Two days later at noon.

The three of them returned to Margunolia.


Kicking open the door, Levi shouted

“I’m back!”


A bunch of two fist-thick documents slammed into the face.

Makarov at the bar angrily rebuked:

“Levi, look at the good things you did the other day!”

Snap and catch.

Levi put down the big bag of luggage he was carrying and shrugged his shoulders:

“Old man, I have always done good deeds without leaving a name, so why do you remind me?”

This underwhelming attitude made Makarov’s whole being burn:

“I remind you of your size! Do you know how badly I was scolded by the guys in the council this time!? ”

Hearing this, Li Wei helplessly crooked the corners of his mouth:

“It’s as if you didn’t have a bad time.”


Makarov gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

He was considering whether to brainwash this boy with a “goblin law”!

“All right, don’t get angry, I’ll show you a person!”

As he spoke, Li Wei threw the document to Maka’o to burn it, and then waved outside.

“Hmm, who are you looking at?”

Makarov put his hands on his chest and snorted coldly.

Even if the person who comes is a 36E bikini beauty, he will not be discouraged!

Unless two come!

However, the next moment, his eyes were as big as brass bells, and he was shocked.

The person who came this time was not Jesus, nor was she a beautiful woman.

Just an ordinary old man with a rickety body.

But that haggard face, he turned into ashes and also knew!

“Yo, horse sauce, have you had a good time over the years?”

Wearing a T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops, Rob took two steps forward and revealed a kind smile with no teeth left.

“Luo Sauce, how did you become like this!?”

Shocked by the shock, Makarov jumped straight down and strode up.

“Ah, well, a lot of things have happened, huh…”

Carrying a head full of white hair, Rob smiled, not good.

“Don’t say anything, come with me first!”

Makarov, with a dignified face, led Rob up to the second floor of the guild.

This puzzled the guild members.

“Hey, Levi, what is the origin of the old man you brought back this time?”

“Yeah, the president’s old knowledge?”

“The old man’s breath seems to be very weak.”

“Yeah, and it’s not good-looking.”

“Oh, why does Li Wei, your face seems to be ugly?”

The demon tails all looked over and found that Li Wei’s face was livid.

“No, nothing, it just feels a little nauseous.”

He held his forehead, a little wanting to throw up.

Li Wei was really answered by the two men’s salutations.

Luo sauce, horse sauce, is there also Ernie sauce?

They are all seventy or eighty years old, and they are still all these bells and whistles, should they say that they are not childish?


Later, Li Wei explained to the crowd.

From the Tower of Paradise, he rescues Rob and Elusa from the experience.

With that, Alusha, dressed in a white dress, walked into the guild, lifted the hem of the skirt with two small hands, and said shyly:

“Hello, my name is Elusa, please advise.”

Suddenly, the whole guild fryer:

“Lie! Li Wei actually saved people? ”

“Yeah, did the sun come out of the west today?”

“You’re not Levi! Who are you? ”


The corners of his mouth twitched, and Li Wei lit up his left fist, raised his chin and threatened:

“You look at my fist and say it again?”

Immediately, everyone shut up!

Subsequently, Levi walked into the guild.

He suddenly noticed.

In the corner, a red-faced, drunken Kildas lay on a long table, snorting and sleeping.

There are also many beer bottles and wooden barrels scattered around.

“What’s going on with Kildas?”

With a frown on his brow, Levi wrapped his arms around his chest and asked Leo.

“Oh, he’s out of love!”

Leo explained briefly why.

“I’ve been drinking since two days ago, and I haven’t stopped.”

Gray, who had only a pair of pants off, added.

“Well, love is decadent, alas…”

Shaking his head and sighing, Li Wei walked to the front desk, sat on a high chair, and cocked Erlang’s legs.

Just pour a glass of cold beer ready to quench your thirst.

Leo raised his hands, punched his left palm with his right fist, and smiled

“Big brother, do you want to add more ice?”

Oh, this little brother is really good!

However, Levi pays more attention to his gestures:

“Did you change your hands and cast the spell?”

Leo grinned, revealing a neat mouth of white teeth:

“Hey hey, after all, the master seriously told me before he left, for which she also smoked me…”

At the end of the conversation, he turned his head, his face full of black lines, very low.

It seems that the beating is very unbearable…


Levi shook his glass.

Immediately, Leo’s hands glowed white.

Creates square blocks of ice from the void.

“Ding-ding” fell into Levi’s barrel glass.

Levi savored it comfortably….

Here, the new Elusa is also surrounded by members of the Demon Tail Guild.

The crowd asked every word you said, twittering.

But Alyssa was so shy that she didn’t say a word.

She clutched the corners of her skirt with both hands, biting her lower lip, her cheeks red as apples, as if they were about to drip water.

In the end, I really couldn’t stand the interrogation of everyone.

Alyssa gritted her teeth and pushed the two away.

She ran toward Levi and hid behind him.

Revealing half a head, peering into the crowd, a little girl pose.

Compared with the future goblin queen, the current Elusa is just a timid ordinary girl.


PS: Sorry, deleted a chapter not very well written daily, so the update came late.

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