who Saro is?” More and more mysterious, actually can live to the end… All of us are dead. Kling sighed, “And, before Buu came to the temple, Saro sent his girlfriend Biddy Li away. ”

“Salo is a god, don’t you know?” Sun Wulian said suddenly.

“What? Is it God? Kling was astonished.

“Yes, the god of galaxies.” Sun Wulian explained.

“What is the God of the Galaxy?” Kling didn’t know much about this.

“Simply put, there are planetary gods on a planet, such as our earth, and Dandy is the god of our earth.” Sun Wulian explained, “Since there are gods on the planet, then a galaxy will also have the existence of gods. Just as we are the solar system, and the larger ones are the Milky Way, there are also some gods in these galaxies. ”

“So, which galaxy is Saro a god of?” Kling asked, “Milky Way?” ”

“The galaxy is too big, Lord God said that he may be a god of galaxies similar to the solar system.” Sun Wulian replied solemnly.

“The solar system? There are also a dozen planets, right? Kling scratched his head.

“Not only a dozen planets, but also some planets that have not been found.” Sun Wuyi smiled.

Dandy: “…”

Sun Wukong: “…”

Vegeta: “…”

Sun Wutian: “…”

Sun Wutian and the others did not know how to refute it for a while.

Goku said it too seriously.

“Goku, you just have to remember that the identity of your classmate Saro is even more mysterious than you think.” Sun Wukong smiled and patted Sun Wuyi’s shoulder.

“Huh? Father? Sun Wulian raised his head in confusion and looked at his father.

“Well, without saying this, I’m resurrected now, I just want to eat a good meal and live a normal life, and then, from tomorrow onwards, I will cultivate well.” Sun Wukong said with a serious look.

“Daddy? Do you have to cultivate so soon? Sun Wulian was stunned and looked at his father and asked.

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