The relics of the park, within a radius of tens of miles, smoke and smoke, the flames of war rise.

Levi fights with a silver-white mechanical tyrannosaurus.

It spits heavily.

Spray out earth-shattering mottled lasers.

Turn the forest thousands of kilometers ahead into a sea of fire!

And in the sky, one after another transcendent people came to watch the battle and eat melons.

“Oh! It’s so powerful, there really is a mechanical dragon eh! ”

A transcendent who had just flown in, looking down below, looked at it with amazement.

“So who is the man who fought with it?” Human Dragon Slayer Warrior? ”

Nearby, a red transcendent said curiously.

“But he didn’t hold any holy sword either!”

“I don’t look like it either, but listen, the voice inside that mech seems to be the king of mankind!”

Several transcendents listened in their ears.

“Really, could it be that the king is resisting the invaders?”

A cherry blossom transcendent wondered.

“Then should we cheer for him?”

“That must, come on! Lord King, who drives the mech! ”

A young transcendent, with his hands against his mouth, shouted with excitement.

“Come on! The grandfather of the dragon knight!!! ”

Other transcendents have also been encouraged.

Of course, they are all in the mood of the spectators to refuel.

In their view, this is nothing more than a struggle between the inferior races of human beings.

It’s like humans watching crickets, cockfights, dog fights.

It doesn’t matter who wins or loses.

As long as you can make yourself these cats, you can enjoy watching it!

After all, we are angels!

The cheers of the transcendents.

It all passed down to the ears of Fast, within the Dragon Knight.

He just thought it was extra harsh.

Damn, a bunch of transcendent beings.

Sooner or later, Lao Tzu will beat you down as a bird!

But now, first of all, solve this difficult little ghost in front of you!

Fasti controls the mech, and the Dragon Knight slams his claws into Levi.

But he was lightly jumped by the other party and easily dodged!

He couldn’t help but be annoyed:

“Abominable little devil! What the hell are you!? ”

I never knew that there were such powerful human beings in this world.

Moreover, this little devil’s right shoulder also has a fiery red Demon Tail Guild Emblem!

Stepping on the moon and hovering in mid-air.

Li Wei tilted his head and said coldly:

“Asland, you should know, right?”

Hearing this, Fast frowned and hesitated:

“Asland… You’re the one over there!? ”

The king suddenly realized.

No wonder! No wonder I never saw this little ghost in front of me, using any magic guide.

It turned out that he was a human being in that world over there.

A magician with infinite magic in his body and constantly regenerating!

In this way, the other party has such a strong combat effectiveness, it also makes sense.

In the world over there, after discovering Anima, it sent such a powerful little ghost to deal with itself, right?

Hum! It just so happens that I also need samples from another world.

To study why life in another world, the magic in the body can be infinitely regenerated.

A sample with powerful magic is undoubtedly extremely valuable!

“If that’s the case, let’s show you the boundless power of the Dragon Knight!!”

With a roar, Fast’s engine armor.

In an instant, the silver-white mechanical dragon sprang up countless black-purple magic around it.

It was as if a huge gravitational body suddenly appeared.

The atmosphere and land within a radius of hundreds of kilometers have spewed out inky purple magic, and they are attracted by the dragon knight’s mech!

In all directions, such as hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, ten thousand Buddhas coming to the court, and a series of surging magic exercises have gathered.

At the same time, the whole sky was gradually darkened…

Far away royal city, thousands of inhabitants.

Each of them looked up and looked at the countless purple-black magic flowing in the dark sky, one by one, with a look of panic.

“Hey, it was still sunny before, how did it suddenly become so dark?”

“What are those purple-black things flowing in the sky?”

“Just now I was inexplicably stunned, and now the sky has become so dark again…”

“Is it the end of the world!?”

“What happened in the forest on the other side of the east?”


The crowd looked to the east in horror.

The east side is no longer the beginning of the morning light, symbolizing the beginning of hope.

Rather, it is the birth of destruction, which is about to bring the source of despair!

In the Wangcheng Tower, Lucy and several people also ran out of the balcony and looked up at the Eastern Sky Dome.

“The sky is getting darker…”

Lisana tugged at the black collar on her chest.

She pursed her mouth, her pretty cheeks, and gradually became dignified.

“This is the ‘meteorite soul’…”

Bayro was also terrified, clutching his wand in his hand.

He had lived for almost ninety years.

It was the first time I had seen such a horrible scene.

This is the magic weapon that is listed as a forbidden type.

Once launched, it will turn the heavens and the earth into darkness, and the magic of the world will accelerate the depletion…

Nearby, Lucy pressed the balcony armrest with both hands, gritted her teeth slightly, and prayed:

“Levi… Be sure to kill it! ”

And here, the mechanical tyrannosaurus that had absorbed countless magic powers began to alienate.

The silvery-white surface of the body began to quickly become dark and deep.

With the blessing of incomparably huge magic, its form changes at a high speed.

It was originally a beast form of a tyrannosaurus.

After absorbing a huge amount of magic, he straightened his waist and transformed into a human form.

Its left wristband transforms into a long diamond-shaped shield.

The wristband of the right hand grows into a giant sword.

The giant tail behind the body grows to the back of the neck.

It looked like a knight’s single ponytail with long hair.

This is the Dragon Knight.

The first form is the Tyrannosaurus form.

The second form is the knight form!

Levi stepped on the canopy of a giant tree.

Half a kilometer away, the dark humanoid mech tens of meters high.

This, it seems, is the reason for the depletion of the world’s magic.

But when the magic is absorbed, when the mech attacks, won’t it be released?

This is a little weird.

Because…… Energy is not conserved!

Honestly, Levi has been a little weird.

The magic of this world, when used, disappears without a trace.

Where did the magic of disappearance go?

Before he could think about it, Fast shouted:

“Little devil, if you surrender now, I can spare your life!”

Hearing this, the corners of Li Wei’s mouth pulled up a touch of mockery:

“Oh, if you want to fight, what kind of nonsense!?”

“Hmm, toast not to eat the penalty wine, then let you eat some bitterness first!”

With a cold hum, Fast immediately swung his big sword and stabbed at it.

Although I want this kid to be a sample.

But his strength was enough to call it a humanoid weapon.

And refused to obey.

It’s a bit of a bit of a damage.

This is also a helpless thing…

And at the moment when the Dragon Knight struck.

Li Wei also attacked the past with a fist.

The two sides collided together, punching and kicking at high speed.

After a few rounds, they soared into the air together.

The two are running at high speeds and attacking each other.

Two streams of light collided violently in the pitch-black sky.

Lightning and thunder.

It’s like a battle of the last days.


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