The Guards were completely destroyed.

Thousands of transcendents were taken out and knocked over.

Let the transcendents can’t help but tremble with fear.

Just when the transcendents were timid and retreated step by step.

From the direction of the castle, a group of elders dressed in fancy robes slowly stepped out.

They are surrounded by a graceful and luxurious queen, walking on foot.

Suddenly, one by one, the transcendents showed surprise:

“Oh! Look, Her Majesty the Queen is coming! ”

“Great, Her Majesty the Queen! Please drive away this ferocious demon! ”

“That’s right, use your boundless magic to avenge your wounded people!”


Tens of thousands of transcendents, one after another, knelt down on their knees.

They prostrated their heads and prostrated themselves in unison, and the sound was tremendous.

And on Levi’s side, the fiery red transcendent.

As it knelt down, it glanced up at Li Wei obliquely, and a look of pride appeared on its face:

“Ah, human beings, when you see the gods, if you dare not kneel, just wait to be killed by the powerful magic of Her Majesty the Queen!”


Li Wei was dumbfounded, didn’t even look at it, and kicked this noisy transcendent into the air!

Suddenly, there was a condemnation of the transcendent around them.

But Levi turned a deaf ear at all.

Casually tossing the dying king aside, he wrapped his hands around his chest.

Li Wei looked at the so-called “Queen Majesty” from afar, and slowly approached.

She wore a magnificent brocade robe and was surrounded by countless white feathers.

He wears countless gold jewelry.

It looks like a vase dressed up by an extreme cat slave.

It is as if they call this female cat a god?

Although he killed a lot of demons, God had never killed it…

Li Wei squinted at Shaggett, and a look of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

If this female cat is really that good, find your own stubble.

He also doesn’t mind taking a moment to take his time.

Brush yourself up on the achievement of “God First Kill”!

Subsequently, Shagget, escorted by the elders, came a few meters in front of Li Wei.

Then she looked down slightly, sighed, and said softly:

“Everyone, please raise your head and listen quietly to me…”

It is said that many transcendents have raised their heads:

“Her Majesty the Queen? Do you have anything to announce? ”

A female transcendent wonders.

“Surely it is to destroy mankind!” After all, they have ruined our homeland! ”

The sky blue transcendent on the other end was indignant.

“Yes, Her Majesty the Queen must be casting a very powerful destructive magic to wipe out all mankind!”

Other transcendents echoed it.

A fierce female transcendent exclaimed:

“Shut up and listen quietly to Her Majesty the Queen!”

Suddenly, a middle-aged transcendent exclaimed:

“Wait, Your Majesty the Queen, what are you doing!?”

In the astonished gaze of the transcendent.

Shaggett took off his robe.

Then he took off the crown on his head and handed it to the elder next to him.

Then she unfolded the lone thin left wing.

With his hands folded over his lower abdomen, Shaggett bowed his head apologetically:

“I’m sorry, I’ve been deceiving everyone all along.

I am not a queen or a god, just an ordinary transcendent.

As you can see, I have only one wing, and I have no power to fight humans…”

In the face of absolute power, lies have no meaning.

So she chose to be open and honest.

At least their own citizens have the right to know the truth.

However, when the harsh truth is made public.

It’s like uncovering ugly scars.

The bloody facts make the transcendent people unbelievable.

“No way, it’s not true!”

“Yes, Her Majesty the Queen is a god!”

“Use your mighty power to wipe out humanity!”


One by one, the transcendent ones kept crying.

However, it is impossible to recover the broken lie.

Other elders also revealed their deep-seated reasons.

The Transcendent are a fragile race.

Long ago, they were nothing more than playthings that humans toyed with, caught, and hunted.

In order to protect themselves, the transcendents have chosen to construct false lies to deceive humanity.

Call yourself these transcendents and have great power.

Lies are not initially believed by humans.

But Shaggett has the power to fake lies: to predict the death of mankind!

In the end, a series of disgraceful manipulations were followed.

Humanity has finally grown fearful of the transcendent and worshipped them.

When lies are told too much, it is not only human beings who are deceived.

The transcendent himself is also immersed in the dream of so-called “powerful”.

More and more arrogant, become incomparably arrogant!

“So, it’s all our fault and has nothing to do with ordinary transcendents.

I hope you don’t blame them, and if you’re going to get angry, please throw all your anger on me! ”

With that, Shaggett knelt down on one knee toward Levi and bowed his head to plead guilty.

Looking down at this female cat, Li Wei had a flat face and a slight eyebrow:

“Really? I know. ”

With that, he walked up with cold steps.

Suddenly, the transcendents around him were startled.

“Don’t! Her Majesty the Queen! ”

“Mankind, I take back those rude words before, and please do not hurt Her Majesty the Queen!”

“Yes, it’s all our fault, if you want to punish, punish us!”

“We apologize to you!”


The transcendent cried and complained, sobbing, desperately begging for forgiveness.

No matter how cruel the truth is, it is the truth after all.

Her Majesty the Queen lied to this day for the sake of her transcendents, and will continue to sacrifice herself to atone for her sins.

This really made the people who have always admired her feel sad.

However, Levi was not at all impressed:

“No, it’s her fault!”

He walked over to Shaggett and crouched down.

Then he grabbed her ear with both hands, tugged it back and forth, and said coldly:

“I don’t deny that you lied to protect your fellow citizens.

But the people have become angry, and it is the fault of you who are in power to think about it! ”

In order to protect their own kindred spirits.

So deceive the foreigners.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

But let your own people become extremely proud.

There was no one in sight, wantonly insulting, and especially did not have the arrogant strength!

Whatever you think of this, it is the incompetence of the rulers!

Without that strength, I still like to pretend to be forced, isn’t this just waiting for the day!?

Even if there is no self today.

In the future, it will be either Zhang San or Li Si.

Someone will come and take down this group of transcendents!

Now it’s just retribution!

“This… Wrong! ”

“It’s not the Queen’s fault, it’s our lack of discipline!”

“Yes, we are all too drifting, please don’t hurt Her Majesty the Queen!”


The transcendents retorted.

One by one, they take the blame on themselves.

Here, Levi rubbed his hands on Shagart’s cheeks and scolded:

“I didn’t say you were not wrong, shut me up!”

A group of transcendents: “…”

Although he said it made a lot of sense.

But why does it always feel like something is wrong?

Suddenly, a transcendent noticed that:

“What are you doing to Her Majesty the Queen?”

They finally found out.

Levi didn’t punch and kick Shagart!

Instead, he kept rubbing her cheeks!

Hearing this, Li Wei glanced sideways and said casually:

“Flapping cats, haven’t you seen them?”

Then he changed his position again and kept stroking Shaggett’s head.

Honestly, Levi was also a cat slave.

Such a golden cat, he still saw it for the first time.

Don’t take the opportunity to pick it up, always feel like you missed something!


The transcendents were speechless.

These cats of their own, so revered, so honorable Her Majesty Queen Shagart.

Actually being toyed with by a human being, in public…

Honestly, it’s more desperate for cats than throwing them into a frying pan and cooking them!

This is a dimensionality reduction blow from the spiritual level.

His own ancestors before.

It is also played by humans in this way.

No wonder the elders lie at all costs…

Humans are such terrible creatures!


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