“Well, thank you for saving us.”

Alyssa, barefoot, trotted up.

Her two small hands grasped the hem of the skirt and weakly bowed her head in thanks, very shy.

“Huh? Just a show of hands. ”

The sword eyebrow was slightly raised, and Li Wei crossed his waist with one hand and turned around.

Then he picked his index finger and ordered:

“Raise your hands.”

His eyes blinked doubtfully.

Alyssa had no doubts and immediately complied.

Immediately, Li Wei raised his hand.

Grab the magic bomb shackles on her wrist.


With a crackling sound, the red magic crystal was shattered.

Once again, countless wind blades rose up, blowing Elusa’s long dark hair into the hunt.

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap…

All the laborers’ shackled crystals shattered at the same time!

Suddenly, the crowd looked surprised and smiled

“My locks shattered!”

“Mine too!”

“Did the dark-haired boy do it?”

“He also saved him just now!”

“What a great magician!”

“So young?”

“Thanks, boy!”


All the laborers cheered, jumping and jumping.

Happy almost to the bonfire on the spot!

“Is this the power of magic?”

The small mouth opened slightly, and Alyssa closed her mouth in surprise, her eyes full of shock and longing.

As long as you learn magic, can you do the same thing as the same age in front of you?

However, Levi just shook his head:

“No, it’s just pure physical fitness.”

He shuttled through the entire construction site in an instant.

Smash everyone’s magic crystals and that’s it.

It is also because of this that countless fierce winds have been set off.

But because the speed is too fast, even the afterimage can not be seen.

So it looks like smashing one.

The other crystals also followed a piece of shattering.

However, Alyssa tilted her head and wondered:

“Physical fitness?”

She didn’t understand what the other person was saying.

At this moment, the elderly Rob came over, with a kind face:

“Child, thank you for saving us.”

Levi shrugged his shoulders and looked indifferent:

“You’re welcome.”

Just then, the sky suddenly darkened.

A large number of ugly monsters suspended in mid-air.

From the inside of the Tower of Paradise, like a massive killing bee gushing out of a lair, the black pressure crushed over.

“Not bad! It’s a magic soldier! ”

“Run, you can’t beat it!”

“Escape in the direction of the port, where there are ships!”

“Run, as long as we escape to the boat, we will be free!”


An earth-shattering shout.

Skinny laborers.

Frantically running out of the construction site, like a carp across the river, rushing towards the port.

Here, there were also a lot of Dark Guild minions gushing out of the tower.

The vice-captain held his scepter, pointed downwards, and proudly ordered:

“Annihilate this gang of traitors and the boy!”

Suddenly, hundreds of his men around him who had arched him also raised their scepters and began to gather magic.

In mid-air, thousands of magic soldiers also opened their mouths.

These were slaves who died in the Tower of Paradise.

They were made into putrid zombies.

His face was covered with a large dark mask.

It is painted with an intricate necromancy array.

As they opened their smelly mouths, one after another blood-red magic arrays opened up in front of them.

Countless dazzling rays of light condensed, ready to be launched.

Below, Rao is also troubled by Rob, and can’t help but turn back:

“Child, at this time we have to avoid the sharp edge for a while, and wait for your partner to come…”

Before he could finish speaking, Li Wei passed him and said lightly:

“I’m alone, where are my partners?”

As he spoke, he raised his right fist and pulled it back.

The demon tail coat of arms on his shoulder fell into Rob’s cloudy eyes, and he couldn’t help but shrink his pupils:

“Fairy-Tail……!? (Fairy tail)”

Just at this moment, the lasers of countless magic soldiers above shot out.

Accompanied by countless huge fireballs, like natural disasters, they are overwhelming!

At the same moment, Li Wei also threw a fist!

Normal punch, pseudo-classic, blaster!


The raging wind, accompanied by the condensation of fists and waves, roared and pounced on them.

It was like a huge wind eagle chirping.

Everywhere he went, all the fireballs and lasers were swept in.

Wind and fire and light are mixed together, like the ‘blast’ in the InuYasha, all of which are returned to each other!

That mixed explosive force was so powerful.

All the magic soldiers, and the minions of the Dark Guild, were all annihilated in the flames!


There was a loud explosion, and the towering Tower of Paradise shook violently and shook.

Eventually, the blow left a huge scorched black hole.

It’s like a terrible scar.

Around the passage, the remnants of the flames rose like the soul fire of the undead.

“Well, you can go, remember how far away you are, or you’ll be affected.”

With a wave of his hand, Levi strode away.

“Wait, kid!”

Rob raised his hand and shouted.

But in the next instant, Li Wei disappeared in the same place, leaving behind a series of scattered wind rolls.

In desperation, he had to leave with Elusa first.

At the same time, inside the Tower of Paradise, a series of roars exploded.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

One after another, the destruction made the entire Tower of Paradise crumbling.

Countless sand and gravel slipped and one prison laborer after another was released.

At the same time, all the minions wearing the Dark Guild robe were all ruthlessly wiped out by Li Wei!

Bite! Click, click, click…

Suddenly, a bunch of keys were thrown into the prison and slid in front of a bunch of little ghosts.

“You help me let go of all the laborers in prison!”

Leaving this sentence, Levi turned and left.

“Wait a minute!”

Suddenly, a young man with dark blue hair rushed out and caught up with Li Wei’s figure.

“You’re going to defeat the Dark Guild of this Tower of Paradise, count me in and I can help you!”

Jalal holds a sword in his hand and petitions.

The sword eyebrow was slightly raised, and Li Wei turned around and condescended:

“I don’t need to drag the oil bottle, get out of this tower, or I’ll kill you too, you know?”

Obviously, it is just an ordinary sentence, but it hides a deep murderous atmosphere.

Gaze at Li Wei’s indifferent golden pupils.

A sense of fear and surrender arose in Jalald’s heart.

This is an undeniable order, a monarch’s order!

He felt that he was facing a dragon clan high above, majestic, solemn, and irrefutable!

Either surrender, or… Death!

With a thud, Jalal sat on the ground in fright.

When he was stunned, he came back to his senses.

Levi had already reached the top.

With a bang, the door of the control center was pushed open.


PS: Ask for a wave of flowers and tickets ~~

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