[PS: The previous chapter was stuck for review, and the harmonious version has been issued related to the works].

Afterwards, Alyssa apologized to everyone.

Rebby helped her put on the crystal pendant again.

Wearing a white dress, Elusa walked up.

She folded her hands around her lower abdomen and sipped her small mouth:

“How’s it going, Levi, is it good-looking?”

Alyssa lowered her head slightly and asked very reservedly.

Levi, who was drinking a milkshake, looked back:

“Huh? Oh, it looks good. ”

He replied casually, with a very perfunctory attitude.

However, Alyssa took it seriously, her face was slightly red, and the corners of her mouth were shallow and raised:

“Well, thank you…”

Under the red wine and green lights, the young girl with green hair gently caressed the rose red crystal stone on her chest.

A sweet feeling slowly dissolves in the heart….

Behind her, the demon tail crowd was full of black lines and full of resentment.

Rebbe holding a dirty doll:

Alyssa sauce, what do you thank him for that bastard?

Jet clutching a bad alarm clock:

That is, no one will say that what they send is not pretty.

Troy, holding a pile of broken ceramics:

That’s a ‘3000J’ stall, although mine is also a stall…


Others think the same way.

A thought of revenge arose in the hearts of everyone.

“Speaking of a little time, why don’t you go to Li Wei’s house and see how about it?”

With a somber face and an index finger, Jeter proposed.

“That’s right, Levi, you shouldn’t mind, right?”

The heart comprehended, and Troy echoed.

“Huh? This is no problem. ”

With an eyebrow raised, Li Wei very generously agreed to come down.

“Then let’s go, Elusa Sauce, the Levi family is still quite big!”

Smiling, Rebi took Alyssa’s forearm and walked past Levi with the rest of the group toward his house.

The faces of the people invariably floated a vicious smile of ‘plan to pass the rope’.

At this time, Li Wei in the rear said coldly:

“But if you dare to wreak havoc in my house, don’t try to stand and walk out.”

In an instant, the crowd froze in place, and a vicious cold crept up on their backs.

They felt as if they were being watched by the god of death, and they turned their heads back and said in unison:

“Oh, I, we know, we understand…”

The so-called idea of revenge has long been swept away!


After that, everyone came to Li Wei’s house together.

“Great !!!”

Her eyes widened, and Alyssa couldn’t help but cover her mouth in surprise.

What a home this is, this is clearly a manor!

It covers tens of thousands of square meters and is in the heart of Margunolia!

It goes without saying how high the value is!

“Don’t be surprised, Elusa sauce, though I was surprised when I first knew…”

As she spoke, Rebbe clasped her right fist in front of her, gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, shook her head, and shed tears of indisputable anger.

I remember that at the beginning, she asked Levi how much money he spent on the manor.

That’s what the guy answered:

“Not much, just 500 million J points, a few small goals, do more SS-level tasks will be.”

Listen up! Is this a human word?

At this time, Jeter comforted a sentence:

“Big husband, Rebi Sauce, as long as we work together for a lifetime, buying a villa of one-tenth size is still affordable!”

Troy angrily rebuked:

“You fuck off! It was I who worked hard with Rebi Sauce! ”

Jeter-for-tat :

“What do you say? Want to fight? ”

Seeing that the two were about to fight on the spot.

Rebi waved her hand boredly:

“Sorry, I don’t have that kind of affection for you!”

Then take Elusa into the manor with you.

The two people who were abandoned on the spot chased after them with tears and mourning.

The crowd crossed the gate and followed the cobblestone road to a pure white building in the style of ancient Central Europe.

Walking in, on the first floor is a grand ballroom.

Even if hundreds of people dance together, it will not be crowded.

On the second floor is a whole bunch of rooms.

The left is full of snacks, wine, drinks, pickled food.

On the right, there are many mission materials, souvenirs, and several clothing storage rooms.

“You have more clothes, women?”

Pushing open the door of a brand new cloakroom, Rebi couldn’t help but complain.

Levi’s clothes are not counted by pieces.

Instead, it is calculated intermittently.

At least a thousand pieces!

To this, he just shrugged his shoulders helplessly:

“No way, the frequency of bursts has increased recently, so I have wholesaled hundreds of more sets.”

Because the strength is too strong, it often breaks the clothes.

So every time Li Wei went out on a mission, he would bring a lot of luggage and clothes to prepare for changing at any time.

With a crooked corner of her mouth, Rebby slammed the door shut and glanced at him:

“You’re not afraid to put it for too long, and the size is too small to fit?”

After pouring a glass of wine, Levi said as he tasted it


“Don’t worry about this, I specially let the tailor master increase the size of 5 yards of customization, put it for a year or two is no problem.”

With her hands crossed at the waist, Rebi rolled her eyes:

“No wonder you have been pulling your crotch a lot lately!”

Levi: “…”

Is it worth being a reader?

Turn the corner and curse people one way after another!

Look at him eating dumb losses, with the embarrassment of suffering that cannot be said.

Rebi couldn’t help but cover her mouth and smile.

Then she took Alyssa’s hand and walked towards the third floor with her feet full of joy and refreshment.


PS: Ask for flowers and ask for tickets….

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