Go back in time.

Three days ago, after completing everything and returning to Margunolia.

Makarov immediately took Levi and the others.

Head to the depths of the forest to the east to visit a consultant pharmacist with top medical skills.

Boom boom!

Makarov knocked on the door, and not long after, the wooden door opened.

An elegant elderly woman dressed in a red robe is revealed.

“Yo, old lady, good morning!”

As soon as they met, Li Wei raised his hand to say hello.

As soon as she saw the face of this little devil, Polusika immediately lost her temper and angrily rebuked:

“Get out! How could you stinky boy come to me! ”

With one hand crossed his waist, Li Wei tilted the corner of his mouth with a bored face:

“You think I want to, this old man dragged me hard!”

As he spoke, he pointed with his thumb to Makarov next to him.

Polusika immediately gave Makarov a look of great anger and resentment.

She looked gloomy and dark, and said in a cold threatening voice:

“Makarov! Do you want to die? ”

Just bring humans here.

Also bring Li Wei, the bastard ghost!

Is he tired of being crooked?

Do you really think my medicine can’t kill people?

“Well, don’t get angry, I’ll show you a person.”

Squinting and smiling, Makarov pressed down with both hands, signaling the other party to calm down.

Polusika lashed out in anger:

“Look at who! I don’t welcome humans here! ”

“Hey hey, don’t be so decisive, this is an old acquaintance, Rob, hurry up!”

With that, Makarov pulled Rob, who was dressed in a simple robe, over.

“Uh, huh, Polosica, long time no see…”

Rob, who had to be white, carried the back of his head and said hello very awkwardly.

Seeing this face that was much haggard compared to the memory.

Bolusika was slightly angrier, crossed her waist with one hand, and said with a straight face:

“Rob? It’s been a long time coming, you came this time… Wait, what’s going on with your magic! ”

The Rob in front of him was not just a little haggard.

His body was slumped, his bones were skinny, and he didn’t have a few teeth left!

In particular, the magic in the body, like a candle in the wind, may be extinguished at any time.

It was completely half a foot into the coffin!

Years of not seeing, what happened to this guy?

Smoking big cigarettes, soaking women, indulging in excessive sex?

No wonder this idiot looks embarrassed!

Now that you remember to let yourself save him?

Stinky men are a virtue!

However, it turned out that she guessed wrong.

Makarov and Pollosika carefully explained Rob’s tragic fate.

Selling to her again, it was Rob who was rescued by Levi.

Involuntarily, Polusika looked at Levi in disbelief:

“You’re going to save people!?”


With a cold smile, Li Wei very kindly raised his middle finger to her.

“You little devil! I%#*!#$…”

Polusika was furious like an active volcano erupting.

Rob rushed up to stop her.

Makarov also hurriedly pulled Levi away, with an obscure face.

Originally, I wanted Bolyucica to change her mind about this boy.

But it turned out that he still overestimated Levi’s temperance!

When Polusika temporarily suppressed the anger.

She looked again under the tree in the distance, followed Levi’s Elusa, and asked Rob:

“What is that red-haired girl here for?”

“Oh, she’s the child I took care of in the Tower of Paradise…”

Rob explains his relationship with Elusa.

Immediately, Bolusika crossed her hands and bent down to look down at Rob with a grim face and asked:

“You’re not going to wait for her to grow up and do something to her, are you?”

Elusa’s childish face is beautiful, and she is completely a beautiful embryo!

This old and immodest, will not plan the old cow to eat tender grass, right?

Rob hurriedly waved his hand and explained with a look of embarrassment:

“How could it be, at that time, I didn’t even know when I would be able to escape from heaven…”

“It’s also …”

Standing up straight, Polusika looked at Elusa again.

The girl was smiling next to Li Wei!

Involuntarily, the anger suppressed by Bolusika surged into his throat again.

She pointed to Rob and said coldly with a straight face:

“You’d better do it to her!”

Then he turned around and entered the wooden house.

In her opinion, Elusa this cabbage.

Even if the old cow eats tender grass.

It’s also better than being arched by Levina’s!


Rob looked embarrassed and didn’t know what to say.

I had to silently follow her into the wooden house.


Half an hour later.

Here, Li Wei leaned back against the tree, wrapped his hands around his chest, and closed his eyes to pretend to sleep.

Lin Hai clanged.

The trivial light and shadow are like elves.

Lively and throbbing on his handsome face.

The breeze came and stroked his bangs, silent and quiet.

In the embrace of nature, it always feels like your soul has been washed away.

It’s actually good to experience this feeling once in a while….

Suddenly, an ethereal whisper broke the tranquility:

“Now, Levy, do you see that the garland I have woven looks good?”

The curtain lifted slightly, and Li Wei looked lazily.

Elusa did not know when, ran to the forest to weave a wreath for herself.

Putting it on her head, she gently raised her hands and swirled around Levi.

The plain white long skirt has a light hem and long dark hair.

Like a forest fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world.

“Well, not bad.”

Nodding, Li Wei casually replied.

“Hee-hee, thank you, in fact, I made one up for you, do you want to wear it?”

With that, Alyssa pulled out another wreath from behind.

However, this wreath of flowers was bumpy, and there were no more flowers on it.

On the contrary, there are a lot of green leaves, which look like a green hat!

Levi: “…”

Rub, you little chick want me to be crowned king?

“Want to try it?”

With a blushing face, Alyssa carried a green leaf wreath in both hands, raised her head, and looked at Li Wei with a look of hope.

The corners of his mouth stammered, and Levi stretched out his hands and naturally took the wreath.

Then lift it up and put it on for Elusa!

“Actually, I think it’s good that you wear two garlands!”

Let go of his hands, Li Wei commented calmly.

“Well, wouldn’t that be ugly?”

Alyssa touched the double garland above her head with some surprise.

She had specially woven two garlands.

One for himself, one for Levi…

“No, it looks good!”


Alyssa blinked doubtfully.

“Well, that’s true!”

With his hands around his chest, Li Wei’s eyes bent into crescents, and he smiled.


PS: Ask for flowers and tickets….

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