King Adelas, the Heritage Park of the East.

A black shadow approached at high speed in the air.

Finally, like a shooting star, the sound of “boo” landed on the ground.

As the dust flew, Li Wei raised his hand and swept away the dust around him.

He looked up slightly, looking at the deserted area around him.

Very few people come here to visit.

No one will know that there are enough weapons to destroy the world buried here!

And the magic weapon that almost destroyed Aydras at one point.

Right in front of you…

From that huge spherical steel armor.

An arrogant and hoarse voice came out:

“Hmm, boy, are you alone?”

Fast asked arrogantly.

Although this little ghost in front of him, stepped forward from the air.

But he didn’t care much.

It’s just with the help of magic items! Who wouldn’t?

Levi twisted his neck and made a crackling sound.

As he moved his muscles and bones, he said:

“I’m enough for me.”

There was a faint sarcasm in his voice.

A little domineering, but also a little proud.

Also did not put the other person in the eyes!

For the arrogant attitude of teenagers.

Fast, inside the cockpit of the mech, couldn’t help but smile:

“Huh! It is true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

That being the case, then I’ll deal with you first.

Deal with those pests in the palace! ”

As he spoke, he twisted the joystick with both hands.

Snap! Snap! Snap! ……

Huge chains shattered.

The whole huge spherical armor, suspended up.

The sharp lines around him began to glow with dazzling white light.

Click! Click, click! Click, click!

The mech twisted and deformed, and two dragon claws and giant feet slammed into the floor.

Bang! Bang!

The earthquake trembled.

A giant silver-white tail roared into the sky.

Two huge claws spread out viciously to the sides.

His eyes suddenly burst into a scarlet crystal light.

A huge dragon-shaped head, looking up at the sky and screaming:


Sharp and piercing, and awe-inspiring like a dragon’s roar, resounding through the long sky!

Accompanied by a deafening roar.

Fast’s almost frantic cry came out:

“Boy, remember at the end of your life that the power of the king is absolute! Inviolable! ”

Before the words could be heard, the Dragon Knight was under his control, swinging his giant claws and smashing them fiercely.

In the face of the huge sharp dragon claws, Li Weihun indifferently stammered:

“Oh, shhh

Then jump gently.

Like a white crane flapping its wings lightly.

Easily dodge the deadly swoop of a poisonous snake.

Then, he just looked at the dragon knight in front of him.

Honestly, this style of painting disappointed Li Wei slightly.

You see how handsome the cosmic star god is, it really can’t work, you can become a Cybertron!

However, the good villain Gundam is a man’s romance.

So he doesn’t ask for too much.

After all, Zagu’s appearance is not high enough…

Seeing a blow in the air, Fast was slightly surprised:

“Huh? Actually dodged, really a loach-like little ghost! ”

Before he could finish speaking, he manipulated the mech and slammed the giant tail behind him!


The huge dragon’s tail slammed into it.


Raise your left hand to stop the dragon’s tail.

The corners of Li Wei’s mouth evoked a faint hint of mockery:

“Old fellow, my loach can eat people!”

Then with a flick of strength, grab the dragon’s tail and throw the entire mech out of the forest a thousand meters away!

Countless trees were blown down along the way, and a burst of debris flew over!

In a few moments, the Dragon Knight rolled over and shook his head twice.

Fast’s face was incredulous:

“How is it possible that not only is the speed superior, but also such a powerful force!?”

He had thought that Levi was just a weak chicken with empty speed.

However, this bare-handed throws backhanded.

Just throw the heavy and huge Dragon Knight a kilometer away.

Let Fast have to be vigilant!

Here, Li Wei plucked out his ears and shouted with a bored face:

“Hey! Old fellow, I haven’t used any strength yet, shouldn’t you stop cooking so soon? ”

It is said that Fast not only gritted his teeth:

“Hey, stinky little devil, the net will be fast!” Pick up the move, the dragon horse bullet launches! ”

He slammed his hands over the lever.

With a click, the scales on the back moved, revealing a dense shell opening.

Bang bang bang bang bang —

Bang bang bang bang bang —

One by one, the guns burst into fierce fire.

Countless dragon mounted bullets roared out, piercing through the clouds and scrambling to attack Levi!

Here, Levi shuttled back and forth through the void, dodging one shell after another.

But it wasn’t over, he just ducked away.

The shells were turned one by one.

It was as if he had grown eyes and chased him back again!

“Well, tracking?”

Skimming his lips, Levi stepped into the void.

Quickly cross a kilometer and come to Fast.

Then he grabbed the Dragon Knight’s huge head with both hands and slammed his backhand at the batch of missiles behind him.

Boom boom————!! boom

In an instant, countless missiles exploded behind the Dragon Knight.

Flames and smoke rose halfway up the sky!

Although these missiles only left some bullet marks on the Dragon Knight’s outer armor.

But Fast was already furious:

“Damn the little devil! Give me to die!! ”

In an instant, the Dragon Knight, who had been grabbed by Li Wei’s head, took a big mouthful.

Gollum – Boom!!!

In its mouth, an incomparably dazzling dappled light appeared.

Then spit it out!

It’s like a dragon roaring.

A stout beam of light that scorches everything along the way and evaporates!


A flash, Levi flashed to another angle of the sky before the roar came.

He looked down at the Dragon Knight who rolled down a few times and turned to get up.

Can’t help it, Li Wei’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a glimmer of interest flashed in his eyes:

“It seems that this time the toy can play a little longer.”

In the ensuing period.

The ruins park has a radius of tens of kilometers.

Shells were constantly being bombarded, and the sound of dragons roaring.

The surrounding mountains and forests are constantly being destroyed.

The movement here has also attracted the attention of other places.

Indigenous grandmothers not far away.

As soon as I saw the earth-shattering explosion on this side.

He immediately fled with his son.

The eastern part of the Wangcheng city has also been followed by a succession of residents.

There are even people who go up to the top floor and look at it with binoculars.

But more than that, it is the transcendent of the sky.

They live on floating islands thousands of meters above and slightly diluted with oxygen.

The transcendents who have always soared into the sky and overlooked the world, claiming to be angels, naturally noticed the movement below.

“Hey, look, in the direction of the ruins park, there is actually a dragon-shaped mech!”

A transcendent person points down.

“Huh? Really, who’s fighting it? ”

“Seems like a man with black hair?”

One female transcendent could not help but marvel:

“It’s so powerful, there can be a man among humans who fights with mechs?”

“Why don’t we cheer him up?”

“No, how do I look like he’s hanging that mech?”

“So are we going to refuel the mech?”

“No matter who you cheer on, this is a rare sight, go and ask everyone to come and see it together!”

A sky blue transcendent mobilizes the crowd.

“Well, well, I’ll go!”

“I’ll go too!”

“And me!”

Soon, a group of transcendents called on their friends and accompanied them to watch this rare and beautiful play.


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