Manor house, everyone walked up to the third floor.

A huge open-air garden comes into view.

The flowers in full bloom are gently swaying under the night breeze, and the fragrance of flowers is seductive.

The moonlight shines on this garden, adding a bit of mysterious and hazy feeling, which is beautiful.

In the center, there is also a pure white round table, parasols, and recliners for the host to drink afternoon tea.

Sitting on the recliner, Levi put on sunglasses with one hand and basked in the moonlight bath.

Then with a glass of ice on his hand, he sipped the straw and said incoherently:

“Well, after reading it, you can go back and remember to bring it with you!”

This arrogant attitude made everyone protest.

Jeter: “Are you in such a hurry to drive us away?” ”

Kana: “That said, let’s have a ride, shall we?” ”

Reby: “Don’t be so stingy, it will look like you’re low!” ”

It is rare to come to such a large villa, of course, they have to have fun for a while before they have fun.

“Hey, it’s not your turn to be a poor guy to pick me up!”

Biting the straw, Levi skimmed his lips contemptuously.

Subsequently, another small gathering of demon tails was held in the garden on the third floor.

The crowd played cards, shook the dice, played flying chess… Exhilaration.

As the master, Li Wei was also involved.

This pastime comes once in a while, and it is still very pleasant.

The party lasted until after 11 o’clock.

The crowd walked side by side along the main road and left Levi’s villa.

“Ah, I had a really good time today.”

Troy held the back of his head with both hands and looked up at the bright moon, a satisfied face.

“This plum is really good, Rebi sauce, do you want to try it?”

With that, Jeter handed Rebi a packet of unsealed plums.

“Thanks, but I already have it.”

With a smile, Rebbe showed several packets of unopened snacks in her left hand.

And in her right hand, there was a packet of cold fruits that were being eaten.

Jeter was stunned:

“Uh, Rebi Sauce, you shouldn’t have ‘taken’ it yourself?”

“Hee-hee, who called that guy the pillow I gave to Elusa fall to the ground?” Ahem~! ”

Closing her eyes, Rebi crossed her hands at her waist, raised her chin proudly, and snorted softly with her nose.

After everyone had a pack of snacks, Levi went straight to the shower.

Taking advantage of the other party’s lack of attention, she took a few packs of snacks before leaving.

“Yeah, yeah, my gift fell to the ground too!”

“Mine too…”

“My Rakshasa matryoshka doll too…”

The crowd chimed in, each showing off several packs of snacks.

Of these, Kana is the most, with 10 packs!

“Uh, you’re all at your fingertips?”

Jeter and Troy spoke in unison, stunned.

“Yeah, don’t you have one?”

The crowd cast puzzled glances.

Jeter who took only a pack of dried plums: “…”

Troy, who had already finished his snack: “…”

Nima, the grain is abundant without himself, this wave of blood loss!

“Speaking of which, where is the Elusa sauce?”

At this time, only one person raised his hand in doubt.

“Uh… It’s true!! Where did Alyssa go? ”

Only then did the crowd realize that something was wrong and looked around in panic.

“She can’t be lost, will she!?”

Bigeta clutched her brain in both hands, panicked.

What if Elusa is abducted again!

At this time, another person remembered:

“No, I remember she didn’t come out of the villa with us!”

“Wait! Isn’t that worse than being lost? ”

The mood of the crowd had changed from panic to despair.

You know, Elusa has a crush on Levi.

However, they can’t believe it, the favorability level is actually full!

Staying alone in Levi’s house, she wouldn’t be planning to send blood!?

No, no, no, Elusa, don’t do anything stupid!



Here, Li Wei, who had just finished taking a shower, walked out of the bathroom and sneezed.

Greeted by Alyssa who was waiting for him, he couldn’t help but frown:

“Why haven’t you gone back yet?”

With a shy, she sipped Sakura’s lips.

Alyssa plucked up her courage, clasped her hands on her chest, and raised her eyes to look seriously at Levi:

“I, I want you to teach me magic, can I?”

Since the tail of the goblin has been added.

Then she also consciously wanted to become a qualified magician.

And this powerful teenager in front of him is a good object to learn!

Looking at the girl’s serious childish face, Li Wei couldn’t help but smile:

“Oh, I don’t know that thing, how can I teach you?”

With that, he turned off the bathroom lights and strode away past the other side.

Alyssa looked confused:

“Eh!? But you’re that good, aren’t you? ”

She hurried to catch up with the other person’s figure.

“Who rules that powerful people must be able to do magic?”

While drying his hair, Levi asked nonchalantly.

Although the physical strength is very strong, the magic power in the body is not weak.

But he had never learned a single magic yet!

“So how did you become so powerful?”

Blinking her puzzled eyes, Alyssa was even more puzzled.

“I can’t teach this, and you turned me around.”

Opening the door of the cloakroom, Levi pointed to Elusa and gave an order.

He broke the life limiter, but the other party did not.

Neither is the same species, how can it be taught?

Alyssa turned obediently.

She leaned her back against the wall and smacked her mouth humbly:

“Then why did you become so strong?” Or is it innate power? ”

The girl squeezed the rough rose red crystal on her chest and waited for the other party’s answer.

However, Li Wei in the garment room never said a word.

After changing his clothes, he looked up at the bright moon outside the window and said with a deep face


“To protect yourself and what you hold dear.”

For this wish, he sacrificed emotional intelligence in the first place.

Although I don’t know, what is at the end of that infinite strengthening.

But Levi knew that the weak had no right to choose heaven or hell, only the right to be chosen!

“Is this so…”

Alyssa murmured in a low voice and squeezed the crystal stone slightly.

Yes, becoming strong is not the goal.

The real purpose is to protect yourself and the people around you.

Grandpa Rob, Rebey, Kana, Jeter… The entire Demon Tail Guild, and… He.





Just then, the midnight bell rang.

Li Wei, who had changed into his pajamas, stepped out of the storage room and crossed his waist with one hand:

“Okay, now that you’re all right, let’s go back!”


The corners of her mouth rose quietly, and Alyssa nodded.

Then she tiptoed to the ground, turned around, narrowed her eyes into a crescent moon, and showed a bright smile to Levi:

“Thank you, Levy.”

Eyebrows slightly raised, Levi shrugged his shoulders boredly:

“Thank you for what I’m doing?” I didn’t do anything again, and when I went back, I remembered not to be kidnapped.

Although there are no ghost legends in the city, human traffickers are still infested every five minutes. ”


At the mention of the word, Alyssa couldn’t help but shiver, afraid of being caught in the Tower of Paradise again.

She trembled and said:

“That, Levy, can you send me back?”

Levi flatly refused:

“No, thanks, I’m going to bed, I don’t have time to run with you!”

“…… So, can that make me stay at your house for one night? ”

“Oh, that’s fine, but I only have one bed at home, so you’ll sleep on the floor for the night.”

Elusa: “…”

Night, quietly passing.

The next day, the sun rose as usual….


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets….

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