The top floor of the Tower of Paradise, the control center.

When Li Wei pushed open the heavy magic stone door.

A mysterious and huge room comes into view.

In the center, there is a huge ice-blue magic crystal, which is in full bloom.

The brilliant light it emits reflects the countless runes engraved on the four square walls, as well as the ancient totems.

In the room, two agents of the R system, guarded in front of the huge crystal.

They had their hands behind their backs, their faces proud.

“Boy, if you can hit here, count yourself as having some skills!”

A tall thin man dressed in blue proudly said proudly with his nostrils up.

“But you also end here, great deity, Jelf, please give me infinite power!”

Another big fat man dressed in green raised his magic wand and chanted loudly.

In an instant, the giant crystal glowed with countless fluorescence, converging into a huge amount of magic.

Under the guidance of the staff, it changed into countless purple-black giant thunderbolts.

Like a giant python, it roared and rushed towards Li Wei!

However, Levi didn’t even lift his eyelids.


He flashed his body, exploded countless wind rolls, and disappeared in place.


Dozens of high-speed thunder pythons smashed in the doorway.

Leaving a trail of dark marks, smashing a lonely.

However, in the eyes of the two agents.

But it was as if thunder had crushed Li Wei into powder.

Suddenly, the big fat man laughed loudly:

“Hahaha, it is worthy of the power of the gods, and the boy is beaten to the slag!”

The tall thin man next to him also disdained:

“Hmm, that’s the price of Toda!”

Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, there were two loud noises.

Levi flashed between the two.

Kick back and forth, directly knocking the two people over the walls on both sides!

“Do you have any last words to say?”

He stepped one foot on the tall thin man’s abdomen, condescending.

A pair of golden pupils, looking down at the ants under their feet with great indifference.

“Wait, wait! Don’t kill me, there’s something to discuss! ”

The tall thin man who had just been extremely proud raised his hands and trembled and begged for forgiveness.

In just a moment, he understood the huge gap in strength between the two sides.

Can escape the speed of lightning.

The young man in front of him simply could not think with common sense!

Damn, this kid can’t be some old monster who loves to pretend to be tender, pretending to be magic, right?

Later, the big fat man also said tremblingly:

“Yes, yes, we were just being commanded!”

“Oh, then it depends on your performance, hand things over.”

The corners of his mouth drew a faint taunt, and Li Wei hooked his index finger.

“Uh, what?”

The tall thin man was puzzled.

“The design data of the R system, the samples, the engineering progress, and everything you know.”

“Uh, this…”

The tall thin man hesitated:

“If we give it all to you, we’ll be killed…”



Levi kicked at his genitals mercilessly.

Two eggs, a sausage, all turned into patties!

A huge burning sensation quickly crawled all over the body, and every cell seemed to be burning!

The tall, thin man covered his hands underneath with force.

His feet were kicking wildly, his body was convulsing unbearably, he was gritting his teeth, and his face was vicious.

Saliva, tears, snot, don’t let your breath go!

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah… Belch! ”

His throat kept hissing, and finally his eyes rolled white, his mouth foamed, and he passed out.

“You’re not qualified to bargain with me.”

Thin lips spat out cold bytes, and Li Wei stood up straight with a cold face.

When he turned back, the fat man was creeping to the ground, waddling to grab the staff that had been thrown aside.

Feel Levi’s murderous gaze.

The big fat man suddenly stopped his movements and looked at him with trembling eyes.

An incomparably bright teenager smiled into his eyes.

“Don’t you want to experience the feeling of scrambled eggs with sausages too?”

Li Wei’s eyes bent into a crescent moon, and he asked in a gentle voice with a ‘kind’ face.

“Uh-huh, huh-huh…”

With a smiling face, countless cold sweats appeared on the face of the big fat man, mixed with oil beads, rolling down the chin.

A moment later, he took Levi to the reference room and handed him everything.

“Inside, inside, that’s all I know, can you let me go?”

The two salty pig hands kept rubbing, and the big fat man accompanied by a twitching smiley face, his legs clamped tightly together, and asked weakly.

“Huh? No problem! ”

The sword eyebrow was raised, and Li Wei nodded.

Then raise your foot and kick at his third leg!


The big fat man slammed heavily on the wall, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

“I have increased my strength, and you will die painlessly.”

Carrying a large bag of information, Li Wei left this sentence and took the huge door with him.


A muffled sound turned everything back into darkness.

Subsequently, Levi rolled over and jumped down the stairs.

He fell all the way from the top floor.

Along the way, your eyes are constantly scanning your surroundings.

Keep your ears up and listen to the traces of the living on each floor.

Half a minute later, a bang landed on the ground, and countless dust was raised around it.

“Very good, the miscellaneous people and so on are gone.”

Looking up, Li Wei revealed a faint smile and strode out of the Tower of Paradise.

He looked around the coast and there was not a single living person.

The laborers of the Tower of Paradise all left by boat.

Looking far away, you can only see some small boat shadows.

Then Levi looked up, behind him with this towering spiral mechanical obelisk.

A pair of deep golden eyes, a trace of destructive desire.

So, let’s make a big deal out of it!


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