Sitting in the high chair, Levi turned back.

He looked condescendingly, looked at Alyssa hiding behind him, and asked

“What, scared?”

Timidly hiding, Alyssa looked up slightly and sipped Sakura’s lips

“That, sort of…”

She was an orphan since she was a child, and after being caught in the Tower of Paradise, she worked all day and suffered a lot.

Now it is treated with so much enthusiasm by so many people.

It was overwhelming for Alyssa.


Breathing softly, Levi propped his elbows on the back bar.

He looked up, a pair of golden eyes reflecting the noisy people in front of him, and said indifferently:

“Don’t be afraid, although these guys can’t be trusted by one or two, at least they are not bad in nature.”

With that, Levi raised his chin, his throat knotted, and gulped down his beer.

Spent a year and a half in the Demon Tail Guild.

He also had some feelings for these people.

The gold nest and the silver nest are not as good as their own kennel.

Maybe that’s the feeling…

“Well, thank you…”

Nodding slightly, Alyssa raised her eyes slightly, looking timidly at the noisy strangers.

Although it was arguing, there was a warm feeling that attracted her.

She wasn’t resisting, she just didn’t know how to fit in.

Here, after some quarrel, everyone came over to apologize to Alyssa.

“I’m sorry, Elusa, we scared you.”

“Yeah, can you forgive us?”

“I’m really, really sorry!!”


Sincere apologies in the face of everyone.

Alyssa was at a loss and hurriedly waved her hand to explain:

“You don’t have to apologize to me, but I just took the plunge, and I should apologize to you.”

“Oh, not necessarily!”

“That said, Elusa Sauce, you’re not afraid.”

“Mm-hmm, that’s right, that’s right!”

After some laughter, the distance between the two sides was shortened.

“All in all, introduce yourself again. My name is Rebbe Markgarden, please advise! ”

A petite and lovely Rebbe with aqua blue hair, she generously handed out her hands.

“My name is Kana Arupelona, please advise.”

Kana raised the card in Young’s hand.

“I’m Birgitta Ike.”

A brown-haired pony-tailed boy introduces himself by dancing.

“Leo Bastia…”



One after another, the crowd introduced themselves.

Like a lit lamp, it dispelled the heavy haze in Elusa’s heart.

Her clear eyes were filled with tears, and she was extremely moved.

Sobbing her nose and wiping her eyes, Alyssa shook Rebi’s hand:

“Thank you, my name is Elusa, please advise.”

Her cherry lips raised a pretty smile, as pure as a blooming pear blossom.

Hearing this, Rebi tilted her small head and showed a hint of doubt on her face:

“Elusa? Don’t have a last name? ”

“Uh, no…”

Alyssa pursed her lips and shook her head.

“Well, shall we help you with one?”

Rebi smiled.

“Is this good…”

“What’s so bad about that? So, name the battle for Alyssa and start now! ”

Rebbe’s right hand was held high, calling on everyone.

“Naming the Great Battle? How does that sound so silly? ”

Li Wei, who was drinking cold beer, complained lightly.

“Do you have any comments?”

Squinting her eyes at him, Rebby pursed her small mouth and asked tastefully.

“Yeah, do you have any complaints about Rebbie’s proposal?”

The little Jet of the same team, with his hands crossed at the waist, questioned.

“It just is!”

Troy, still on the same team, echoed the same voice.

“No, just be happy.”

Shaking his head, Li Wei calmly did not look over his face, Gu Zi drank cold beer.

Immediately, the crowd began to give Alyssa a surname.

“Well, I’ll come first, how about calling Cecilia?”

Reby: “Aren’t you supposed to be a joke that Elusa Sauce is crying with her eyes hazy?” ”

“Exposed, worthy of being Rebby…”

“What’s the name Jackson?” This is the last name of a famous dancer! ”

Dancing Bigeita proposes.

“Tell Hill to be a little better, give people a sense of composure.”


Everyone said a word to me, and took dozens of surnames.

Finally Rebi asked Elusa :

“Which name do you like?”

This left Alyssa with difficulty in choosing and not knowing how to choose.

Thinking about it, she had to turn her eyes to Levi for help

“That, Levi, which surname do you think is better?”

Li Weijian, who has been silently eating melons, raised an eyebrow:

“Huh? Casually, whoever just said ‘Scarette’ is good. ”

This made Rebi grit her teeth:

“I’m really sorry for the ‘who’s!”

Good guys have known each other for more than a year, and this guy doesn’t even bother to remember the name!

“Well, let’s call it Scarlet…”

With her right hand holding the crimson bangs on her cheeks, Alyssa blushed slightly and smiled with her head down.

This made the guild crowd unable to calm down, and whispered.

“Hey, how does this reaction look a little wrong?”

“Yeah, she wouldn’t be in love with Levi, would she?”

“Isn’t it! Is this how it is done? That’s hell! ”

“Hurry up! Who acted as a warrior to save Alyssa from the clutches of the dragon? ”

Suddenly, two icy eyes swept in:

“What are you talking about?”

Li Wei asked in a deep voice.

“Huh? No, we’re happy that Alyssa joined the guild! ”

One person immediately denied it.

“Yes! Everyone, toast to Alyssa joining the guild! ”

The other hurriedly raised a glass and shifted the subject.

“Cheers to Elusa joining the guild!!”

Guild people, raise a glass in celebration.

“Well, that’s okay.”

With that, Levi poured another cask of beer and handed it to Alyssa

“Give, celebrate with them.”

Suddenly, the crowd was not calm:

“Hey! Levi, what are you doing? Elusa is still young! ”

“That’s it! You didn’t teach bad Kana enough, do you want to harm a girl again!? ”

“I’m not the one he taught badly!”

“Elusa sauce, absolutely can’t drink it!”

Guild members denounced one after another.

However, Alyssa stubbornly said:

“Me, I can drink, don’t worry.”

For her, when everyone is celebrating, she must not stop drinking!

With that, Alyssa gulped.

And then…


Just drank it twice, and the bitter cold feeling directly made her squirt out.

And this mouthful of beer, good to die, sprayed on Li Wei’s face!

For an instant, the entire lobby was silent.

Li Wei’s face was full of black lines: Day!


PS: The contract has been issued, written to the shelves, asking for a wave of flowers and tickets.

PS2: Since last night, the liver has been faintly painful, and it was pieced together to write this chapter.

Lately seems to be too tired, the next few days as far as possible to update it, to all readers to say sorry! (bow .jpg).

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