“Now that you and Wu Tian have surpassed Daddy, Daddy must also work hard to cultivate and strive to catch up with you as soon as possible.” Sun Wukong laughed.

“This is…” Sun Wutian nodded with a red face, but did not deny it, and looked at Wutian again, “but if Wutian can change the form of that burning flame at will, it will be much more powerful.” ”

“Wu Tian said that the form of burning flames is in the self-consciousness, and it is not even a beginner.” Sun Wukong shook his head and sighed.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present except Vegeta and Dandy was stunned.

Is Saro’s self-consciousness so powerful?

Couldn’t that flame-burning form easily hang Buu?

As a result, that pattern doesn’t even count as an entry?

That’s a bit scary.

“Let’s cheer together.” Sun Wukong smiled and his face was full of expectation.

As long as there are powerful people, Sun Wukong will work hard to continue to cultivate and strive to surpass him as soon as possible.

“Saro is really a god…” Satan muttered, “a god of a galaxy… Sounds pretty bullish. ”

As for gods such as the god of destruction, Satan had heard Sun Wukong mention it.

It’s just that Satan has no concept of destroying gods or anything.

On the contrary, I think that the gods of a galaxy are already very remarkable.

Gee…… Will my daughter marry a galactic god in the future?

So, Saro’s bride price wouldn’t be a planet, right?

Didn’t expect that I, Mr. Satan, would one day become the master of the planet.

“Now that we’ve won the final victory, I’m going to ask you to have a good meal.” Bulma announced.

“Great! I just had that idea. Sun Wukong laughed.

“Let’s go, let’s all go to my house.” Bulma smiled.

Naturally, the crowd present did not object.

“Hey, Mr. Satan, go ahead.” Bulma greeted Satan.

“I… I’m here waiting for Saro and Biddy to return…” Satan shook his head.

Neither my daughter nor son-in-law came back.

It’s not fun for me to go on my own.

“That… All right. Bulma nodded, “If Saro comes back, come with you.” ”

“Then again, are we going to wait here for Saro to come back?” Klin sighed, “After all, people are gods, if we go directly to eat, isn’t it very polite?” ”

“I want to wait for him to come back, but I have to know when he’s coming back?” Bulma shook her head slightly, “If he comes back in an hour or so, he can wait, in case he doesn’t come back today, and he and Biddy Li are staying directly outside in the hotel or something?” ”

Satan: “…”

Whose woman is this?

Can you speak?

“That’s also…” Kling nodded, “Little Farewell wins the new love.” ”

“Then wait an hour, we’ll go home first, and we’ll see you at Bulma’s house in an hour.” Son Goku proposes.

“Well, that’s it!” Bulma nodded.

The crowd departed.

“Buu, let’s go home first… Maybe Saro had already taken Biddy home with him. “Satan turned to Bueu.

“Hmm.” Buu nodded.

“But… I don’t have flying tools on me, how do I get back? Satan scratched his head.

“I’ll carry you back.” Buu grinned.

“That… How funny? Satan said hurriedly.

“Nothing, come on, I’m flying fast.” Buou Dao.

Satan did not show any more affection and immediately put on Buu’s back.

Buu picked up the puppy and flew up into the sky.


Satan City.

Jiangshan Villa.

A spaceship landed at the door of Saro’s house.

Fortunately, the courtyard of the Salo family is big enough to park a spaceship.

Of course, this is a relatively small spaceship.

“Thank you, Iliku.” Saro faced Irikudo.

“You’re welcome.” Iliku smiled slightly, “I should go back too, take care of yourself.” ”

“Hmm.” Saro nodded.

“Goodbye.” Iriku finished talking and steered the spaceship away.

At the scene, only Saro and Bidelli were left, as well as the number 18 three.

“Well, thank you this time.” Number 18 snorted first, then said to Saro.

“You’re welcome.” Saro smiled.


Number 18 suddenly took a bite out of Saro’s face.

“This is a thank you for that.” No. 18’s face turned red.

“Uh-huh…” Sa** laughed.

This is special!

This natural instinct of angels is really not a good thing.

Just on the 18th, Saro subconsciously almost avoided it.

Fortunately, Saro reacted quickly and stopped again.

This is also the reason why the 18th was able to succeed.

Biddy Li was stunned.

This is my boyfriend!

This is my boyfriend!

You shameless woman!

You are so rude!

“Goodbye.” No. 18 flew up into the sky with a red face and soon disappeared into the sky.

Biddy Li glared at her and tried to rush up and beat her up.

It’s disgusting!

But then, Bidili felt as if she was too reserved.

If you continue to be so reserved, the boyfriend will become someone else’s.

But how do I behave to be more proactive?

“Let’s go, let’s go home.” Saro said to Biddyri.

“Hmm.” Biddy didn’t mention the number 18 thing.

Bidili knew very well that this kind of thing was said too much, and if Saro didn’t think about it, he would think more.

If you think about it more, what if you and that woman come together?

I would never have given Saro to anyone.

He’s mine!

“By the way, what about my dad?” Is he okay? Biddy asked.

“Your dad should be back soon.” Saro groaned.


Just after Saro finished speaking, a flame of light quickly fell into Satan’s house and disappeared in a flash.

“What’s that?” How I saw shooting stars appear in our house. Biddy was stunned.

“It should be Mr. Satan who is back, so go home and have a look.” Saro smiled slightly.

“How did Dad do it?” Wouldn’t be in danger? “Biddy was a little scared.

This time the incident of the demon Buou did make Bidili feel fear.

“It’s okay, it’s not going to be dangerous.” Saro smiled.

“Okay.” Biddy nodded.

After saying that, Biddy Li walked towards her home.

As soon as she got home, Biddy Li saw the big pink fat man Buu.

Biddy was so frightened that her whole body was trembling.

“Biddy, great! You’re back! Satan happily stepped forward and grabbed Bidili’s arms, “It’s okay, it’s okay.” ”

Biddy was dumbfounded.

Dad, didn’t you see the demon next to you, Buu?

“Well, Biddy, his name is Mr. Buu, and he’ll live with me in the future.” Satan introduced, “Rest assured, he’s a good man. ”

“Nice guy?” Biddy was half-convinced.

Can this be a good person?

Isn’t he really the demon Buu?

“Come, Biddyri, sit down and let Daddy have a good look.” Satan pulled Biddy Li to sit down.

Then Satan sat next to Bidili and told him some things he knew.

When Bidelli heard this, her beautiful eyes widened with shock.

“Saro said to me at the time, let Dad become a real world hero… I didn’t expect him to actually do it. Biddy wiped her sweat.

“Cough cough… None of this is the point. Satan shook his head, pulled Bidili and said, “Daughter, do you know Saro’s true identity?” ”

“Real identity? What do you mean? He wouldn’t be a youkai, would he? Biddy asked with a smile.

Satan: “…”

What monster?

Silly kid, what are you thinking?

“Cough, of course not.” Satan wiped his sweat and immediately replied, “He is God…”

“God?” Biddy scratched her head.

Saro is a god?

“You don’t know?” When Satan saw his daughter’s expression, he knew that her daughter did not know Saro’s identity.

Biddy shook her head.

Bidilli only knew that Saro was powerful, but did not know that Saro was a god.

How did you become a god?

“This time, Dad saw a lot of gods, gods of the earth…” Satan said.

“God of the earth I know… That’s the green-skinned guy, right? “Biddy has seen Dandy.

“Right, right, right.” Satan nodded, “In addition to him, there is also the God of the Realm King, who is said to have participated in the First Martial Arts Conference under the Heavens.” ”

“I can more or less guess … The King of the Realm is the blue-skinned young man, right? His hair was the same color as Saro’s. Biddy replied.

“And the Old King.” Satan continued.

“I haven’t seen it…” Biddy shook her head, “Daddy don’t talk about them, let’s talk about Saro.” ”

“I heard them say that Saro seems to be the god of the galaxy.” Satan said hurriedly.

“The god of galaxies? What kind of God is it? Is the god in charge of a galaxy? Biddy guessed.

“Mm-hmm, yes.” Satan nodded.

“Huh? Salo is actually a god…” Biddy Li didn’t know what to do.

Can he, a god, look up to me as a human being?

No wonder I usually think he’s weird.

It turned out that he still had this layer of identity.

“That… That classmate named Sun Wuyi, is he also a god? Biddy asked.

“Sun Goku? Who is it? “Satan has no impression of Sun Wuyi.

Bidili briefly described the image of Sun Wuyi.

“Is it him?” Seems to be too… But he was beaten so badly by that Buou. Satan said.

“Have we fallen into the nest of the gods…” Bidili smiled bitterly.

“Bidili, now that you know Saro’s identity, do you want to stay with him?” Satan asked.

“Identity, is it that important?” Bidili said, “I don’t care if he’s a man or a god, as long as I like him, it doesn’t matter what, even if he’s a demon.” ”

Satan: “…”

Well, anyway, I’m not against the interaction between you, how about love.

“By the way, since Saro has returned, Sun Wukong said they were going to Bulma’s house for dinner, and they also invited us, so you go and ask Saro, do you want to go together?” Satan asked.

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