Time flies, and the years fly by.

In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed.

During this time, the Demon Tail Guild grew a lot.

Many new people were added, and the guild site was expanded again, making it more luxurious and magnificent.

The port of Margunolia.

A long-haired girl with long dark hair in silver and white armor.

Pulling a large cart of luggage and booty, he stepped off the giant ship.

People around them were watching.

“Oh! Isn’t this Elusa? Got back from a mission again? ”

“I heard that this is a Class A mission, to fight a monster that destroyed several villages.”

“Did one person do it?” Elusa sauce is amazing! ”

“It is a wonderful girl to become an outstanding magician at such a young age, but it is a pity that my son is not angry, alas…”

The townspeople along the way expressed their amazement.

At the same time, she greeted Elusa and was very warm and friendly.

The spirited girl laughed and waved her hand to the crowd:

“Oh, thank you, but I’m still far from Li Weibi.”

Suddenly, the faces of the crowd froze and they were terrified

“Elusa, are you serious about that?”

“Yeah, that kind of monster is not comparable to humans at all!”

“If you are targeting him, I advise you to give up as soon as possible!”

“Yes, yes, yes…”

In the face of the kind advice of the residents, Alyssa did not comment.

She bowed her head slightly, her fingers pinching the rose red crystal pendant on her chest.

A sweet shallow smile, quietly rising from the corner of the lips….


Not long after, Elusa returned to the guild and pushed open the gate:

“I’m back!”

As soon as I pushed open the door, a chaotic scene of ruins came into view.

The guild is in disarray, and the demons and tails are arguing with each other and fighting with each other.

“A son is more reliable than a daughter!” Romeo must have a chance when he grows up! ”

Maka’o grabbed Vakaba by the collar and lashed out.

“The daughter is cuter than the son! You are not envious! ”

Wakaba also grabbed the other person’s hair in disdain.

“Let me do a dance for everyone to extinguish the fire… Uh puff! ”

Bijita, who was just about to dance, was smashed on the spot by a barrel of unknown origin.

“Gray/Leo!! Ice Shape——! ”

Leo both took off their shirts at the same time, punched their left palms with their right fists, and drank countless ice rays.

Bang! Bang!

Gritting her teeth, Elusa punched one by one and fell to the ground!

“You two give me a good time!”

Then, she grabbed the void with her right hand, raised a silver-white sword, and shouted at the crowd

“Whoever dares to continue fighting, stand up for me, and I will be your opponent!”

The domineering spirit is exposed, and the cold light seeps into people.

For a moment, the guild crowd stopped their hands and broke out in a cold sweat.

“Oh! Elusa, you’re back! ”

“We didn’t fight, we just quarreled a little louder!”

“Yeah, yeah, huh…”

Seeing these people stop fighting together, Alyssa withdrew her sword.

She crossed her hands at her waist and said in a serious voice:

“Call ——, you guys, you’re all a guild, how can you fight all day?” Let’s be serious! ”

Then Alyssa pointed to the corner:

“Kana, you’re drinking beer again, can you have a girl’s look?”


Kana looked embarrassed and put down her barrel glass.

“Wakaba, the soot from your fight has fallen to the ground!”

Immediately, Wakaba was so frightened that he immediately flashed away, took a broom and a garbage shovel and swept it away.

“Makao, I heard the townspeople say that your son was born, congratulations!”

“Oh, thank you for the Elusa sauce.”

Makao smiled and picked up the back of his head.

However, Alyssa turned sharply, glared at him seriously, and said fiercely:

“But! Fights in guilds are never allowed! ”

“Yes, yes…”

Maka’o lowered his head and looked at himself with a blank face.

“Finally you two, Gray! Leo! ”

Alyssa pinched her finger knuckles and crackled.

Her face was full of black lines, looking down at the two strippers at her feet, and said coldly:

“I heard rumors during the trip that you have caused trouble to the client again during the mission!”

Lying on the ground, the two people rolling their eyes answered in a voice that was about to lose their breath

“Yes, very sorry…”

“And remember to put on your clothes, the quality of the whole street has been pulled down by you!”

With a command, Elusa strode past the two.

The two men said in unison: “Yes…”

Afterwards, Elusa walked into the middle of the lobby.

She looked around at the messy guild and couldn’t help but sigh.

Although this hilarity is also the reason why he likes the tail of the goblin.

But every time I go back to the guild, it’s like going back to the garbage dump, which is really a headache.

“You all give me a good reflection!”

With that sentence down, Alyssa walked to a corner.


The guild members answered in unison.

Looking at her sharp back, the crowd was terrified and whispered:

“Elusa’s breath is getting closer and closer.”

“Yeah, the lovely girl of the past is gone!”

“The character of the president and Mr. Rob’s education, the way Li Wei educates fights, ah, don’t think about the future days…”

The crowd sighed.

Alyssa is growing into a new monster.

Taking into account Levi’s force, Makarov’s character.

A monster named Wind Discipline Examiner!


PS: Ask for flowers and ask for tickets….

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