Vast seas.

The laborers who left by boat were overjoyed and cheered loudly.

“Great, I’ve finally escaped from that hell!”

“Tower of Garbage Paradise, go and die!” Go to hell! ”

One of them shouted insults and kept throwing stones in the direction of the Tower of Paradise.

Others followed suit, venting the countless pains and torments they had suffered over the past year or so.

“After I go out, I must be a new person, and I will never let my wife and daughter down again!” Woohoo…”

A prime-aged man wept bitterly.

Nearby, another partner asked:

“Are you sure your wife won’t remarry with her daughter?”


“Hey, look, something is flying!”

Suddenly, a man pointed to the Tower of Paradise and exclaimed.

“What? I can’t see it. ”

The other man put his hand on his forehead and looked far away.

But because it was too far away from the Tower of Paradise, it was impossible to see clearly.

“If you look closely, it’s in the middle of the left side of the tower!”

In the direction the man was pointing, the crowd squinted their eyes and looked as hard as they could.

Sure enough, there was a black dot that climbed at a great speed!

It was Levi carrying a big bag of luggage.

From a distance, it looks like a moving flea.

He stepped on the air, like the moon in One Piece.

One step of more than ten meters, soaring at high speed in the air, soaring upwards!

Eventually, Levi climbed into the clouds, nearly a kilometer above the sea.

The wind was blowing around and a black trench coat was hunting.

The bangs fluttered, and he overlooked the Tower of Paradise below.

The whole tower of paradise is like a mandala flower in the underworld.

The pearl at the top of the tower is the magic crystal flower that has absorbed the magic power of countless deceased people.

Its surface is covered with countless scarlet totem eyes.

Huge, eerie, enchanting, budding waiting to be released.

This is the crystallization of the undead and original sin!

Immediately, Li Wei’s right palm reached forward, and the tiger’s mouth served as a crosshair, aiming at the huge crystal.

The five fingers of the left hand are rounded, clenched into fists, and pulled full at the rear.

The golden eyes narrowed slightly, and Li Wei stared at the spire and whispered:

“Serious punch Wind God’s Fury!”



One punch out, in an instant, Zhou Tian was stormy.

Fists compress countless molecules in the air, with magic particles.

Transform into an incomparably heavy air cannon and smash it down!

With each point of advance, the shell will become heavier, faster, and more solid!

The trajectory it travels on.

Everything is extracted at high speed to form a vacuum.

The vacuum will attract the surrounding air and magic particles to fill it.

Along with inertia, chase the air shells that are open up in front of you, advancing the speed of the shells further …

Under an infinite forward loop.

It forms a huge and matchless gyro vortex.

It snared nearly ten kilometers of air on Sunday, converging into the bottom tip and falling at a point.

Like a knife slashing an axe, the air tornado is destroying it like a bamboo!

The entire Tower of Paradise quickly collapsed under the stunned eyes of countless laborers in the distance!

In less than 10 seconds, it was all destroyed!

But that’s not all!

The tornado swallowed the entire island directly.

On the sea, a large whirlpool is formed that spreads for tens of miles.

Above the whirlpool, countless high-speed winds swirled.

Inside the low air pressure, a series of ocean currents began to climb upward with the wind wind, like the Dragon King in the sky sucking water!

That magnificent sight was so magnificent.

Countless laborers were stunned and watched in disbelief as a huge typhoon spawned up close.

It is shaped like a tower of water that connects heaven and earth.

Formed by the destroyed ruins of the Tower of Paradise, corpses, and countless sea fish.

The Tower of Babel continuously transports seawater to the sky.

Dark clouds formed that covered the sky and the sun, and a series of blue and white lightning bolts were lowered.

Around the giant typhoon, countless tornadoes are constantly whistling.

Like countless undead spirits, whispering around it.

This is the power of the gods.

Raise your hands and feet, and cause the heavens and the earth to change!

Involuntarily, one laborer after another knelt down and kept prostrating their heads in worship.

Countless children were also deeply shocked by this blow.

They will always remember this day.

Remember the same peer who punched the wind!

Watching in shock the distance as the typhoon devoured everything that came close to it and crushed it.

Elusa tugged at the corner of Rob’s pants and asked weakly

“Grandpa Rob, that couldn’t have been done by the man just now, could it?”

“Gollum, maybe…”

Swallowing a mouthful of spit, Robb’s eyes widened, giving the answer with less certainty.

“Little Elusa, come with me, and we’ll go find him!”

Coming back to his senses, he left with Elusa.

A dinghy was found from inside the cabin, and the two rowed together to find Levi.

No matter how terrifying that child’s strength is.

But the coat of arms of that demon tail is definitely not a forgery!

Makarov, how many monster children have you recruited during my years in the guild?

Rob was amazed in his heart.

The perspective returns to Levi’s side.

With his boots in the wind, like surfing, he ran downwards, very freely.

Soon, Levi dropped his magic yacht.

Throw that big bag of stuff in the back seat.

He immediately hung a magic pumping chain around his wrist and headed to the next Tower of Paradise.

From the fat man’s mouth, Li Wei learned that there were eight towers of paradise.

That is to say, he will create seven more typhoons like this!

And so on…





One typhoon after another, spawning at sea.

The efficiency is so fast that Rob wants to scold the mother!

Because he has not been able to catch up with Li Wei, he has to change his trajectory on the way to avoid typhoons!

Until this bastard destroyed the eighth Tower of Paradise.

Rob and Elusa both catch up with Levi.

By this time, it was already dusk.


PS: Update from the early hours of the morning, is there a flower ticket….

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